Jan 4, 2013

Todays Black Men Are Too Weak For Black Women!

The title of this video blog by Tommy Sotomayor is a Jedi Mind Trick. The title is simply stating how today's black men are fed up with the sassy, ghetto attitude that some black women possess and how they dress it up as being strong & independent. Can you blame some black men? A man deals with enough outside the home and the last thing I, or any sensible brother want is to come home and have to deal with more drama from our so-called "woman" No, I'll bypass all that. I'm not saying that all white women are pushovers because some of them will check a man just the same but for the most part, some white women know what it takes to keep their man happy, and he responds in favor to her. Some black women feel that a man is supposed to roll over and accept her attitude & sass. A little PLAYFUL sass is ok but when the attitude is on-going, a man has to decide if he's going to love her through it or hightail it elsewhere. Me, I prefer the path of least resistance. I've been through enough in my life to where I want my latter days to be better than my former days. I'm about peace & quiet and that's the reason why I'm single, I have little patience for most women's sass/attitude. If she calls me weak for refusing to tolerate her slick mouth & attitude, I'll be that. When I cut her loose, it will give me confirmation of having made the right decision.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.