Jan 31, 2012

Fall Of Man

Unless you've been living under a rock, then you're aware of society's state. What was taboo back in the day is acceptable. As I've been pondering over the Adam & Eve story, I got to thinking what would life be like if Adam & Eve hadn't disobeyed God? If they didn't eat the forbidden fruit, life would be bliss. There would be no sickness & disease, no disabilities, poverty, crime & violence or any moral depravity. Because Adam & Eve disobeyed God, we are paying for their mistakes. To be honest, when I read stories about people doing the most heinous of acts, all I can do is shake my head. God didn't intend for society to be like this but when one makes a conscious decision to do what they want, there are repercussions (good or bad). Those repercussions not only affect the person, but everyone involved is indirectly affected. It's like in grade school when one kid did bad, everyone (including the offender) got punished. The lesson learned was one person can mess it up for everyone. I wish there was a rewind & alternate ending button that you could press to take you back to Biblical days with Adam & Eve, edit the outcome and then replay.


  1. That would be nice but also think about how we have faith from all of our hardships. Life being hard has taught us to trust in HIM. One thing I've realized is that he made us adaptable to many situations, he made us wonderfully in his image. I'm also thankful for our savior and reprieve, Jesus. We just have to remain prayerful, faithful, and wait.

    1. Good point. Without hardships, we wouldn't know about faith. Why would we need to? Things are going very well so we wouldn't need God. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for a way out via Jesus dying on the cross. If you get through the worst of hardships, you can get through anything.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.