Jan 9, 2013

When Was Romantic Love Invented?

"We don't have any Gentlemen anymore they ones we do have its old as dirt. Teach your kids some manners"
We don't have anymore gentlemen because there are no more ladies, NEXT.
Or rather all the gentlemen went where the ladies are, and how convenient chivalry and gentlemen are brought up in moments that benefit women.
But ask a female to cook for you on the first date and they will act stuck on stupid. CHIVALRY IS DEAD. D...E....A.....D!!
Was it ever meant to be alive in the first place? chivalry started around the 12-1500's around the medieval era, right around the time romantic love came out. Romantic love is only about 800 years old. So 2013-800 is 1212. Coincidence? I think not.

The above is an excerpt from a post I read in a group on Facebook. The aforementioned dialogue is a good indication of the state of Romantic Love. "We don't have anymore gentlemen because there are no more ladies, NEXT." That statement is spot on because some women have forgotten what being a lady is about. They have it twisted that a man is supposed to powder her butt (LOL, I love that term) while she reaps the benefits. This comes from some of their fathers raising their daughters with an entitlement complex, that a man is supposed to do this, that and the third for her. That's why some men are reluctant to get married because from a Biblical standpoint, it seems like he has to do all the work and the woman doesn't have to do nothing. No man wants to feel like he's doing all the giving without getting anything in return. Relationships go both ways. A man is supposed to ask a woman what she's bringing to the table even if he does pursue. Now, if a man asks a woman what she's bringing to the table, she gets mad. Really? A woman getting upset because a man wants reciprocation? That's the mess I don't like. This is why MEN & WOMEN need to do their due diligence before getting involved with someone. Forget about dinner & a movie, a prospective couple should sit down and have a series of conversations in order to find out what each other's views on relationships are. A person will almost always show you their stance on relationships by their conduct. Pay close attention to clues (s)he gives. Do they have an entitlement complex? Do they feel as though they should be pampered while they don't have to reciprocate? If someone shows early on that they have an entitlement complex, it's always a bad sign of things to come. I don't think there is an issue with the concept of romantic love. The issue comes from lack of reciprocity and unrealistic and hypocritical expectations. If a man's supposed to do x,y,z for her out of love, what is she supposed to be doing for you out of love? A lot of women today just give the blank stare to that question and act as if merely showing up to be catered to/provided for/protected/given benefits/let you make them happy/etc. is sufficient. But she's supposed to be willing to put in an equitable share of effort into the relationship as well. If you are dealing with someone who doesn't feel the same way about you, that's always a bad sign of BS to come. Mismatches.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.