May 31, 2023

Jentezen Franklin: Psalm 119:105

When you’re faced with several GOOD choices, trust God to show you the BEST one! “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) 

May 30, 2023

Shoot Up The Club

Shootings & murders at nightclubs confirm what I've said all along: People bring street disputes into an environment that's supposed to be fun for all.

Non-PC version: People go to clubs to fight & shoot.

Tuesday Sermon

It’s one thing to be loyal, then there’s being a fool. Know The Difference. 

May 28, 2023

Sunday Message

If you are always worried about what other people think, you will be distracted from your destiny. 

May 27, 2023

Raw Truth

 I don’t respect anyone who drops their loyal, single friends just because they got married. I get that you can’t hang like you used to, but to drop your loyal friends because of your spouse is foul. Who raised some of you disloyal jokers?😐

May 25, 2023

Raw Truth

Raw truth 101:

Many churches in America need to permanently stay shut! There is a lot of ungodliness going on in them and God is not pleased!



May 23, 2023

May 22, 2023

Monday Messages

 You are not worth anything if you are in the wrong place!

Stop apologizing for wanting more!!

May 21, 2023

Sunday Word: Let People Show You Who They Are

Good Or Bad, a person has one time to show me who they are! Once they do, that’s how I view them. In reverse, this applies to me because I want to be viewed positively, but I know no matter how friendly/approachable I am, some folks will never like me, and I’m good with that.

May 20, 2023

Saturday Chronicles: Simple Things Can Mean So Much

#SaturdayChronicles: Halfway through my 2-mile walk at Cascade Park, this cute little dog smiled at me & rolled over on her back for belly rubs. I obliged for a few minutes and went on my way. The owner thought it was adorable as she said “awwww, you’re so nice.”🥰Simple things can mean so much to me, and others.☺️ 

May 19, 2023

Today’s Message: It’s Not A Secret

 Understand this: Not everything is a secret, it's simply none of anyone's business.

May 18, 2023

Today’s Message: The Lambs Book Of Life

You can shout,”R.I.P, Fly High,& Long Live etc.” All you want to but if your Name isn’t Written in the LAMBS Book of Life, the Lake of Fire is waiting!🔥 

May 16, 2023

The Power Of Agreement

 When asking God for something, be careful who you align with because they could have wrong motives.

May 13, 2023

Best For You!

 You are not REQUIRED to explain a decision that was best for YOU‼️

That’s It💯

May 12, 2023

Speak Truth

 Just as a broken clock is right twice a day, the devil tells the truth at times, too!!!




May 11, 2023

Silence Is Golden

 Silence Is Golden. It’s in those quiet times where God can speak to us.

May 10, 2023

Throwback Message: Making Heaven Without God’s Blessings

 When I listened to one of Steve Harvey's messages, he said some real stuff. He said that some believers will make it to heaven without getting all the blessings God has for them. I got to thinking I don't want to make Heaven only to find out there's a box of blessings God wanted to give me, but I was too in my own way to see it.

May 9, 2023

Today’s Message: Too Valuable To Be Violated

It's better to let people walk away from you than walk all over you! You are too #valuable to be violated!! 

May 7, 2023

Transparency Post: Holding Back

When I posted this on FB, I got positive reactions & responses. I normally don’t get personal on social media, but if my content helps others…forget what others think.🤷🏾‍♂️

 #TransparencyPost: Not long after my dad passed, I was walking my dog around my neighborhood when a neighbor on the next street asked about him. I told her he passed, and she was about to cry🥹. I WANTED to tell her to cut the crap because she had EVERY opportunity to check on my father, and didn’t. The reason I held back is I didn’t know her situation (she could’ve been going through something herself), and two, I wasn’t raised to disrespect my elders. Sometimes, we think we have a reason to check folks, but if we take a step back…we’ll find that maybe the person couldn’t be there like they wanted.

Spiritual Warfare: Babette Glenn

Repost (Babette Glenn)

STOP speaking of spiritual warfare. Until you do its NOT going to cease. Lately I have been hearing a lot about it and I know for a fact it's happening more often because it's what's being talked about more often. When talking to God He does NOT want you talking to Him about your adversary ALL of the time. He wants you to talk to Him about Him ALL of the time. When you reverse your conversation and talk about the goodness of God and NOT the badness of your adversary....the good will outweigh the bad and more good will exist and the bad will begin to cease. 

Think about it this don't want anyone saying anything bad about you to anyone else so why are you saying bad things about someone else to God? Amen? Amen 

Good morning Peeps 

If you’re in tune with God, you can sense spiritual warfare without mentioning it. It’s in the atmosphere: Bad energy all around…that means your presence is a threat to demonic activity.

May 5, 2023

Friday Thought

 Too many people treat God like a Genie, like all he’s good for is answering prayers.

May 4, 2023

Food For Thought

Don't exhaust your star player. Always have capable players who can come off the bench if needed. 

May 3, 2023

Blacks’ Anger At Emmett Till’s Death

 I understand black folks’ frustration at Emmett Till’s death: They feel Carolyn Bryant got to live her life, while Emmett Till’s was tragically cut short. Let’s recap: Karma gave Carolyn Bryant the business: Several personal losses, followed by a poor quality of life leading to her demise in hospice. I’d say she reaped more than she’s sown until she left this earth. She’s gonna do a LONG sentence where she’s going, so…did she really have a good life? No.🤷🏾‍♂️

May 2, 2023

America: 🛑 STOP Policing Other Countries!

I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to live when we have our own trouble.🤦🏾 

May 1, 2023

Emmett Till Accuser Carolyn Bryant Died At 88

Carolyn Bryant didn’t die in peace, know that. Ever since she lied on Emmett Till, her life was toast: She divorced twice, lost one or a couple of her sons, she was a recluse for the remainder of her life. Karma gave her the business. Good or bad, what you plant will return to you. 

Peace Of Mind

Not sure why some people think they’re that important, but I digress. Forgiving someone without speaking doesn’t mean you’re holding a grudge, it means you value peace enough to not engage toxic folks. They’re who they are, always have & will be.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.