Jan 18, 2013

Leading By Example

As with everything else, people learn by example rather than words. That's why there's the saying "Lead By Example" You can tell someone to do this, that and the third but if you're not doing it yourself, it's useless because people pay attention to your example rather than what you say. Fathers are no different because like this picture says, his son will one day follow his example instead of his advice. Advice combined with a good example yields a great return. For example, a father tells his son to treat women with respect but his son sees him treating his mother foul. That child will grow up thinking it's ok to disrespect women based on the example set for him. Conversely, if his son sees him showing love to his mom, he'll grow up with the proper understanding of how to treat women. It boils down to example; what example are fathers setting for their sons? Is it a good or bad example?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.