Aug 5, 2014

Cross Country Cookie

Cross Country & The Cookie

Dear Steve and Shirley: First, congratulations Shirley on your engagement. This letter is directed towards Steve because of his comedy days. Now, I have read both Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man, and Straight Talk No Chasers. I am following the rules setting standards and everything is going well. There is one hiccup: How does the 90 days work when we can only see each other every 60 to 90 days.
The person I'm interested in is a long haul truck driver. We live on the east coast, but his job takes him from Texas to California and New York and all the states in between. Now we have had the luxury of meeting each other 24 years ago in high school, but we were not friends. Recently, we held our class reunion. I made the first move the day after by inboxing him on Facebook. We have become fast friends. We do feel very connected.
He is not taking his week off until homecoming when our class is having another get together. This get together put us at 90 days. So how can I know that he is worthy of the cookie since our first real date will not happen until 90 days later? Often, he says to me that we have to be transparent with one another. We are both approaching this relationship differently. He asked me first about marriage. He wanted to know if I wanted marriage again. He says he wants a wife. I am ready to experience a meaningful relationship that leads to marriage.

So Steve, Shirley, Carla, Junior, not Nephew Tommy, maybe Eugene, or Oatmeal please advise me on how to approach this relationship. When will it be acceptable to give him the cookie?
A little back ground information: He is restarting his own trucking company, and has just ordered 2 new trucks. I am taking a year off from law school, while working on my Master's of library science and getting my oldest out of high school. His business is very demanding and law school can be overwhelming for a much younger student. I am a 38-year-old single mother of 2.

Do I give or keep my Cookie?

My Response: She needs to get to know him first! Don’t focus on giving away the cookie. People say a lot of things, but slow down and see if he puts those things in action. If he wants a wife, let him date you and he will wait on you. Also, this may not be a good time for a relationship for both of them. The time is not there! Keep the cookie!!! A cookie is an edible snack one can buy or files in a computer hard drive. She needs to stop focusing on being a freak in 90 days. She shouldn't let a male stranger (whose job is to make fun of your situation) govern her womanhood. It's no secret that women court for marriage purposes. They're looking to build a life with Mr. Right, and all a man has to do is tell her he wants marriage, and boom, he's got her right where he wants. Never mind that he could be playing with her emotions. Saying he wants marriage doesn't necessarily include her. He could tell her anything, and sensing her desperate mindset, she'll fall for the okie doke.
She read the books and I assume she listens to the program too. I don’t know how many times Steve has told these women; the 90 days isn’t actual rubric. It is a guide to help women STOP giving fools the cookie they aren’t entitled to. It isn’t for HIM, it’s for HER. When is the right time to give him the cookie?   Let’s see: Marriage.  She is hard pressed to get some, it’s unreal. CLEARLY the two kids father(s) wasn’t the one and she STILL hasn't learned squat. She needs her money back on undergrad and law classes.  The trucker's only in it for the ride (no pun intended) After all, she DID hit him first.


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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.