Feb 7, 2013

Captain Save A Hoe

Ok, I'm all for defending a woman when necessary but some of these men take it too far. Some men fight tooth & nail to defend a woman's right to be ratchet. I'm thinking to myself  "Are you serious? You know her conduct is foul and you're co-signing her? I wonder what she's giving you in return for your defense" No man defends a woman's right to be ratchet unless she's giving him something in return, and I think we all know what that is. The thing is, most women aren't attracted to Superhero type men, a lot of them openly admit this. They're playing him for her benefit. That's exactly who these women attract, men who are like themselves, deflective, defensive and attitudinal, they don't want logical/objective and strong men that lead and set agendas. IT UNDERMINES THEM WANTING TO BE IN CONTROL. That's why they fight tooth & nail to maintain their interest. The man taking a stand is an affront to them. But you know what? These women can have the simps. If that's what they want, let's give 'em what they want. All the strong men can go elsewhere where the woman respects his authority as the head and WANTS him to lead. Ladies, you can do no wrong! Whatever issue you have, I promise you, it is NOT your fault. It's on the man! He caused you grave pain and I'm here to save you from accountability, truth, shame and responsibility! *Cue superhero music*

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.