Opportunity meats preparation. Where we’re at now is preparing us for where God’s taking us.
Aug 31, 2022
Aug 30, 2022
Biden Announces Student Debt Relief
Student debt relief has been trending on social media (and still is since Biden announced his student debt relief plan) for a while. I support relief for struggling folks regardless of the reason. Unless someone was born with rich parents who paid their children's way through school, nobody should be in their feelings over relief that could help tens of millions. The fact that there's outrage over student debt relief shows how selfish society is. It's the same tired arguments that's used against student debt relief: What about those who repaid their loans, and those who didn't go to college because they didn't want student debt? Look, I respect some people's decision not to attend college because they don't want student debt, but unless you're willing to work your way through school, get Pell grants to cover undergrad and/or a full scholarship, it's almost impossible to leave college without some student debt.
Aug 29, 2022
Men Who Complain Like Women
Truth be told: Men complaining like women is not a good look. A man’s job is to find & implement a solution.
Aug 28, 2022
God Calls The Unqualified
Repost from Michael Glenn (Facebook)
Church Folks Always getting Mad or Upset when GOD uses the people they thought were UNQUALIFIED
God uses the unqualified because he gets the glory. When you’re feeling yourself, you think all you accomplish is because of YOU, when it’s God that gives you the strength & ability to achieve what you have.
Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Message
When man puts something that has been broken back together, it is not as good as before. When Jesus does it, it's better than before.
Aug 26, 2022
Help Or Shut Up
If you're not trying to help someone who's struggling, do me a favor and shut up. Some folks always have to have their lips moving and they're not saying nothing.
Aug 25, 2022
Bosses Build, They Don’t Scam Others
Repost (Kiara Shantae Williams)
❤You're a boss but you have to flip money and hustle folks out of their hard earned money just so you can flex? You're not a boss, you're a scam artist, a bottom feeder, a scumbag to the highest degree... You're not smart enough to work hard for want you want (which IMO makes it easier to enjoy when you DO get it) so you have to prey on unsuspecting victims & cheat your way to the top.... Well enjoy while it lasts because there's no profit in ill gotten gain & when your entire world crashes down that crash landing is gonna be painful & nobody will be there to ice the wounds & offer any support #SadCases❤
Putting Yourself 1st
When you work on your own happiness, people look at you crazy like you’re selfish! God forbid people put themselves first.😒Truth be told, I don’t care how others feel about me putting myself first because I know I give more to others than self, so they can drown in their feelings.
Aug 23, 2022
Aug 22, 2022
Aug 20, 2022
Why Do Women Outnumber Men In Church
The reason women outnumber men in churches is because of feminization. Women seek more intimate relationships at church than men. Men are turned off from church because of legalism. Most pastors cater to women which is evident by how many of their sermons target men’s shortcomings.
Mention Men’s Issues=Amens & Hallelujahs.
Mention women’s issues=😡🤬
Aug 19, 2022
Friday Message: Let Me Know What You’re Doing
People think you're not doing anything with your life unless you post it on social media. SMH, you'll never know every move I make.
Aug 18, 2022
Sowing & Reaping
When you tell someone you’ll reap what you sow, you’re not wishing bad on them. Sowing & reaping can be positive or negative.
Aug 17, 2022
I hate when some people tell me uncomfortable stories about their lives because my heart goes out to them. Whatever they tell me, I usually replay in my head several times a day. Some people have serious trauma that I pray healing from. Through all of that, I keep their info confidential. I ain't no snitch.
Aug 16, 2022
Toxic Ministers
Repost from Mark A. Brown
I remember growing up in the church world greatly revering some men in leadership and even fearing being in their very presence. As I got older however I learned that SOME OF THEM were just plain mean, manipulative, dictatorial, rude, unforgiving, partial in judgement, nepotistic and very poor theologians. They insulated their behavior with twisting scripture and avoiding all forms of accountability. What was worse was that they fostered relationships in ‘ministry’ with likeminded ‘lords’ who formed an unspoken fraternity to fortify themselves against grievances or complaints of unethical and immoral behavior. Hey folks, when someone slated to be an example exemplifies such toxic behavior you are in no way biblically bound to follow. Hold your leaders accountable to the word of God.
“Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith.”
Hebrews 13:7
Some old-school COGIC fit this mold. Before some Christians come with the “we all fall short” excuse, save it.🙂Yes, we fall short, but preachers, Christians are held to a higher standard because for many unsaved people, Christians will be the only Christ they see; and if some of us are cutting the fool, how does that look to them? This post is the reason why many people (Christians & unsaved) want nothing to do with the church, because there’s no difference in believers from Sunday to Saturday. I’ve never put man on a pedestal because they err, just like me. There’s a reason why God’s judgment will be more harsh on the church because Christian leaders should know better, but some of them choose to twist scripture to avoid accountability.
Aug 15, 2022
Aug 14, 2022
Today’s Word
Sometimes you miss important things when you move too fast. It’s ok to take things slow. Life isn’t always a race.
Aug 13, 2022
Stop (Saying God Is Working On You) Babette Glenn
Credit to Ms. Babette Glenn for this post:
STOP saying God is working on you. Why? Because the work He has instilled in you is NOT what you want to be equipped to do.
Wow…WOW. This was 🔥.
Saturday Morning Chronicles
I’ll try & post daily morning chronicles, but if I can’t, I’ll give y’all extra later that day.
#MorningChronicles (from this morning)
1. Biden authorized thousands of IRS agents to carry a gun; Make It Make Sense🤦🏾
2. The church has gotten too comfortable with their 501c3 tax exempt status. There’s a reason why the government grants ministries that status, so they can dictate to pastors what they can & can’t preach.
3. When I see kids talking crazy to their parents, I shake my head because there’s no way my folks would’ve tolerated that.
4.Some women want a sole provider that pays all the bills. That’s fine, but…she has no say-so. A man that’s paying all the bills can do whatever he wants: Cheat, stay out all day, beat his wife & kids like a dog (I don’t condone that😡), etc. Old-school men back in the day had free reign because they were taking care of home, and grandma & great-grandma knew this. I know it’s dead wrong, but that’s how it was back then (I’ve heard plenty stories from the elders in my family).
Aug 12, 2022
Aug 11, 2022
Morning Chronicles
1. Black folks complain about gentrification (which is valid to a degree), but won’t complain about the gangsters & dope boys who terrorize the hood. Take better care of your hood, and outsiders won’t feel the need to come in and run you out.
2. People raising hell about a 10-year old girl who was RAPED by her scumbag uncle whose parents traveled across state lines to get an abortion irk me. So y’all are glossing over the fact that a 10-year old girl was RAPED BY HER UNCLE. Miss me with the selective outrage.🤦🏾
3. If we’re honest, many of us identify with Rick Ross’ older album God Forgives, I Don’t. The concept of the album is getting revenge for offenses committed against oneself.
4. Shout out to the strong parents raising special needs children; it can’t be easy because the constant worry of how independent your child will become lingers in your mind.
Aug 10, 2022
Appreciate Your Blessing
What you take for granted, someone struggles with. Many people don’t realize how blessed they are. This can be from good health to good fortune. It bothers me (even though it shouldn’t) when people take for granted what someone else has to work twice as hard to accomplish. I wish some people were grateful for their good fortune, because someone out there is breaking their neck to get where that person is. It seems that some people who reach success are more grateful than those who had an easy life because of the struggle. No matter how many times they were hit, they kept fighting because they wanted a better life than the one they were given. I respect those successful people more because they had to work for theirs.
Aug 9, 2022
Open Doors: Paula White
Repost By Paula White⬇️
When God opens a door for you- no man, no devil, no hater, no doubter can shut it!
Aug 8, 2022
Monday Thought
One thing about working out in heat & humidity; you’ll sweat quick & shed lbs. fast.💪🏾😎Of course, you gotta drink a gallon of water, but that comes with the territory.
Aug 7, 2022
Today's Message: It's Not A Secret, It's None Of Your Business
Aug 6, 2022
Adjust & Win: Coach Willie Simmons
Aug 5, 2022
Morning Chronicles
I’m starting a series of Morning Thoughts, because I have to air some stuff out, and what better day to start than the morning?
Morning Chronicles (Inspired by John King Johnson)
1. The church’s 501c3 tax exempt status should be stripped. It will expose who’s in ministry for fame & fortune, as well as who’s passionate about souls.
2. Why do some blacks wear hard times/struggle as a badge of honor? Black Christians are good for this as many of them love to say, “I’m praising God in the midst of the storm” I get that life isn’t perfect, but at some point, you should want an easy life, if not for you then your children.
3. Carolyn Bryant, the white lady who had Emmett Till killed has been cursed: She lost more than one of her sons, and had to live as a recluse for the last 20+ years until she was found recently. This lady had the nerve to say she feels Mamie Till (Emmett Till)’s pain?🤦🏾Cut the crap. One mother’s pain is from a lie YOU told that got a young man killed; the other is guilt from lying. They’re not the same.
Aug 4, 2022
Not Hearing From You: Tera Carissa Hodges
White Nationalist Haven: Idaho?
Idaho Nears the Fulfillment of Aryan Nations leader’s vision For Creating a White-Nationalist Haven
These prejudice jokers are something else. If they want their own white nationalist haven, let them. Their supporters can join them because most times, non-prejudiced whites won't speak against injustice, so in my eyes, they can go too. I'm sick of these prejudice fools clamoring for the old days. White nationalists are like: Remember the good old days? My response: Yes, the good old days where blacks had to fight for basic human decency, subject to racial terror, etc. Stop talking about it & DO IT. Trust me, they won't be missed. Maybe a white nationalist haven would be good because all the prejudice fools and their supporters can live in harmony clamoring for the old days. Segregate from the rest of us civilized humans. If them moving to the Pacific NW causes them to fade to black, right on. I'll promote the movement on this blog site to help expedite the process. One way or another, hate/prejudice should have no place in this country. Whatever needs to be done for it to end, I'm with it.
Aug 3, 2022
I Need A Crew
One thing I can’t stand is dudes who have to roll deep everywhere they go. Who raised some of you follow the leader type cats? Most of you can’t go to the bathroom without an entourage; What, you need a crew to help you live life? Can’t do nothing on your own?🤣😒
Aug 2, 2022
Uncle Tom: Insult Or Not?
Aug 1, 2022
Men vs. Women: Hearing From God
Thought Of The Day: When it comes to hearing from God, women blow men out of the water. I'm being honest. That's not to say that men don't hear from God because they do..it's just that women are more in tune with God because in a lot of families, women are the prayer warriors. They are the ones seeking God on behalf of their family. As much as I appreciate all the prayer warrior women, men need to step their game up. Another thing I've noticed is that women are more likely to surrender to God because they know he knows what's best. Men will fight tooth & nail with God until they get to a point where they allow God to do his thing. Until now, I've never understood why men have a harder time surrendering to God. Is it ego/pride? Yes, among other things. When a man surrenders to God, he acknowledges he doesn't have all the answers. That is the hardest thing for a man to do is admit he doesn't know everything.
Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.
Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop S...
Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. — Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 2, 2015 As usual, ...
A lot of men get confused between simping, and showing your woman love. Many men believe that simping is respecting your woman who goes out...