Feb 13, 2014

The Popularity Of The AK-47

This is a picture of an AK-47, also known as a "chopper" among the inner-city black community. AK-47s are relied on by gangs and hood stars to cause carnage in black communities. Research murder cases in inner-city ghettos across America and what do they have in common? The AK-47 assault rifle was used in the carnage. I can see why AK's are so popular because of their 100-round capabilities (some versions you can shoot up to 600 rounds a minute). Someone shooting an AK can do serious damage in a short amount of time. New Orleans in particular, is known as Chopper City because of the abundance of assault rifles that flow through New Orleans daily. Going further, Chopper City has been adopted by New Orleans' Uptown ghetto, where it's necessary to own an assault rifle for survival. AK's were first used by military servicemen, and somehow they got into the wrong hands.
I remember the North Hollywood shootout where 2 gunmen sprayed police with AK-47 gunfire. Over 130 rounds were fired and you swore it was the Wild West. The two gunmen died in the same gunfire they sprayed because one of the LA officers fired rounds of his own into him. In January 2009, 9 people were shot and 3 died in Miami's Liberty City. A group of people were shooting dice at a duplex on NW 70th St & 15th Ave (down the street from Northwestern High) when a gunman opened fire with an AK-47. Some of the shooting victims had their faces completely torn off from the bullets. A similar incident happened in Overtown a couple months later, except that there were 3 gunmen, one of which had an AK. That incident, 12 people were shot and 4 died. These are a couple instances in which the AK-47 was used as the murder weapon. There are too many assault rifles floating around major cities, which contributes to the escalation of the murder rates.
You can listen to ghetto rap and there will be a few mentions of spraying enemies with AK-47 fire, or you can go on YouTube and view live footage of ghetto residents showing off their AK's, shotguns or Tec-9's. The AK seems to be the weapon of choice to use in street wars. They've given hood guys a sort of swagger like they can't be touched, because their "chopper" will do damage to clowns.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.