Feb 28, 2013

A Real Man

The following is a very good explanation of what a real man should be. I got this from the Facebook page Grown Man Logic (If you're on Facebook, like his page). Without further ado: A REAL MAN is a man who is God centered, values his word and is 100% accountable for his actions. He is the backbone of his family if he has one and is hard working. He is reliable so when he is needed in any shape or form, he is able to come through with a solution, resolution, or compromise. He understands what is most important and what isn’t. He is a role model for not only his kids but all youth. A real man knows when to speak, when to listen and doesn’t partake in gossip. He gives his all in whatever he does, does what’s right even when it’s unpopular and treats all women with respect! He is strong enough to walk away at the first sign of cheating or abuse (physical, emotional or verbal) with his head held high! Are you a REAL MAN? 
My $.02: This is the best definition I have read about a real man. In a nutshell, a real man stands for what he believes in, doesn't cave under pressure and keeps God at the forefront. I like the last sentence "He is strong enough to walk away at the first sign of cheating or abuse. This coincides with what I believe: Anyone who stays with someone that abuses them has serious issues. It's not love when someone's going upside your head or dogging you.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.