Feb 26, 2013

How To Get A Good Man: Trina Rogers

How can women be mad at men who treat them like crap when they walk around in life looking and acting like $%#@? They have no respect for themselves, they don't know how to treat a good man, they have more kids than they have bedrooms, they can be heard over the music at a club, they lie, cheat and steal their way through every day of their life but have the nerve to EXPECT God to bless them with a good man. Many of them wouldn't recognize a good man if he came in a FedEx package. Good men are everywhere, but women's definition of one is seriously distorted. A good man isn't defined by money or material things or even looks. Loads of money doesn't make him intelligent, material things won't make him treat you like a Queen, and good looks won't keep him from smacking the mess out of a woman. How they treat themselves is how he will treat her. The characteristics women look for cause them to be blind to the truth and settle for what they have been told will make them happy. Being told, "Get a cute man with money so you won't have to worry about anything!" That kind of thinking has brought us Basketball Wives and Love and Hip Hop, and we see how happy those women are. What women display to the public is what they attract. If she consistently goes to the clubs, half-dressed, can't carry on a decent conversation and offering booty, don't get mad when you go home with the guy looking for nothing more than sex. They will always get back what they put out. When women embrace despicable actions, they can no longer place the blame on men and their reactions. Wanting better is not, I repeat NOT, wanting a man to do all the work in a relationship while she continues to be a trifling, low-life, disrespectful, mattress tester. The men are not the problem. Never have been. Men deserve a woman who knows her place in life, in a relationship, and in the home. If they don't know what their place is, they need to change the environment, friends and especially attitude. When women decide to change the inner mentality, the outward persona becomes captivating, and they open their minds and lives to the best things life has to offer. EVERYTHING THEIR HEARTS DESIRE!
My View: Ms. Trina Rogers has mastered the art of how to attract & keep a man. I wish her the best in her relationship because she's a great woman. There aren't too many good ones like Ms. Trina. That being said, many women expect a man to give them the world when they don't have a passport. Most men have no problem pampering a good woman, BUT she must be worthy. A real man will never wine & dine a woman that's not worthy. What sense does it make to give gold to a bronze lady? That's silly. A Tier 1 man will always seek out a Tier 1 woman.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.