Mar 28, 2014

Submission, Sex & Silence

All committed relationships boil down to the three S's: Submission, Sex, and Silence. Most men use the three S's as a way of screening their potential lady. Let me break down each of the 3 S's:
1. Submission-It's no secret that men want a submissive woman. No man in his right mind would want a hellcat who challenges him at every turn. Most women have this warped mind that being combative is a sign of strength, when it's not. A combative woman will NEVER be endearing to a man because that tells him she doesn't trust his judgment. Also, submission is seen by women as being a doormat. Submission is a beautiful thing, provided the woman submits to a worthy man. If he's thorough, why would she have a problem submitting? Submission puts a woman in position to get whatever she wants from her man.
2. Sex-For most men, they want their lady to be a freak in the sheets. She must be able to back it up, and ride him like a surfboard. Lack of sex is probably the main cause of infidelity in relationships. If (s)he's not getting it from their mate, (s)he will look elsewhere. Couples have to do whatever it takes to keep those flames going.
3. Silence-Know when to speak up, and know when to remain silent. No man wants a mouthy woman because most men equate mouthy women with combativeness. If you're always flapping your gums, you don't know how to keep quiet. In a court of law, there's a saying that rings true: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can & will be used against you. Men can be just as mouthy as women, which for me isn't a good look. When men speak, it's succinct. When women speak, they go on and on.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.