May 18, 2012

Use Your Head

Warning: Extreme realness so if you are slighted, that's your problem & not mine. I tell it like it is. Samson was one of, if not the most powerful Biblical figures in the Bible. He was a man of enormous strength and influence. The source of his strength was his hair which was woven in locks and as long as that remained intact, he was unstoppable. Delilah, a well-known HO in Biblical times (yes, ho's did exist in Jesus' day) was offered 1100 pieces of silver to find out the source of Samson's strength. Samson did well by refusing to tell the first 3 times but eventually he gave in, Delilah summoned the Philistines and they did a number on Samson, then threw him in prison after gouging out his eyes. This clown (Samson) had everything going for him: anointed by God as a warrior and he let a TRICK get him caught up. Samson should've known Delilah didn't care about him; she wanted the 1100 pieces of silver. She came, saw & conquered. I can't speak for other men but for me, if I'm a man of great influence & power, there's no way I would let some foul woman jam me up ESPECIALLY if she was known to be grimy. That's stupid, but then again so are some men in society. Why are some men so doggone stupid? See a shapely woman and some of these men lose their minds...The catcalls, whistles, goo-goo gagas, salivating, etc. It makes me shake my head at these lames because 9 times out of 10, she's not studying those clowns. Women know what they're doing by tempting these men and these dudes fall for it every time. Show some hip & thigh, sexy smile and boom, she has him right where she wants him. I do not feel sorry for any man who gets caught up because if men would use their brain, they could avoid well-known grimy women but noooo....most men focus on her T&A rather than her character. All the curves in the world mean nothing if your character is funky. All I have to do is shake my head at some people by how they allow what's called "feminine wiles" to jam them up, then they look crazy. Nobody can have THAT much power over you. They're grown just like you are. Again, I'm the last of a dying breed in that while I do find shapely women attractive, I'm not going to break my neck trying to get with one.


  1. Its good that you know that T&A is a dime a dozen which is why I find it crazy that men still act amazed when they see it; its not like its a rarity and its not like mine is special.
    From a female standpoint, some of us can be the same way over a fine man. He can treat her wrong but he has a fine physique. Life is so much easier when you are mentally grown and know that a person's heart and mind is more important than a physique.

    1. That T&A he's so infatuated with will start to sag as she gets older and when it does, he's NOT going to ogle as much. Same with a woman that's into the Denzel with the 8-pack look. That 8-pack will turn into a keg or muffin if he doesn't keep himself up. For me, a woman's heart & mind will trump curves every time.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.