May 31, 2022

Manhood In 2022

Repost by Andrew Forbes

 The American view of men is troubling. Either he's too much of a man and being demanding if he shares his views and acts as he sees needs to be, or what he does isn't enough (I know you did this, but can you do this too), or only do what is asked of him because what he chooses to do is not right, needed, and appreciated, or he's weak if he appears to care, or not sensitive if he appears not to. Men are a dying breed because society wants males, not Men.

My view: He’s not lying. Manhood has been attacked for a while now, and the attack isn’t letting up. Women are attempting to redefine manhood by saying what real men do/don’t do, men are becoming effeminate, etc. Some women support the emasculation of men because many of them don’t want thorough men, they want someone that will pander to them at his expense. Men are waking up and what happens? The term toxic masculinity is born. Masculinity is toxic if a man doesn’t do what a woman wants? Miss me with that. Just like men can’t define womanhood, women can’t define manhood.

May 30, 2022

Today's Thought


All of this...every last word. Children should grow up with no worries, but unfortunately that's not the case given what's going on today. If kids aren't being forced into adult roles, then it's something else. I support this message.

May 29, 2022

Sunday Message


All of this. Everyone isn’t supposed to eat at your table. Did they help prepare the meal? No, so let them starve or send them to another table to eat.

May 27, 2022

Today’s Thought: Anger Over Refusal To Be Taken Advantage Of

Isn’t this hilarious? Serious question. People getting mad because you won’t let them use you. Miss me with that foolishness because people have a right to set boundaries. If they feel used, they have a right to cut you off. I don’t mind doing for people, but if I feel used, that stops and I won’t care if they get mad. 


I Said What I Said

In light of several high-profile school shootings, I see why more parents are leaning towards homeschooling because if schools need armed guards & metal detectors just for kids to feel safe, this is a pathetic world we live in. 

May 26, 2022

When Teachers "PREY" Students Suffer (((LIVE)))

Where's the outrage for female teachers who sex their male students? Everyone's pissed when a male teacher has sex with a female student, so keep the same energy for these female teachers. I think the reason there's not as much outrage over female teachers having sex with their male students is because of peer pressure. A teenage boy having sex with an attractive female teacher is getting heaps of praise from his peers. Let's be honest, do people think a boy is going to tell his parents he's sexing his female teacher? Probably not. At the very least, the boy will tell trusted friends about his escapade.

May 25, 2022

State Of Society

10 folks died in a racist attack in Buffalo, then a gunman sprayed an elementary school, leaving 21 dead (probably more). This world/country is 💩. Yet, we’re free. We have too much freedom.😠 

May 24, 2022

Daily Thought: Worship & Prayer

 Worship & prayer should lead to service. When we focus on what we can do for others, we realize it’s not all about US.

May 23, 2022

Throwback Monday: Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independents

 The Democrat, Republican, and Independent parties all have crooks, so tell me why people are flipping from one party to the next?🤔When it comes down to it, no political party is better than the other. I don’t see all the hype over people proclaiming one party as better than the other. Throw all the parties away and start over.

May 20, 2022

Friday Gospel

Prayer changes things as long as our prayers are in line with God’s will. 

May 19, 2022

Today’s Message

Apologies mean nothing if you keep doing what you’re sorry for. This falls in line with being sorry you’re caught, not the act.

Mind Your Business Ministry

Understand this: Not everything is a secret, it's simply none of anyone's business. 

May 17, 2022

Buffalo, NY Massacre: RIP To The Victims

We’re too free in this country…🤦🏾I’m understanding what God meant by Genesis 6:5-7-“God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil—evil, evil, evil from morning to night. God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart. God said, “I’ll get rid of my ruined creation, make a clean sweep: people, animals, snakes and bugs, birds—the works. I’m sorry I made them.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6:5-7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

There’s not much I can write about in regards to the horrific masa shooting in Buffalo, NY fueled by racist hatred. The best I can do is RIP to the fallen victims. This is the price of freedom: Some people use their freedom to do evil. 

May 16, 2022

God: I Brought You Out, Why Go Back

When God gives you a 2nd chance to get it right, why would you go back into the same mess he brought you out of? SMH, think people. If God brought me out (and he has many times) of something major, I'm running as far away from that pitfall as possible because at this point, I'm moving forward, not backward. I guess a lot of people are used to struggle, so when they finally get deliverance, some of them find a way to crawl back into whatever God brought them out of.

Today's Thought: Telling The Truth


At least 5% of humans can handle the truth, the rest...not so much.

May 15, 2022

Sitting At The Table

Repost (Charity Israel)

Many of you have no clue of the kind of perversion that is required to sit at some of the tables you covet. You better be grateful for God's protection and their rejection! 

All of this…💯I would rather sit at my own table than be in the presence of perversion. People jockeying for a seat at the coveted “table” have no idea what’s in store for them if presented with an opportunity. I’ve never been caught ⬆️ in a seat at the table because I learned that there’s a cost. If I desire a seat at a prized table, best believe others want the same seat & that’s when the hate & jealousy starts, because people will do any & everything to win a seat at the “coveted table.” They can have the headaches, I’ll be at my own table in peace, watching the savages destroy each other.

Obeying God: Pain & Prosperity

Repost (Charity Israel)

Obeying God has both pain and prosperity attached to it.

My thought: This may be true because it seems like you go through pain before you get the blessing. If we’re obeying God, blessing should be on sight. Otherwise, what’s the benefit of obeying God if pain is involved? Doesn’t make sense, but…I think any pain involved is superseded by the blessing that comes with obedience. In that case, bring the pain.💪🏾

May 14, 2022

Following The Crowd

It’s easier to follow the crowd than stand on your own. My parents used to ask me: If everyone jumped off a building, would you do it too? The gist of that question was to make me think if following the crowd was worth it. It takes more heart to stand alone than go with the crowd, especially when you know the crowd is wrong.

Trusting God’s Leadership

God is not asking you (believer) to not make mistakes. He's calling you (the believer) to press forward, trusting Him to lead. 

May 13, 2022

Throwback Friday: Repent

Repost. Good message nonetheless👇🏾

Keep in mind... The Anti Christ comes before the Rapture. I have studied the Bible a lot in my life, in many different forms and it really does always come down to this. I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a kid. The "Mark of the Beast", microchips, no cash/just plastic, Martial Law, TOTAL Government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored.

No one can comprehend how bad it will be til it is. We have NEVER been told to stay home, quit work and rely on the Government. We are seeing a lot of "firsts" since January. Can our minds and bodies handle what's coming?

Not without God - I wonder what doctor they will have on the news explaining the Rapture and the disappearance of so many people? I won’t be here for it but it’s just a thought.

While the devil is preparing people for the Anti Christ, God is preparing people for the Rapture. I don’t know when the Rapture will take place but I do believe it could be soon. And I KNOW that I won’t be left behind when that trumpet sounds!

I also believe right now that God is giving us a chance to repent. We need to get the Gospel message out!!! Until the Good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only True Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail a lot, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He came as a baby, I believe that He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and that He rose from the dead on the third day and He is in Heaven preparing a place for all those who believe and trust Him as their Savior. 

He loves us all dearly (far more than we deserve) and forgives our sins when we repent. His Word says John 3:16 "whosoever believeth in Me, shall not perish but have ever lasting life.”

The Bible also says Matthew 10:33 "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which art in heaven”.

This is the best challenge I have seen on Facebook; so, if the Holy Spirit moves you and you’re not ashamed, just copy, and make this as your status update.

Can I get an Amen for being a believer in God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit? Amen! 

Repo🙏🙌🙏🙌🙏 #thegospelchallenge🙏🙏🙏


May 12, 2022

Fake Friends

When we were younger, we called everyone who showed us love our friend. Never mind that as kids, some of us didn’t have good discernment to know that not everyone who shows you love is your friend. Growing up means a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends. 

May 11, 2022

This Too Shall Pass

Repost from Nyca Williams

You usually i show my belief but I don't go deep bc in today's world ppl always trying to tell you what to believe and down you saying its the white mans religion. Maybe so ,maybe we were indoctrinated into a belief system that's not originally ours guess what? Idgaf I know this the Great I am was present each and every time I didn't know what to do. He was there when my health tried me. He was there when a bill was due and I didn't know what to do. So you believe what you want. 

Also understand this race is not for the swift but for the one that can endure. Meaning things aren't going to always be sunshine & red roses no ma'am,no sir but just keep going and watch what happens live !!!! Its OK to be sad,I am sad a lot but I keep remembering Lizzie told me I am not built to break and that I am a conqueror through Jesus Christ and He will bring me out alright. I have to reflect back on that bc in a world like today we all need encouragement. 

Lastly, stop expecting to find happiness within from other ppl. We are all the same and we all have our issue. Find your happiness in the fact you are here and each day is a new opportunity to get it right.Believe you are the best you know and whatever your situation is in His time and your faithful strides things will change. Your family might not understand, your kids might not understand, your co workers might not understand  but the Creator does and He sees you and hears you and will act when He knows you need it most. You are special, you are loved ,you are worthy simply bc you are created in the image You usually i show my belief but I don't go deep bc in today's world ppl always trying to tell you what to believe and down you saying its the white mans religion. Maybe so ,maybe we were indoctrinated into a belief system that's not originally ours guess what? Idgaf I know this the Great I am was present each and every time I didn't know what to do. He was there when my health tried me. He was there when a bill was due and I didn't know what to do. So you believe what you want. 

Also understand this race is not for the swift but for the one that can endure. Meaning things aren't going to always be sunshine & red roses no ma'am,no sir but just keep going and watch what happens live !!!! Its OK to be sad,I am sad a lot but I keep remembering Lizzie told me I am not built to break and that I am a conqueror through Jesus Christ and He will bring me out alright. I have to reflect back on that bc in a world like today we all need encouragement. 

Lastly,stop expecting to find happiness within from other ppl. We are all the same and we all have our issue. Find your happiness in the fact you are here and each day is a new opportunity to get it right.Believe you are the best you know and whatever your situation is in His time and your faithful strides things will change. Your family might not understand,your kids might not understand ,your co workers might not understand  but the Creator does and He sees you and hears you and will act when He knows you need it most. You are special ,you are loved ,you are worthy simply bc you are created in the image of the Most High. Your moment will come even if it appears it will be a lifetime of waiting well that's how long it took you to realize your greatness and receive it .I'm in the realizing stage! Wow! What a revelation to finally get it but I do and I'm forever grateful for understanding. Have a positive Friday smile even if you feel like you are breaking inside and know this too shall pass. of the Most High. Your moment will come even if it appears it will be a lifetime of waiting well that's how long it took you to realize your greatness and receive it .I'm in the realizing stage ! Wow! What a revelation to finally get it but I do and I'm forever grateful for understanding. Have a positive Friday smile even if you feel like you are breaking inside and know this too shall pass. 

If this isn’t encouragement, I don’t know what is.🤷🏾‍♂️

May 10, 2022

Throwback Tuesday: Confession

When I listened to one of Steve Harvey's messages, he said some real stuff. He said that some believers will make it to heaven without getting all the blessings God has for them. I got to thinking I don't want to make Heaven only to find out there's a box of blessings God wanted to give me, but I was too in my own way to see it. 

May 9, 2022

Redefining Manhood/Fatherhood

Repost from Nikki Brooks

Black Men in general are a lot healthier than we give them credit for. And Single Parent homes aren’t the issue y'all made them out to be.

I can’t speak for every age group, but let’s talk about The Xennials and Millennials. 

There are a ton of men who came out of households abandoned by Fathers: these men are self sufficient, they are there for their kids, they are responsive to women and they don’t believe in abandonment.

A lot of men - a lot of BLACK MEN - who came up fatherless in the 90’s are out here doing it with their families. 

They are DADDING non stop. 

They are doing a really good job rejecting a lot of the toxicity and redefining what manhood is.

They are not fragile. 

They are not intimidated by women and don’t believe they are inherently “better” or superior. 

Some of it is because mom did a good job. But some of it is because they are trying to be what they didn’t see because they saw Mom struggle. 

To this, I say right on!💯 One time for all the brothers working to change the narrative of manhood. Cats that are determined to give their children better than what they received, destroying generational curses, etc. A special shout out to men who came from fatherless homes who will NOT put their child(ren) through that. They find a way to be there for their kids, even at his inconvenience. Society likes to paint black fathers in a bad light, but I’m showing love to the active fathers in their kids’ lives.

May 8, 2022

Kevin Samuels Demise

Controversial relationship guru Kevin Samuels passed due to cardiac arrest (heart attack). I didn’t follow him faithfully like many people, but he must have kept it too real for some women to celebrate his death. He told the truth about men & women, saying how both sexes need to tighten up. Just because the messenger dies, their messages will live on.

Repost from John King Johnson 

Imagine getting on the internet learning and seeing people cheering about the death of your brother, Step Dad, Uncle, and son.

And THEIR excuses are bad faith arguments and "he was offensive." 

You're disgusting. So many of you have parents, spouses, siblings and cousins that I find disrespectful. If they suddenly passed I wouldn't cheer. I would wish you peace during your grieving process. And keep my extra thoughts to myself. Hell, as I type this I'm thinking about one of y'all people who is very offensive. But I don't wish death on them.

Th'fuck wrong witchu?




My thoughts exactly. It’s lowdown to rejoice over someone’s demise. KS was someone’s son, father, uncle, whoever, etc. I didn’t follow him like some of you, but he made sense in much of what he said. He was quick to tell men & women to tighten up. Even if he’s gone, he lives on through his messages.

May 6, 2022

Friday Message

#1 NEVER forget about GOD when you get what you've Prayed For!!!!!!


May 5, 2022

Throwback Thursday: The Family That Prays

The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together applies only if the family is committed to having each other's back. If each person is doing their thing, there is no way that family will stay together. 

May 4, 2022

Watered Down Ministry

Ministry has become so watered down that ministers are preaching to fill seats instead of preaching the truth according to God's Word. 

May 3, 2022

Pick Yourself (Repost)

 Credit to Shun Strickland


I’m sure I’ve told this story before but it’s worth retelling.

When I was about 8 I was upset because my friend had a sleepover and her mom limited the friends who could come and I wasn’t one of the ones picked.

I was as devastated as any 8 year old is knowing that all her friends are together and I couldn’t be there too.

I bawled all the way home and told my mama what happened. 

This is the advice my grandmother gave my 8 year old self:

“Shun, I’m sorry they didn’t pick you. But this won’t be the last time that you aren’t picked so you better learn to pick yourself.”

At that young age she started to teach me that I had to pick myself even when others didn’t. I had to learn to enjoy my own company because I wouldn’t be always be included. And it’s not always because they don’t like you, they just didn’t pick you this go around so always pick yourself.

Because of that wise teaching, I’ve learned to love my own company and always pick myself.

So whether you pick me or not, I’m always picking me. You better pick yourself too.

Good story. You won’t be picked all the time, so folks need to learn how to be ok with not being chosen. I know rejection hurts, but once you get used to not being chosen, I think people can learn to appreciate their own company. For me, I will always…always choose me over anyone else all the time. Sorry, not sorry.🤷🏾‍♂️

May 2, 2022

Paying For It

There's no such thing as getting something FREE. If you're not paying with money, you're paying with time, energy and attention. 

May 1, 2022

People Are Not Who They Say They Are

Excerpt from Joel Osteen’s Rule Your Day:

“God sees what we can’t see. He knows what we don’t, so wouldn’t it make sense to go to Him? People aren’t who they say they are. They show you the side they want you to see, but God sees the big picture. Don’t get caught up in the physical appearance because you may be getting involved with the devil.”

This!💯💪🏾People could save themselves a lot of trouble if they practiced discernment. I’m getting better in discernment that the slightest discomfort, I’m gone. ✌🏾 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.