Apr 17, 2014

What's Mine Is MINE

Todd & Kandi recently got married, and if I recall, their wedding will be televised on Bravo at a later date. Their pre-nup is set up like all marriages should be: You leave with what you came with. Kandi's very smart because she left her possessions in her child's name. I can't fault her for that because she worked hard to achieve what she has, and for her to lose half to divorce is crazy. Todd said it himself that he doesn't want any of Kandi's money, he's got his own. Once upon a time, people got married for the right reasons, but that's not the case today. Today, marriages are approached like a business contract with the terms and perks outlined. In a perfect world, there would be no divorce, but with half of first-time marriages ending in divorce, you have to protect yourself.
How many couples can honestly say they married for love? If they're honest, they'll list love as one of the factors, but let's be honest...marriage has legal and social benefits. Married (wo)men are supposedly more likely to be promoted because companies see them as established, married couples recover from illness faster, tax breaks, etc. Taking all these into consideration, everyone should rush to get married. You can marry with the best intentions, but many couples really don't know each other like they think. Couples will only share what they want each other to know. Let's be real, most couples don't know how to fight fair, they take information to use it against their partner.
I'm not mad at Kandi for playing it smart. If Todd divorces, why should he get anything? He made the choice to leave her, so he leaves with what he came. Why should anyone be entitled to half of what you've worked hard to build? That's silly. This is why I believe rich should marry rich, and middle-class marry middle class because both sets are on the same page, so if one leaves, they can still survive. Approach every life event with the best intentions, but use your brain. Clearly, Mama Joyce didn't raise no fool.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.