Jan 22, 2013

Letting Down The Team?

So Michelle Obama "let down the team" because she supports her husband? Last time I checked, she has her own agenda but when it comes down to it, she stands with her husband in the trenches. Feminists are raising sand that Michelle made the choice to be active in her daughters' lives because according to the feminists, Michelle feels victimized by her husband's choices. I have been mystified for YEARS why a woman (and sometimes man) would want to have a child, then weeks after birth, pass that child to someone else to raise. If you don't want children, DON'T have children, pretty simple. Today the only industrial complex that approaches the military is the daycare industrial complex. THEN parents wonder why their children don't mind them, don't behave as they want and have disdain for them. Michelle made decisions for her family's good. That's why you see Mr. President showing his wife love, because she makes decisions that benefit her family. I applaud her decision to be mom-in-chief. Her children are under the microscope because of the decision they made as a family to pursue the presidency. She does not have to answer to anyone about how she decides to parent. Instead of critiquing her, they should be praising her for being a great foundation and example to her daughters. All children need to know that they are a priority. Those that don't feel this way find outside sources for this feeling of comfort and security. Rarely are these outside sources positive. Do your thing, FLOTUS!

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.