Jan 3, 2013

10 Babies Momma Rapper Shawty Lo & Tommy Sotomayor!

I follow Tommy Sotomayor on Facebook and he says real stuff. He doesn't care if you dislike him or not. His mindset is if it applies, fix it. We need more outspoken commentators like Tommy that aren't afraid to tell it like it is. I've heard that rapper Shawty Lo has his own show that features his 10 babies moms. 1 baby mama is enough but 10? Make it so bad, he has 11 children by these different women. Since he's not selling any records, reality TV must be his last stop. This is coonie buffoonery at its finest and is exactly why some blacks are made a mockery of. When you parade ratchetness all over the media, this is what happens. But hey, that's what people want to see so who am I to judge? Knowing me, I'll most likely watch anyway because for me, it's entertainment. It will teach me who and what NOT to be in life. That got me thinking, if Shawty Lo can get a reality show, what's my excuse? All I have to do is parade around like a clown and rack up $200K per episode. Then again, I couldn't embarrass myself on national TV like that.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.