Jul 31, 2022

Everything Will Be Alright

Repost (Shaniqua Gilmore, Facebook User)

If you're looking for reassurance today, this is it. You're going to be okay. Stop worrying, stressing, and having anxiety over what God has already handled. He has already taken care of it. Blessings are coming your way. Everything will be alright. 

Jul 30, 2022

The Meaning Of Strength

 Watching CT Fletcher’s biography opened my eyes to something: For a lot of weightlifters, weightlifting is their outlet. Some of these lifters have endured abuse as children, but once they started lifting, it was their therapy. Every rep symbolizes the hard times they’ve been through. It’s a story behind all that muscle & power.

Jul 29, 2022

Question Of The Day: What Would You Do

This is a great topic because it will reveal people's heart. Anytime the mega million jackpot reaches in excess of $500 million, people are asked what they would do with their wealth. Generic answers are given: Buy houses, cars, travel, pay off this, that & the third. If I'm blessed to reach millionaire status, I'm giving back. It's not about me balling out of control. I don't need the biggest house, nicest car, none of that. Give me the interest and I'll be fine. My wealth will be used to make a difference: I'm paying for all of my nieces' college education, donating to my local ministry so they can do more outreach/missions work, giving to causes I'm passionate about. When you realize money doesn't make you, you're fine with not living like a boss. Besides, real bosses fly under the radar because they don't want folks checking for them because of the fame & fortune. I can say with a straight face that if God blesses me to reach millionaire or even multi-millionaire status, he trusts that I would give back. I give back now, but being a millionaire would allow me to give in a greater capacity.


Jul 28, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Telling The Truth

If you're telling the truth, you have no reason to apologize. If you're lying, apologizing is in your best interest. 

Jul 27, 2022


Before I speak on this topic, let me say I'm not opposed to megachurch pastors being blessed. These guys dedicate their lives to reaching people for Christ, so I feel they should be compensated. Besides, most of these megapastors don't take salaries from their ministry; their income comes from speaking engagements, investments, books, etc. Gone are the days where pastors had regular jobs and preached on Wednesdays & Sundays. Now...for the podcast: This podcast was fire. These brothers kept it all the way real because they touched on how mainstream ministry has become. It goes back to the 501c3 tax exempt status: Because ministry is tax exempt under 501c3, ministers don't have to pay taxes. With that comes goverment regulation: The government can tell pastors what & what not to preach. I've spoke on this before, but I'll say it again: If the church's 501c3 tax exempt status is stripped, you'll find out the true motives for many ministers; are they in ministry for the fame & fortune or for souls?

Jul 26, 2022

State Of Society

Kids don't respect nothing, rats telling everything, racial division, greed, poverty, inequality in the criminal justice system, men acting like women, women acting like men, Christians acting like the world; Society is messed up.😒 

Jul 25, 2022

Throwback Message: Do We (Christians) Need The Church?

The only argument some Christians have against those believers who aren’t part of a church body is accountability. “You need other believers to help you mature spiritually.” Question: Are other believers going to answer for your walk with God at Judgment Day?👀👀🤔

Put it this way: Parents train their children to be independent & that child leaves home; the church is the same way: It trains believers to be effective for Christ, and once that believer matures in their faith, they should be able to maintain a close relationship with God on their own (putting God first, reading his Word and daily prayer). Then again, many Christians will always be dependent on a church body for their spiritual growth because some of them aren’t disciplined enough to pray daily, read His word and put him first on their own.

My keys for growing in God

1. Reading/Listening to God’s Word-daily e-mail devotionals, sermons (YouTube)

2. Prayer-daily conversations with God

I’ll keep it real and say that seasoned Christians are becoming more dissatisfied with church, which is why many churches have seen a decline in attendance. The COVID pandemic has forced some believers to do what some of them should’ve been doing on their own, and that’s seeking God for themselves. 

Jul 23, 2022

Question: How Can I Explain My Hope To Unbelivers

1 Peter 3:15-Be ready to defend your hope if anyone questions it. How many Christians would keep it real about their faith? Very few. Many Christians would explain how they never questioned God in the midst of fiery trials. They would tell people how they've always had rock-solid faith. I'm going to be real: Most of them would be lying. No matter how long someone has been walking with God, every believer has questioned God. They've asked God the reason behind fiery storms, and some Christians have considered turning their backs on God because it seems like their trials (the ones that they're going through which are out of their control) have no expiration date. I know we live in a fallen world, and no one is immune to testing, but at some point trials must end. That's the part some Christians won't tell people; because they know if they gave an honest answer, that person could be turned away from coming to Christ. I believe that Christians can defend their faith by keeping it real: Telling unsaved people how good God has been to them, while explaining times they've questioned God about fiery storms; whether serving God is worth fighting battles you don't sign up for. After that, you let the unsaved person choose whether to accept or reject Christ.

Jul 22, 2022

Trina’s Niece Killed in Liberty City, Miami

Trina’s niece got killed in Miami (Liberty City, Pork & Beans). I don’t know if she had business in the Beans or what, but those Miami streets are unforgiving.☹️ 

Jul 21, 2022

Thinking Out Loud

Before Adam & Eve's disobedience, there was no sin & life was good as God intended. When they ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world so God had to send Jesus to cover the cost of sin on the cross. I want to think this world would be sin-free, but I can't.

The reason is humans are hardheaded; we do what we want (good or bad). Someone else would've disobeyed God & God would have had to send his son Jesus to the cross for our sin. In short, sin would've entered through someone else's disobedience if not Adam & Eve. #thinkingoutloud 

Jul 20, 2022

You’re Real If You’re Doing For Others

When you’re doing for someone, you're real, but when you aren't, you're flaw. If you're grown, get your own. When you’ve got your own, no one can throw in your face what they did for you. 

Jul 19, 2022

Today’s Message

 People treat you exactly how they feel about you 🤞🏾..keep that in mind

I treat them accordingly, by paying them dust.

Jul 18, 2022

Today's Thought: Fiery Suffering


One thing believers can count on is suffering: They're going in, in the midst of, or on their way out of suffering. Suffering is unavoidable because we live in a fallen world. If it was up to me, I would wipe suffering off the map and everyone would be on Cloud 9 in life. Because none of us are God, we don't have that power so the best thing for believers to do is hold on in the midst of raging storms. Storms don't last forever, even though we think so sometimes.

Jul 17, 2022

No Credit For Doing Good

 I stand on this. If you're looking for clout, was your deed genuine? If the person never recognizes you, are you going to stop doing good for others just because you won't get praise? You shouldn't, but everyone's different. I would be lying if I said I didn't want praise for doing something good for someone, but as I've gotten older, I learned that some people will never shout you out for doing good for them, so move on.

Jul 16, 2022

The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together: Pt. 2

Thought Of The Day: A Family That Prays Together, Stays Together. In an ideal world, that would be true but because we live in a fallen world, that saying is false. You can have families that are rooted in prayer and a split still happen. You can't always work things out. Sometimes, a split is best for all involved. 

Jul 15, 2022

Leadership Reveals True Colors

 Sometimes, you're placed in leadership to reveal your true colors. Do you know how to handle authority? I believe that everyone should not be in power because they abuse their authority. Politicians are good examples because they make & pass laws that benefit themselves and certain members of society. If I ever rose to power, I would use my authority to better others’ lives. To me, that’s the mark of a good leader; they use their influence to improve other people’s lives.

Jul 14, 2022

Today’s Thought: Continual Suffering

I feel like preaching today: God will allow toxic people to continue hurting you until you get rid of them. That’s the only way some of us will dump toxicity from our lives. We must become so fed up with suffering that we get rid of it by any means necessary. 

Jul 13, 2022

Focus On The Solution: God

When we focus on the solution (God) instead of the trial, we will be able to stand, knowing who will bring us through. 

Jul 12, 2022

Daily Thought

Drug dealers/hustlers are entrepreneurs in a sense. They sell their product to prospective customers and get paid. Although their product is detrimental to the community as a whole, their clientele is satisfied for that moment. If the customers are satisfied, they keep coming back. In business, when there's excessive profits, expect fierce competition. 

Jul 11, 2022


If you have to be reminded NOT to leave your kids or pets in hot cars during the summer, you shouldn’t have either. I don’t care if you’re going to the store for a quick minute, or getting a bite to eat. 

Jul 10, 2022

Apologies Lose Credibility

Throwback Message:

Apologies lose their credibility after a while since the offender has no intention to change.

Jul 9, 2022

"Family from Ohio Takes 10yr Old Girl to have Abortion!"

This story was wild. A 10-year old girl was raped & became pregnant as a result. I'm sorry, but a 10-year old doesn't have the maturity to raise the baby, so I can see why she and her parents had an abortion done in another state. With the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, the courts have left abortion up to each state. I hate to say this, but we may hear more stories like this (I hope not). This is about a little girl who was violated & had a baby as a result. If not abortion, then the baby could've been given up for adoption. It's women who can't have children that would love children. I don't judge this girl & her parent's decision because maybe they felt abortion was better. Maybe they didn't want to deal with the trauma of having a rapist's baby. How would it look for this girl to keep a baby by the rapist? How would the girl & parents (or any other family members) explain to the child how they were conceived?

Jul 8, 2022

Friday Message

You can't call someone a homewrecker if you're giving them the keys to your home. 

Jul 7, 2022

Why I’m Not God

 I could NOT be God because I wouldn’t put up with a fraction of the foolishness that’s going on today. Y’all would have one time to cut up before I destroy everyone. I would be in a bad mood just about every day. #DeadSerious

Jul 6, 2022

Treat Energy Like Money

Repost (Denisha Davis)

Treat your ENERGY like it's Money.. If u don't give your Money to everybody stop giving your Energy to everybody & everything. #Namaste

I protect my energy & money by any means necessary, because it’s a lot of vultures waiting to pounce. Some people wonder why they’re irritable? Maybe they should look at how they treat their energy; do they give their energy to the wrong people? If so, the solution is doing the opposite: Be selfish with your energy.

Jul 5, 2022

A Word On Faith

Faith is God’s open door for us to allow him to move in our lives. 

Jul 4, 2022

You're Doing This & That? Prove It

I stand by this. Nobody should be important enough that you feel a need to show them how well you're doing. It's none of their business. People need to learn how to move in silence; let people see what YOU want them to see. We're all at different stages in life: Some people have arrived earlier than others, but there's no timetable on success. Just because you may take longer to arrive doesn't mean nothing; maybe YOU had a tougher road to travel in order to get where you need to be, that's cool. I believe that people who overcame adversity to make it are more appreciative of their blessing because of what they went through.

Jul 3, 2022

How Should Christians Respond to Roe V. Wade?

Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned (abortion rights were returned to the states; each state determines whether they'll uphold or outlaw abortion), it has sparked fierce debate among Christians. Some Christians applaud the Supreme Court's decision, others are upset. I expect the world to be upset because some of them have no regards for life; secular folks are stuck on that "My Body, My Choice" slogan. Christians are supposed to stand for righteousness, and being pro-abortion contradicts that. Abortion is nothing more than calculated murder. I'm against abortion for the simple fact that some women CHOOSE to lay down with a man, then when they get pregnant, they don't want the child and get an abortion. In that instance, they don't want the responsibility of caring for a child, so they take the easy way out. If you don't want a baby, don't lay down with another person. It's that simple.

Jul 2, 2022

Regretting Parenthood

This blog post may be too real for some, but it needs to be talked about. For many parents, parenthood is joyous because they're molding their children into responsible citizens who will make an impact on society. Even though parenthood can be challenging, most parents don't regret parenthood because parenthood has taught them more about themselves. What about those parents who regret parenthood? Look at the evidence: Parents charged with abuse & neglect of their children. You can Google articles on child abuse/neglect of children by their parents and find thousands of results. The above snippet is from a minister I follow on FB and she's known for tackling subjects most people aren't ready for. This topic has me thinking about the children. How would the children feel if they knew they were unwanted? Slighted, upset, depressed are a few thoughts that come to mind. I know some parents wouldn't tell their kids they regret being their mom and/or dad, but the thought has probably crossed their mind, especially if the child is special needs, or brings them more grief than they're equipped to handle. I couldn't tell my kid(s) I regret having them because it would hurt them, and me. Would they get on my nerves? Yes, but that's where discipline comes in. They cross that line, it's a wrap for them. I applaud people who choose not to have children because can't deal with parenthood's challenges. If more people were real about not being able to handle parenthood, there wouldn't be so many unwanted, abused/neglected children.

Jul 1, 2022

Woman Goes Crazy On Her Baby Daddy For Only Bringing Food For His Kid An...

All over social media, I'm hearing about a father catching hell for not buying the other kids McDonalds; he only bought McDonalds for his son. Personally, I would've bought McDonalds for all the kids because I couldn't let my child eat good and forget about the other kids; that's just ME. Everyone doesn't think like that and it's cool. I'm not picking sides; it's just what it is. Maybe the father only had enough for his son, did the mother consider that? If the mother was that pissed off, why didn't SHE buy those kids McDonalds?🤔Every battle isn't worth fighting. Allegedly she was selling the stamps (don't know how true, but if so, she's foul for taking food from her kids' mouths), which meant she expected him to pick up the slack for the other fathers. Let's say he had to go without for his child so he could make sure the other kids could eat; this video wouldn't exist. Again, this is just me but I hate drama so I would shut it down by feeding all the kids at once just to shut her up. All the kids eat, they're happy...problem solved. It would become an issue for me if this happened repeatedly because where's the other fathers? Why aren't they stepping up?

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.