Oct 31, 2023

Change Begets Change: Tera Carissa Hodges

 #100Million When it’s time for you to expand financially, something else must decrease exponentially.

This past weekend I had the absolute pleasure of being included in a private small group coaching session with a woman who has VERIFIABLY made over $100 million US dollars through her LEGITIMATE businesses.

A #woman who has already cleared a million myself (TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!), I was surrounded by other women who have already done the same.

Can I tell ya’ll our conversations were different? 

For eight straight hours we talked LLCs, 

S Corps, sweep accounts, attrition, trusts, 

real estate, you name it!!!

Who go with who, who sleeping with who, 

what somebody heard, what somebody said, 

didn’t come up.

In other words, EVERYBODY ACTED like they had good sense. 

How did I get here?

Besides getting closer to God, I got away from people who spend more time talking about people than they do looking at themselves to identify where they could improve.

I got away from church folks who thought holiness means broke.

I got away from #toxicrelatives who couldn’t see me beyond the 18 year old girl I was when I left to go off to get my FIRST degree. 

(I emphasize first because some of them are so behind the times concerning me, they couldn’t tell you my other alma maters).

I got away from mean girls who are catty and in competition.

I got away from people who preach about God but whose life would make you truly wonder do they know God.

I got away from people who thought no one makes $100,000 a year. 

(I know people personally who clear that a week…

That’s only $5 million a year)

I got away from people who think all successful people sold their souls to get there. 

(No. GOD still holds the power to give us wealth…#namethatverse).

What am I saying?

There’s a reason just about everybody in the Bible who walked in #wealth had to walk away from people…

Ask Abraham! (Genesis 12)

And the further you get away from them, 

you understand it wasn’t the person God was getting you away from as much as it was their #mentality.

I don’t know who all I’m talking to or who all will receive it but when you want CHANGE 

(money, wealth, overflow, increase) YOU must change (behavior, atmosphere, mentality, environment).

Change creates change…

Don’t ever forget that!

Oct 30, 2023

Monday Message

You can’t be rejected from what you’re not seeking acceptance. #ReadThatAgain

Oct 28, 2023

Men vs. Women

 If you’re on social media, then you know about men and women posting their lists of men and women they wouldn’t date. The lists were ridiculous because who has time to post the types they wouldn’t date? Men doing lists of women they wouldn’t date, ladies retaliating with their own list. Both sides are looking like Boo Boo The Fool with this back & forth nonsense. 🀦🏿‍♂️If a woman prefers fine dining, cool. If a man doesn’t want single mothers, that’s his choice. People are going to choose who they want, so let’s move on to important matters.

Saturday Message: Breaking Generational Curses

When breaking generational curses, don’t expect support from those who passed it on. 

Oct 27, 2023

Women’s Desire For Good Men

 Women want good men until he brings discipline & order, then she’s accusing him of being controlling. Don’t ask for what you can’t handle.

Friday Message: People Will Cut Themselves Off

 Sometimes, people will cut themselves off so you don’t have to!

Oct 26, 2023

When A Man Cries

 When a man cries, it hits different!

Today’s Message

 Some people are jealous of how well you held your life together after going through a storm that they thought would tear you down. That’s why they really can’t stand you because you keep coming out on top when that same storm would’ve finished them!🫢🏾🌸

Oct 24, 2023

Inability To Build Healthy Relationships

 This generation doesn’t know how to build healthy relationships.. We end up saying stuff like “I don’t owe anyone anything.” You do owe people something. You owe those you offended an apology. You owe those who gave you support, gratitude. And you owe those you disrespect, respect. Accountability is a personal act of integrity and moral principles. We will forever live in a broken society, until we learn to account for our actions that impact other peoples lives negatively.

#justbeinghonest πŸ“Œ

Oct 23, 2023

Stay Up Fellas

 One time for the men who are working & taking care of their families, going back to school to further their education, growing in their walk with God, etc. I salute y'all. For all the mess men face daily, every now and then men need encouragement to keep up the good work.

Oct 20, 2023

Old Vs. Young Grandmas

 Today’s grandmas are nothing like the ones in my era: Grandmas were in their 70s & ⬆️, today…you have grandmas in their 20s-40s 🀦🏿‍♂️

Oct 19, 2023

Just A Thought: Monica Regina Jones

 Repost (Monica Regina Jones):

Just a thought: It's actually very easy to self sabotage what you've prayed and asked God for. Repetitive disappointment will cause you to expect what you've always received in past times. Don't allow it to. Our destiny is in our hands more than we realize.

How many times have I sabotaged what I’ve prayed for? πŸ€¦πŸΏ‍♂️. Lord, forgive me for sabotaging my answers to my prayers.

Oct 18, 2023

Wednesday Message

 The fake get in where they fit in, the real stand strong where they belong.

Oct 16, 2023

Monday Thought

 If we make promises, we better be able to keep them. Otherwise, we end ⬆️ making people upset by not following through.

Oct 15, 2023

God Makes No Mistakes

 Nothing God does is by mistake. You are right where you need to be and for a very special reason.

Oct 14, 2023

Companies: Do Better!

 Companies need to do better screening potential candidates for leadership positions! The first rule of leadership is knowing how to talk to your staff. If you can’t talk to your staff with sense, you have no business leading anyone!

Oct 13, 2023

Friday Word

 God will harden your heart if he sees you intent on sticking to foolishness.

Oct 12, 2023

Thursday Thought

 The more I read about shootings/murders in Tallahassee, the more I appreciate Woodville living.

Oct 11, 2023

Fighting Battles That Don’t Matter

 Retweeted Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen):

Don’t get involved in battles that don’t matter. God will use your enemies to bless you.

Oct 10, 2023

Your Next Blessing

 Your next blessing is outside of your comfort zone! It’s in the outer parameters beyond the borders of what is familiar.

Tuesday Message

An average looking woman with a good heart is far more attractive than a pretty woman with ugly character. #NotUpForDebate 

Oct 8, 2023

Generational Curse Breakers

 People that are generational curse breakers are not ones to mess with. They don’t care what anyone thinks. They have gone against so many, even their own blood to pull themselves out of paths so many before could not. 

They have stood alone so many times, and stood strong. You can’t break a generational curse breaker.

Let Them Be

Repost: Tamika Latoya Henry (Facebook)

If you’re constantly reaching out to someone and they never respond or reach out to you! Let them be! That goes to show you how much they care about you! Start only caring about the people who care about you! 

I’m learning this daily. I have no desire to go all out for those who don’t or won’t return the favor.

Oct 6, 2023

Friday Thought: Your Destiny

 Having a heart that's too big and caring for others doesn’t mean you should give your hand to everyone. Remember that it’s not your job to make everyone happy or comfortable.  Being in charge of your own destiny is preferable to being a slave of someone else's.

Oct 5, 2023

Acknowledging God

 Every day God wakes us ⬆️, is another day to acknowledge Him. If it wasn’t for HIS breath of life, none of us would be here.

Oct 4, 2023

What Should People See?

 When people see us, what do they see? They should see Christ exemplified.

Oct 3, 2023

Take Everything Personal

 Take everything PERSONAL‼️ Your friend didn’t help you celebrate your birthday but help other friends celebrate….take it PERSONAL‼️ family members invite certain family members to gatherings but not you….. take it PERSONAL‼️ Your friend jump for everybody else but move slow motion when it comes to you take it PERSONAL‼️ I had to learn tha hard way people treat you exactly how they feel about you‼️ Dont be NaΓ―ve‼️πŸ—£πŸ’―

Oct 1, 2023

Ministry Competition

All of us (Christians) should be on the same team: God. There’s no place for competition in God’s kingdom. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.