Apr 12, 2012

Where The Real Men At?

I was listening to a blog radio broadcast on Tuesday titled Independent Women: The Death Of Manhood. It was a wonderful broadcast as the ladies and fellas went back and forth on the subject. Both sides made great points. The broadcast got me thinking about that very topic. Are independent women the death of manhood? Have independent women killed manhood? The answers are as varied as human beings. Some say yes, others are on the fence and some will say no. I believe that an independent woman is an asset to a strong man because where he falls short, she's by his side and vice versa. Most men want an independent woman and why wouldn't they? She's got her own mind and is doing for herself. Back in the day, men were MEN. They were leaders/providers, protectors and they cherished the women in their lives. Nowadays, many men aren't doing their jobs so the woman has no choice except independence. No woman is going to sit back and watch the house go under if the man's not doing what he's supposed to do. She's going to step up to the plate. Real, thoroughbred men are the last of a dying breed because there's not too many of them around. If they are, the good women have sense enough to snatch them up. Coming from an emotional aspect, A man being real and open with his feelings is one who has found the right woman to open up to. A weak man is one that doesn't know how to pull his skirt up and expects the woman to fight for him and handle business that he should be taking care of. This is a common complaint among women, that there aren't enough thoroughbreds around. You have men dressing like women; sporting skinny jeans & leggings, rocking earrings like the crap isn't wrong. Back in the day that was frowned upon and now that garbage is seen as normal. My how standards have fallen. My theory is that a man has no right to call himself a real man if he's not acting as such. By that I mean, being a leader and taking responsibility.


  1. Good stuff bro I totally agree with you about the standards!!

    1. It doesn't make sense how a man is content with having a woman waiting on him hand & foot when he's not bringing jack to the table. I see why women complain about today's men because it's like "where's your backbone?"

  2. These days women don't leave their father's house and get married anymore. They go off to college or move out. They learn to cook, clean, handle business, change tires, change oil, and many other things not just because they have to but because some want to; they like the freedom of being able to do for self. Being capable is a wonderful thing to be. I just wonder why are some men connecting their manhood to what a woman does or does not do? Aren't men supposed to be men no matter what and vice versa? I'm going to be a woman whether men act like men or not. My femininity doesn't lie in a man being masculine.

    1. I would feel useless if I couldn't do for self. I understand why my dad would have me help him with yardwork on some weekends and teach me about auto maintenance (still learning to this day) and mom would show me how to be a fool in the kitchen. Now that I'm on my own, all that comes in handy. You're right Sharen, men should be men no matter what but you wouldn't know by today's standards.

  3. Let's add another perspective: how many people can you really trust to do what needs to be done? Almost no one, so if you want it done right and on time, you do it yourself. The men in my personal world have been procrastinators so I have found it prudent to not rely on them for certain things. Please know that no matter how much a woman does or can do, she still wants that shoulder to cry on at the end of a hard day, week, or month. She still needs to be held and kissed. She may make more money but that long green doesn't warm a bed or smell so nice. It doesn't smile when she's near, it can't take her out or tell her how beautiful she looks. Yes, roles have changed somewhat but we have the same emotional needs.

    1. There you have it. If you want something done right, do it yourself. I'm constantly learning this day by day. Unless it's absolutely necessary, I wait for someone's assistance but even then I'm able to decipher what needs to be done and move forward. Men & women will always need each other, even though they irk each other from time to time.

  4. Great stuff! Totally on the same page with you!

    Thumbs Up,


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.