Aug 31, 2023

Not Every Trial Is From Satan

 Not every trial is an “attack of the enemy”, it’s the repercussions of your actions.

Aug 30, 2023

Throwback Message

With the state of society, I see why many parents choose to homeschool their children. You have the Radical Homosexual Agenda trying to push their filthy lifestyle on school children. No child should be exposed to that garbage. Real Talk. It seems like children have to be ready for war nowadays because of bullies, immoral ideologies that they may not understand, nor have the desire to. I'm understanding more & more why I'm reluctant to bring a child into this sorry world. What was taboo back in the day has become normal. Back in the day, everybody got jobs fresh out of high school and now you have unemployment (the rate is higher for black men). Some people have been unemployed for a year or more. You have people with Master's Degrees & Ph.D's that can't find jobs so what does that tell you? Something is seriously wrong. What's the use of going to school all those years and you can't get a job in your field? That defeats the purpose *shrug*. Greedy corporate executives, 1 in 88 children with autism, black on black murders, etc. I wish God would wipe us off the map and start over because this mess doesn't make no sense. If I had the power, NONE of the aforementioned issues with exist; forget this "real world" garbage. This so-called "real world" is the reason why society's in the shape it's in because what was taboo back in the day has become normal. The reality is that life was intended to be sweet but when Adam & Eve disobeyed God, THEIR disobedience caused all this craziness we hear & read about. Don't get me started on the divorce epidemic. Back in the day when something was broke, it was fixed. Men & Women understood COMMITTMENT. They married somebody based on who they were compatible with & not for their $$$ or good looks. Nowadays, most people aren't relationship material so it's better off they stay single for life because it's no sense in you being a great catch and attracting someone who's not about nothing. If you can't handle your spouse when all hell is breaking loose, YOU SHOULD NOT GET MARRIED. Simple As That. I understand what many elders are saying when they say things should be like they used to (minus the racial prejudice). At times I'm called narrowminded because I don't co-sign foolishness others support. Well, I'd rather live in the proverbial bubble than get infected by the disease of stupidity.

The Coast Is Clear

 Sometimes GOD holds you back temporarily until the road is safe & clear to continue.... Be thankful for the stall!! 😇

Aug 29, 2023

Faking Vibes

I’d rather not be anyplace I have to fake vibes. 

Adults Chasing Popularity

Adults chasing the popularity they missed out on as a teenager are the worst 🤦🏾‍♂️

Aug 28, 2023

Monday Encouragement

 It’s all falling apart to come back better! I don’t know who that’s for!

Aug 27, 2023

Food For Thought

 Repost from Kenya: ✍️ Food For Thought:  At times, being too kind to others open doors for a lot of disrespect!!! Never change the way you love, just the fake ones you give it too. When you change your goodness because of the ungratefulness in others, then you become hard to deal with. Stop being accessible to the things that do nothing for your life, people that could careless about you, and people that don't do a thing for you, but use you!

Good Morning World!!!

Aug 26, 2023

The Meaning Of “Nobody Is Perfect”

“Nobody Is Perfect, we all make mistakes” Translation: I have too much pride to admit I’m wrong. 

Aug 25, 2023

Keep Pushing Forward

 Everyone falls short. What matters is we go to God to get cleaned up & keep pushing forward.

Aug 24, 2023

Applying Pressure

 A young lady posted a tweet, which was shared on Facebook about her rejection of a man who she felt didn’t apply pressure when she told him she wasn’t ready for a relationship. The man chose himself & wished her well. I congratulate him because he wished her well & moved on. If someone’s not interested in you, keep it moving. No sense in changing a person’s mind. Most likely, she wanted the chase & was upset when he didn’t apply pressure. Nobody has time to chase anyone who won’t allow themselves to be caught.

Aug 23, 2023

Today’s Thought: Mind Your Business

 Minding your business will keep you out of mess! That’s why my name never comes up in drama because I stay to myself. Life is too short to always be in nonsense.

Aug 22, 2023

Young Death

Street dudes: There’s nothing real about dying young. I’m sick of the ghetto mentality of some inner city young men. Then again, a lot of street guys are hopeless so they don’t care if they live or die, so I kind of get it (I’ve never been in the streets).

Aug 21, 2023

Now Is The Time

Now is the time to lay down all foolishness & stupidity. People are leaving left & right, and folks still carrying on with foolishness.

Aug 20, 2023

Hard Times: What Are We Made Of?

 Hard times reveal how far we’ve come: Do we hold onto offenses or let God deal with them?

Aug 18, 2023


 Unfortunately, offenses are part of life. We (Christians) have a choice to let offenses slide or hold on to them.

Aug 17, 2023

Friends Who Don’t Respect Honesty

 If your "friends" can't respect you when you keep it 💯, they're not your friends and you should cut them off.

Aug 16, 2023

Not Playing The Game

 I know the game, but I won’t play the game! Most times, the game is rigged so there’s no victory.

Aug 15, 2023

Brownnosing At Work

 Brownnosing to get ahead at work is pathetic! If you brownnose, make sure the boss’s backside is clean because you may end up with a 💩 face.

Aug 14, 2023

Life Isn’t Always A Race

 Sometimes you miss important things when you move too fast. It’s ok to take things slow. Life isn’t always a race.

Aug 11, 2023

Why, Why, Why?

 Why, why, why? Why did this person hurt me and so on? Do people really need an explanation for why people hurt them? They shouldn't, because the guilty person will rarely, if ever take responsibility for their offenses. They'll always find a way to deflect or offer some half-hearted apology. Some people are that foul, so the best course of action is to cut them loose and move on.

Aug 10, 2023

Today’s Thought: Appreciate Your Blessing

 What you take for granted, someone struggles with. Many people don’t realize how blessed they are.

Aug 9, 2023

Question Of The Day: Does A Leader Need A Helpmate?

 If a man is expected to be leader of his home, what does he need a helpmate (woman) for? He’s the leader, he can do most, if not everything, right? For me, I rarely ask for help because of pride, and I usually figure it out.

Aug 8, 2023


 If you’re observant 👀 enough………. People usually tell on themselves!! ✍🏾

Aug 6, 2023

Just A Thought

 Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: We must make sure we're getting our bodies right as well as our minds, emotions, and spirits.  It's time for some congruency, because in order for us to fully function as we should, we can no longer esteem one aspect of ourselves higher than the others. The Lord actually has them interconnected for a reason. Truth be told, many of us have missed it by only focusing on one part of ourselves, and not the totality of who the Lord created us to be.

Aug 5, 2023

Breaking Chains

 One of the healthiest things you can do to break generational curses, mentalities, patterns—especially if they’re destructive, is keep your children away from your relatives and move from your hometown.

Aug 4, 2023

God, Keep Me Hidden

Instead of praying for a good (wo)man, it's better to pray that God keeps you hidden from certain (wo)men.

Aug 3, 2023

Why Voting Hasn’t Been Good For Blacks

I'm understanding more why some blacks don't vote. No matter who's in office, the president is guaranteed to do little or nothing for black people. I must be one of the few smart folks that realize a president isn't supposed to do for one race, (s)he is supposed to do what's in the country's best interest. Some black folks say how Biden would be so much better for blacks than Trump, but let's be real: Biden is no different because some of the policies he supported have hurt blacks, plus he embraced segregation. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are from the same racist era, so while some blacks have valid reasons for not supporting Donald Trump, there's also valid reasons for blacks to not vote for Joe Biden because historically, Joe Biden's stance on black issues has not been favorable.😎

Honestly, I don't expect any presidential candidate to have a favorable stance on black issues, but what folks are NOT gonna do is criticize someone who has a valid reason for not voting. If two candidates don't line up with your beliefs, why would you vote for either candidate? Makes 0 sense to me. The whole argument of "not voting equals a vote for Trump" sounds crazy. I think blacks who don't vote are smarter because they have sense enough to know that neither candidate has blacks' best interest at heart, so it makes more sense NOT to vote. 

Aug 2, 2023

Minister Until You Die

When we’re called to ministry (whatever capacity that may be), we should complete our assignment until our time is up. 

Aug 1, 2023

Loud Bark, No Bite

 Most people who bark real loud don't have a bite! Ignore them and keep going!

Today’s Message: Represent For Jesus

 We’re (Christians) ambassadors for Christ, so we (believers) have a responsibility to make Him look good.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.