Mar 31, 2023

Weekend Vibe

 I’m getting in these streets this weekend. πŸ’ͺ🏾🦍Saturday Morning gym sesh, grab breakfast & find something else to get into.😎

After this past week, I need to let loose a little to have fun.

Mar 30, 2023

The Number 3: Lessons & Categories Of Friends

Repost: Moses Leo Ondungu

Samson's parents had known the secret of Samson's strength since his birth, yet they told no one (Judges 13:5).

The day Delilah heard of it, she told Samson's enemies and brought Samson down to ordinary

 (Judges 16:17,18) 


1. Everyone qualifies for your love, but not all the people you love qualify to know the secrets of your life! Because, some cannot handle it, and others cannot wait to trade your secret for personal gain! 

2. The enemy that will destroy you, will not come with a sword but with a smile! 

3. Learning to keep your friends' secrets is not only about trust, but destinies are at stake. Nothing can be more dangerous and painful than to share your secrets with your enemy thinking they are your friends! 


a.) Confidants - They will walk with you no matter how hard it gets. You need to be grateful if you have one

b.) Associates - They team up with you to achieve a common goal.....most of the time they compete for the same prize/goals with you! Be very careful with these kind, they may push you down in order to win the prize

c.) Comrades - They team up with you just to fight a common enemy. They will be gone once the enemy is should not be worried when they leave, they were there for a season.



πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯I don’t know what else to say, but this word was πŸ”₯. Very few people have confidants, because that’s a title you shouldn’t give anyone. Confidant is a title that comes with history; you have to see the person at their best & worst. If I’m blessed with confidants, I’ll cherish them. Honestly, I’ve seen too much shadiness in people to be vulnerable, so for me, I’m selective in who I choose to get to know, because I refuse to share confidential information to snakes 🐍. That’s what got Samson in trouble, he let his guard down with Delilah and she had him set up. My destiny is too valuable to be sidetracked by snakes 🐍 & rats πŸ€. Everyone qualifies for my love, but they don’t qualify to know my secrets because some cannot handle it. Great Message!

Mar 29, 2023

Reciprocal Treatment

You get treated the way you treat others. So if you want to be treated right, you should set an example by treating others right. 

Today’s Message: Why Does God Answer Prayers

God doesn’t answer prayers to prove a point, he answers prayers to showcase his glory. 

Mar 28, 2023

What We Learned From Will Smith vs. Chris Rock

πŸ’―❗️Famous people have a target on their backs because some people wait for you to foul up. When it comes down to it, stars are human. They deal with crap just like the rest of us, so maybe people need to stop idolizing them like they can do no wrong. 

Mar 27, 2023


 When a man has a serious facial expression, it means he’s locked in. This season I’m in requires laser focus, so I have to be locked into the vision.

Today’s Thought: Stay In Your Lane & Observe

 When you stay in your lane & observe some things, you find out a lot about yourself.

Mar 26, 2023

Sunday Word

 Repost: Brittney Brown 

Some people will never like you because your spirit disturbs their demons. The Lord will always protect you from those who weren't created to walk with you in purpose. Do not spend your emotional wealth nor energy trying to find a reason for their perceived rejection of you. Understand that God is intentional in His protection of your heart, destiny and salvation. Your journey is too important to worry about those who aren't for you. Thank God for revelation, and move on.

 πŸ™I needed this word. Thank God for revelation, and I purpose to move on. Everybody that comes with you, can’t go with you.

Mar 25, 2023

Saturday Gospel

 Repost: Jentezen Franklin

Your life doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to have everything together in order to pray! It's in your acknowledged weakness and humbled prayers that the Lord goes to work on your behalf.

Mar 22, 2023

Today’s Thought: Let Folks Vent

Christians have a big issue with dismissing someone’s feelings when they’re venting. Many believers are quick to preach forgiveness, but part of forgiveness means allowing the offended to vent especially if YOU (the believer) hurt them. After the offended person has vented, then can healing begin. 

Mar 21, 2023

Prayer For Self

As believers, we need to pray for ourselves sometimes. I’m in a season right now that requires πŸ’― focus.

This season God has me in. My prayerπŸ™ is to remain focused so I reach the finish line.

Mar 20, 2023

Monday Prayer

I don't normally post prayers, but I felt led to recite the Baby Boy movie prayer, so here it is:

Dear Lord, please forgive us for the sins we've brought upon ourselves, and look down on us with forgiveness for the sins we will commit in the future. I know you understand that brothers aren't perfect, but we try Lord. We try to keep our heads up in bad times; this is a bad time. Show us the way, and if you can't show us the way, forgive us for being lost. 

Mar 19, 2023

Sunday Messages


Folks annoy me when they think they're entitled to your personal business, like you have something to hide because you choose to keep your personal stuff secret. No...I don't trust people enough to be vulnerable because a lot of folks in your life are doing surveillance, seeing what they can use against you.

Time has a way of telling the truth. I'm learning to let time tell the real because people will believe what they want, even if your explanation is solid.

Mar 18, 2023

Mar 17, 2023

Friday Word: Abiding In Jesus vs. Rebuking The Devil

 Repost: Isiah Williams

I don’t waste my time rebuking the devil…. I just spend my time abiding in Jesus. There is a real difference.

Wow..πŸ”₯This is a word. I think believers focus too much time on the devil instead of abiding in Jesus. Yes, Christians are called to rebuke Satan, but if we’re abiding in Jesus as we should, then there shouldn’t be a need to rebuke Satan unless…we choose to walk out from under God’s protection.

Mar 16, 2023

2 For 1 Thursday

I’m feeling generous today, so I’m blessing y’all with double:

Throwback Thursday Message:

It’s always a blessing if you fall out with the wrong people. Why? Because you can feel the toxicity leaving your life, which causes you to flow different.

Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

The art of keeping people in their place will help you with your success.

Why should you allow them to stop you?

Who are they?

What destiny do they have to give or take away?

Stop magnifying your haters and keep them in their place.

Let them run their mouth while you run your race.

Because in the grand scheme of your destiny, call, and purpose, they’re nobodies. 

This thing is between you and GOD!

Mar 15, 2023

Morning Thought: Invested In Celebrities’ Marriage

 Morning Thought: I can’t be the only man who doesn’t care if Russell Wilson’s wife Ciara embarrasses him by dressing nude.🀷🏾‍♂️He chose her.

Mar 14, 2023

Victory: Tera Carissa Hodges

Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

 #Victory You’ve got to know what a real win is to be at peace.

Many feel #AngelaBassett was robbed last night...

My thoughts…

She’s happily married, never in drama on the blogs, makes a GREAT living, living her dreams, has a beautiful, intact family complete with healthy children.

Trust me!


Victories are never just about manmade awards.

They’re about the wins that matter when you close your eyes to rest at night.

Because if you win THAT award but your LIFE is in shambles, have you really won?

I pray we all focus on the wins that truly matter…

This is the best explanation of winning I’ve heard. True wins come without drama.

Mar 13, 2023

Silicon Valley In Trouble

People need to pay attention to what goes on behind the scenes. I always say that what we see in the open reflects what goes on behind the scenes.

Mar 11, 2023


When you call someone out for their foolishness, their go-to response is "I'm Done With This" or "I Don't Want To Deal With This". Sure-fire way that they know they're dead wrong, but won't own up to their mistake(s). 

Mar 9, 2023

The True Definition Of Blessed

 Money doesn’t make YOU blessed ..treating people right & your character do !!!

Different Pace

 Repost: PrattCitySavage

Not everyone has the same pace in life. You could be 21 and working a full time job, or you could be 21 and working on getting to your Masters, or you could be 21 and at home helping out with your family. 21 with your own house and filthy rich, or you could be 21 depressed laid up wondering how to break the cycle. People choose different paths for different reasons. Don’t let the timing of success for others define you and your timing and your choices.

So many people are being discouraged because of comparison to others. Don’t let it get to you. You are the captain of your journey. Don’t use someone else’s map to lead you to your destination.

Mar 3, 2023

Friday Encouragement

I'm learning to encourage myself. As I encourage myself, I get more of a boost than from others' encouragement. Not all the time people are going to encourage you because they may need encouragement themselves.


Mar 2, 2023

Mar 1, 2023

Wednesday Inspiration

Pull jack moves for what you want in life.🦍πŸ’ͺ🏾 

What Is Spiritual Apathy

 Spiritual apathy is when a believer is indifferent towards their relationship with God. They're not concerned with growing in Christ.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.