Aug 15, 2012


Love....a word that comes and goes like the wind. We all love in different ways. Some people show love through hugs and others show love by words. We all have our own definition of what love is but the general definition of love is a favorable action towards something or someone. What I can't understand is how people can throw the word love around like the mess isn't wrong. It's easy to love when things are going great but that love is tested when everything's falling apart around you. People attach love to objects, people, things, etc. You can like a certain thing but to have love for an inanimate objects is beyond me. You know what I think? I think people have selective love. They love someone when everything's lovely but when their spouse isn't acting lovable back, that love may go out the window. I'm the first to say that I will not enter a relationship if I can't love my lady in the good & bad. I would be wasting my time and hers. Many people don't think like that, they're looking out for Number One. It's good to look out for Number 1 but that's where people get mixed up. They forget others have standards, too. It's not about one person when it comes to love. Love is about sacrifice; do you give up something to make your spouse happy. For example: A man and woman go to the movies together and want to see a flick. She wants to see a chick flick and he wants to see an action movie. If he would have acquiesced to her, he's proven his love for her because he gave up his action movie for her. He had every right to say no, but because he cares about his woman, he agreed to watch the chick flick with the misses. The previous example showed love in a sacrificial manner.  I don't know too many guys that will watch a chick flick with their fiancee or lady. Honestly, love doesn't carry the same meaning it once did because people use the word carelessly. "I Love Ice Cream, I Love Cars, I Love Food, etc." You have people who love selectively, meaning they love when people are acting right but when people get to acting stupid, they withdraw or limit their love. Don't say you love someone & you don't mean it.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.