Jun 30, 2022

Question Of The Day: Do Christians Want Revival

So many Christians want revival, but are WE (believers) ready for revival? Some believers truly desire revival, but when it happens, many of them may not be able to handle it. 

Jun 29, 2022

Going Through Troubled Water


God is wild. He's showing me how to view trials through this lens. Mature believers will understand the above picture because when God takes you through troubled waters, he's there with you & is drowning your enemies. How awesome is that? To go through hard times as a believer, knowing your enemies won't be at the finish line? I used to complain when bad situations beyond my control happen, but now...I'm learning to look at trials through this lens because if my enemies won't be at the finish line, then God has my permission (not that he needs it) to take me through deep water because I know when I come out, no enemies will be waiting. Even if they were, it's already handled.

Jun 28, 2022

America Is NOT A Nation Under God: Charity Israel


Facts...all facts. How can believers demand godly behavior from ungodly people? They can lead by example, but it's still the unsaved person's choice to follow Christ or reject him.

Jun 27, 2022

Today's Thought

Harsh message, but it needs to be said. I'm tired of reading articles about children and pets dying from being left in hot cars in the summer. Children & pets (even adults) can't endure a hot car for long so why leave them to die? Makes no sense. The only time my dogs are in the car is when we're going for a drive, and I have the A/C on. Otherwise, they stay home while I run errands. With the heat & humidity being like it is, I restrict my dogs outside time to early mornings and late evenings; those times of day it's cooler & they enjoy it better. These tragedies can be prevented if parents and pet owners exercise a little common sense.


Jun 24, 2022

Student Debt Relief: Students Scammed By For-Profit Institutions

Student debt relief has been discussed in the news & media, with Biden cancelling another $8 billion for students scammed by for-profit institutions. Right On! Students scammed by for-profit institutions SHOULD have their debt cancelled because it's not their fault their school scammed them, so why should they have to repay loans through no fault of their own? That's ridiculous. Unlike most whiners, I'm happy for those who had student debt wiped out. That's money the recipients can use to start families, businesses, save for retirement, etc. Now...some people are BIG MAD because students scammed by for-profit schools had their debt wiped out. I'm sick & tired of these clowns whining like babies: "WAAAAA WAAAAA, where's my relief? I sacrificed to repay student loans, they should too. I didn't go to college, why should I have to repay others' debts" A lot of student debt relief opponents like to scream taxpayer cost, or they say "It's an insult to those who repaid their student loans" The same arguments are recycled. Guess what? The targeted relief already went through so people need to grow up and stop crying about relief that others received. Just because YOU didn't receive the break someone else did, that gives you a right to be in your feelings over their blessing? Shut up, seriously. It speaks volumes about society when people can be offended over another's relief. I'm sure the complainers got breaks others' wished they received, right? Miss me with that crybaby stuff. Jealousy is not a good look, especially when it comes to student debt relief that others have received. We have got to stop celebrating the struggle. Again, I salute everyone who was/is the recipient of student debt cancellation. I'm pretty sure more student debt relief will be coming soon, and then what are the haters going to complain about next? Knowing them, they'll recycle the same arguments: You took out a loan, you pay it back; It's an insult to those who repaid their loans, taxpayer cost, I sacrificed to repay my loans, they should too; where's my relief, do I get a refund, etc.

Jun 23, 2022

Thursday Message: Blessings Don't Come With Sin

It's a curse. You won't enjoy that "blessing" because you did wrong to get it. God's blessings come with no sorrow.

Jun 22, 2022

Today's Thought: Peace


The older I get, the more I understand this statement. I don't see how some people go through life having enemies, but more power to them (I guess). For me, it's peace over everything. Y'all can have enemies, I'll take peace of mind anyday. Moving freely with no worries of who's out to get me, it's a blessing that most drama-filled people will never understand.

Jun 21, 2022

How Could A Mother Forget Her Kid For 3 Hours: Nikki Brooks

Repost by Nikki Brooks




You forget and can neglect in a plethora of ways…



Executive Dysfunction








High functioning Learning or social differences 

Literally brain fogs…..

I know it makes us angry but also, this idea that mothering is easy peasy is false.

This is why the government gotta stay out of our uterus.  Parenting is not a job for everyone. And it’s legit terrifying. 

And this idea that everyone can prevent pregnancies doesn’t take a bunch of stuff into account (ie emotional and financial abuse, religious abuse, etc) 

And yes…not only do some people not need kids - they don’t want them because it’s hard. It’s tough. And you can do things like forget your kids in a car. 

She wasn't lying when she said that parenting isn't a job for everyone because it's not. The evidence is how many children are abused/neglected at the hands of their "parents". I don't know how I feel about a parent forgetting their kid for 3 hours, but it happens. It's been stories where kids were left in hot cars for minutes or up to/more than an hour; if the kid is lucky enough to survive being left in a hot car for a while, they can only cool themselves through panting, and ice cold water. Based on the examples given, I can see how some mothers forget their kid(s) for 3 hours, but...wouldn't something click after a while to let you know your child is probably waiting for you? I'm not a parent, but I can imagine that parenting is a tough job. My parents went through a LOT raising me, so I know parenting is nothing to play with. Parenting doesn't come with an instruction book, so adults parent by trial & error and hope their child(ren) turn out good.

Jun 20, 2022

Protect The Black Woman

Do black men have a duty to protect black women? That depends on who you ask. Some say yes, others say no (I'll get into that later), some will say they protect the black women in their lives. You'll get three different answers based on who you ask. The original post had a lot of valid points from all sides, but for me: I'm leaning towards protecting the black women in my life: aunt, nieces, etc. They're women I'm close to so why wouldn't I protect them? If I made friends with a black woman and we became very close, then she can expect me to have her back & vice versa, but if I protect a random black woman out of the goodness of my heart, who's to say she'll appreciate it? I don't know. I think that's why a lot of brothers feel the way they do about protecting black women because for so long, many black women have dogged black men & now they expect protection? Not how this works. On the flip side: Black women have stood up for black men when they're being knocked off by police, during slavery, etc. so I do support protecting black women when the situation calls for it. Most men will have no problem protecting black women if they're appreciated for it & don't return to the dangerous situation. Take domestic abuse for example: A man is beating his woman & another brother steps in to give that man the business. In some cases, the woman will jump on the man that tried to help her. It happens. The other man is thinking he did right (which he did), and he's confused at why she's jumping on him for protecting her. He's jaded & the next time he sees a black woman in danger, he minds his business. Why should he risk his life for someone who won't be grateful?

Jun 18, 2022

Loyalty Is Given

It’s not a drought on loyalty, people choose who they’re loyal to (as they should). Everyone doesn’t & won’t appreciate loyalty so should you give it to the wrong people? No. If you’re loyal to the wrong people, they’ll take you for granted because they think you’ll always be there. Aht Aht…there’s so much disloyalty someone can take before they cut you off for good, and then…your well-being will no longer be their concern. 

Jun 17, 2022

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Old-school black parents are good for saying "Do As I Say, Not As I Do". That doesn't cut it anymore because kids will do the opposite, and they get mad at what their kids emulate. Kids see everything, even when parents don't think they do. If parents want to raise responsible children, set the right example & they'll follow. I also understand that kids will do what they want no matter what good foundation parents give them, but most children...will follow the good example their parents set. 

The Meaning Of Let Him Use You


Jun 16, 2022

Today's Thought: All Preachers/Pastors Aren't Called By God

Confirmation. I spoke on watering down God's word a few times before, but this brought it home. If a believer supports what displeases God, they aren't my brother/sister in Christ. Sorry, not sorry. If I support what displeases God, I have to answer for that. I'll pray for their eyes to be opened, but that's it. Megachurch pastors are good at watering down God's word to fill seats. They know if they kept it real, the tithes dry up & they'll lose their 501c3 tax exempt status. That's why many pastors & preachers preach fluff instead of the meat. I get it, we all need an encouraging word from time to time, but there are times where pastors need to be 100. By 100, that means tackling hard issues without regards to who will be in their feelings, preaching the uncompromising truth of God's Word.


Jun 15, 2022

Should Homeschooling Parents Be Put On A List?

Homeschooling Parents On Watch

 Ridiculous!😠So…parents are on a watchlist because they don’t want their children indoctrinated with the nonsense of public education? Parents are responsible for their child’s education, so I’m with homeschooling parents 100%. If I was a parent, I’d definitely homeschool my children because I don’t want my kids around some of these demonic students who…as the article states, wouldn’t think twice about bullying or deliberately hurting someone else. The government is mad because parents are waking up and taking charge of their children’s education (which they should’ve done all along) instead of leaving it to the gov’t.

Jun 14, 2022

I Don’t Do Mess

I'm dead serious when I say I don't deal with messy people. It seems like the majority of people are messy, which is why I stay to myself. Don't want that nonsense around me. Swerve! 

Jun 13, 2022

Babies Suffer with Toxic Mothers (((LIVE))) SPECIAL GUEST: Andrea Braxton

Folks aren't ready for this conversation. I've known for a while toxic mothers use their kids as a weapon. Who suffers? The kids. My question is if the mother knew the man was no good, why did she lay down with him? Either he told you flat out he didn't want to be a father or he let you know in so many words that if you have this baby, he won't be around. The mother is thinking a baby will change his mind, time passes and he doesn't come around. Even if he's ordered to pay child support, he'll come up with an excuse not to pay. This doesn't excuse men's obligation to their kid(s) because if you're man enough to lay down with a woman, be man enough to help take care of that child. Social media has given men a voice to express their displeasure with toxic mothers, and I'm glad because this needs to be discussed. Women have been vocal about criticizing deadbeat fathers, but many of them forget that moms can be deadbeats too. Toxic mothers have more leeway than men in the custody system. If a man needs help, he gets the 3rd degree. Let a woman fall on hard times, the government will move heaven & earth to help her. There are good fathers who WANT to be in their child's lives, but they have to fight to be in their child's lives. A father shouldn't have to fight to be in his child(ren)'s life, but that's today's reality. What's worse is the child grows up hating dad because of their spiteful mother. It's wild...it really is. If a man & woman have a kid together, and he doesn't want to be with her, that shouldn't give her license to use the child as a weapon, but too many do.

Jun 12, 2022

Preying at the Pulpit

Preying At The Pulpit sums up the sex abuse that's rampant in Christianity. Now, some people will pin this on Catholics, but American pastors aren't immune from sexually abusing young children. This needs to be exposed because churches are supposed to be a safe haven for children to be taught the Word, but somehow pedophiles creeped into the church and victimized children. My heart goes out to the sexual abuse victims at the hands of "Men Of God". To me, sexual violations against children should be unforgivable because these are children. To use a position of authority to hurt children is the lowest thing anyone can do, but it happens. Church leaders who are guilty of sex abuse against children should be exposed and outcasted. Should there be any surprise from believers that unsaved folks want nothing to do with the church? NO. R.W. Schambach said it best: The church has become worldly, and the world has become like the church. You can't tell them apart. That quote has become more relevant everyday.

Jun 10, 2022

The Last Minute Attempt to Save Roe vs Wade | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer ...

Some of these people are DEMONIC. You have to be a special kind of savage to threaten a public official, a Supreme Court judge at that. I don't co-sign a lot of public officials, but I'm not stupid enough to threaten them because I know the consequences. I simply don't vote for them, period.

Jun 9, 2022

Men Sponging Off Women

 Thought Of The Day: Since when did it become acceptable for a MAN to sponge off a woman? He's not pulling his weight, leaving her with the household expenses and her stupid self co-signs. A woman has no right to catch feelings because she's enabling him. I can't fault him for sponging off her because she allowed it. Tell him to tighten up or he has to find somewhere else to live or someone else to sponge off of.

Florida Prophetic Encounter

Jun 8, 2022

Economic Progress? I Think Not

If you make $15 an hour, you bring home on average, $9 per hour after taxes and insurance. Most people work 40 hours per week, and according to the department of Energy, Americans purchase 40 gallons of gas a week minimum. This means after you pay for gas each week, you bring home $4 an hour. Anyone that makes minimum wage, is only paying for gas, that's it. When everyone voted for Biden because he promised wages of $15 an hour, did you think things like gas would stay at $2 per gallon. You now make less money today than you did 2 years ago, and if you make minimum wage, in another few weeks, you will start to pay to go to work Congratulations, your uneducated vote has lowered your household net income.

Copied and pasted from a friend!

We tried to tell ya what would happen 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️👍 

Jun 7, 2022

Today’s Message: Let Children Be Children

Repost from Michael ShoNuff Glenn

If you want a child to stay in a child's place, STOP Putting Them in Grown Folks Situations. Let the children be children.

Facts. No wonder some of these kids act grown because they’re forced into adult roles. Kids have the rest of their lives to be adults, let them be carefree.

Jun 6, 2022

Today’s Message: Garbage

 You can't sweeten garbage by putting it in sunshine. It's still going to stink.

Jun 4, 2022

Today's Thought: I Hate Tough Times


The 3 Categories Of Storms

 Storms are inevitable in life. No matter who you are, all of us fit into one of the above 3 categories of storms. No one goes through life storm free, and they're lying if they tell you otherwise.

Jun 3, 2022

Today’s Thought: Knowing The Least, Saying The Most

Repost by Andrea Williams (FB friend)

The people who know the least about you, always have the most to say. 

What they say is usually inaccurate, so let the jokers keep your name in their mouth. Those who know the real, know the lip wrestlers are all hot air. Think of it as free promotion: The more folks talk about you, the more famous you become. Eat it ⬆️ & keep moving, you’re on a mission.

Jun 2, 2022

Jun 1, 2022

Repost: Pet Loss


“Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job. 

The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most. 

Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them. 

Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they dont like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation. 

Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”

- Tricia Mo’orea

Powerful. No matter how painful this experience may be, I'm going to man up & be there for my pets until their last breath. They were there for me, so it's my job to be there for them. I know it's tough losing a pet, but think of the good times y'all had: Trips to the park, car rides, the walks, playing outside in the front yard. If you've given your dog(s) a good life, you shouldn't have trouble being there for them until the end. I don't want to lose a pet, but I know they'll go before me, so that's why I work hard to give them a good life so when they cross over, I'll have no regrets because I know I did right by my dogs. Will it be hard losing a dog? Yes, but again...the memories will carry me through. 

This Texas School Shooting Is Very Suspicious LIVE 2 STRONG

What stood out to me about this broadcast is how an hour & 15 minutes passed before authorities took action. You mean to tell me that police did nothing for an hour & 15 minutes, basically letting the shooter have free reign? Miss me with that. 19 students & 2 teachers died on THEIR (the cops) watch. I pray for the families of the slain students because their children will never make their mark on the world as a result of negligence. Corey & Marlon were fired up & rightfully so because the damage could've been minimized, or neutralized if the cops had some balls to take down the shooter before the first shot. I don't have children, but best believe...if I'm there, I'm saving lives at all costs.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.