Apr 29, 2022


Being generous doesn't mean allowing yourself to be used. Sometimes, saying no is necessary because if people realize you’re too generous, they can use you if you let them. I’m generous to a degree, but if I feel taken advantage of, I have no problem pulling back. Nobody’s obligated to do for anyone, so if someone goes out of their way for a person, the least that person could do is appreciate it.

Apr 28, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Fake Love

Some people don't care about you or love you, but they want to stay connected to you because they love the benefits, so they do the minimum: A call or text from time to time. "What's good? Everything straight?" They're trying to maintain that fake connection so they'll have a way in when they need you. When you've caught on to their games & cut them loose, they say you're acting brand new. No, I know how this movie ends. Pay attention or you'll be the star of the show every time and wonder why you keep going through the same foolishness. 

Apr 27, 2022

Discipline Leads To Strength

Repost: Credit to Jason Nichols (Facebook User)

Good morning,

The Torah, the Bible, the Qur’an and other religious texts (that I’m less familiar with) were trying to teach men an important lesson that is often misinterpreted.  They all have explicit warnings about powerful men falling for women to their ultimate detriment.  Whether it’s David or Sampson, many interpret this in a sexist way, where it’s supposedly saying ‘watch out for women’ or ‘you can’t trust women.’

What it is actually saying is that a sexually undisciplined man is ultimately a weak one. He’ll betray his friends, his nation, and sabotage himself.  He can be the strongest physically but will ultimately open himself to lose battles. He’s easily distracted and manipulated.  

A man who is willing walk away from sexual opportunities is incredibly powerful.  He doesn’t need validation. He doesn’t need quick thrills to distract him from his pain. He is patient as he seeks deeper, long term love rather than short term affection. He probably loves and values himself.

Rather than do the hard work of mastering self control, we’ve blamed women when shallow sexual pursuits lead to trouble and drama. The Torah/Bible/Qur’an warned us, but we decided to reinterpret it so that we had less responsibility.  

Discipline leads to strength. A disciplined athlete eats right, trains hard, and avoids things that may interfere with his/her goals. A disciplined student studies hard and forgoes parties. They win in the long run.

A sexually disciplined man finds deeper connections, is harder to control, and isn’t constantly seeking validation.

Young men should realize it’s not how many women like you, or want to sleep with you, or say you’re a good lover that makes you a strong man. It’s actually how little you need to hear those things and still value yourself that shows your strength. 

My view: This brother is on point with everything. Sexual irresponsibility has led to the downfall of influential men. High-profile men see an attractive woman & lose their senses, not realizing those women are interested in his status, not him. As soon as he loses his influence, those women are gone. Discipline is required to become one’s best version of themselves.

Apr 26, 2022

Men Who Gossip

 Pulled From The Archives:

This goes out to these so-called men: Contrary to popular belief, men gossip just as much, if not more than women. These dudes are the same ones that sit down to pee. What happened to men that weren't afraid to bring it directly to you instead of getting on some gossip foolishness? Men that gossip about other men are not men, they're women. In that case, they might as well invest in skinny jeans and women's clothing because their man card should be revoked. Am I the only REAL MAN in existence that doesn't get on that gossipy, girl behavior? I have an issue with you, I'll bring it to you in your face. Some of these men need to go to a strip club and slide down poles.

Apr 25, 2022

Today’s Thought

Repost, but still true for me

The more I observe, the more I understand why I’ve never been a people person because most of y’all are flaw. If some of you aren’t doing snake mess, then it’s being phony & I don’t & won’t associate with fakes, 🐀 & snitches. 

Apr 24, 2022

Hiring Help

You can't make this up. Hiring housekeepers & chefs to do what you should be doing yourself. Has society beome so lazy that we rather hire help than do our own housework? It's craziness to me, but to each their own. I'm too old school to hire a chef or housekeeper, I'd rather do it myself because it's MY home. Coming up, my parents made me do chores because I needed to learn responsibility. I had a stake in living in the home, so I had to help maintain it. I'm glad because now that I'm grown, it's second nature for me to clean my home & cook my meals whenever necessary. Even if I can afford to hire a housekeeper or chef, I wouldn't. Why pay someone to do what you should be doing for free, in YOUR home. Modern conveniences have made us lazy because as soon as we get money, we lose our work ethic. Some of us hire housekeepers instead of getting off our butts and cleaning OUR home. That will never be me. 

Apr 23, 2022

Hiding Behind Church

This....all of this. Where's the lie in this statement? It's easy to hide behind church to escape making amends for those you've hurt, but God won't let you escape accountability. You can ask God to forgive all you want, but until you make amends with those you've hurt, your forgiveness request is in vain.


Apr 22, 2022

Political Correctness: Christian Perspective


Disclaimer: Christians are sin-prone just like the rest of the world, but those who identify with Christ are called to put sin on blast, regardless of who's slighted. I don't want to hear nothing about removing the log from your eye before you remove the speck from your brother's. This isn't the post.

Maybe it's me, but I think some of today's Christians have gotten soft. Some of them are scared to call out sin because they don't want to upset people trapped in their sin. My question is: By co-signing sinners, are we doing them justice? No. By co-signing sin, we're giving them permission to stay in their condition. There's a reason why old-school minister RW Schambach said "The world has become like the church, and the church has become like the world. Problem is you can't tell them apart." I'm understanding more what RW Schambach meant by that statement because it seems like Christians are focused on popularity than standing for Christ. You can love people, but love them enough to lead them to Christ. Sometimes that means checking them, but if they feel it's done out of love, they'll respond favorably. Jesus didn't care nothing about being political correctness, he was about his Father's business.

Apr 21, 2022

Real N***a vs. Positive Legacy

Once you’re over 30, you shouldn’t be concerned with being a real n***a. What should matter is the legacy you leave behind. 

Apr 20, 2022

You Have Become Like Gods

Philippians 4:12-13 "I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation—to being filled and being hungry, to having plenty and having need. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Praise God! Truly, we can do nothing substantial without GOD. We are able to accomplish what is good through the goodness of GOD. The following statement from this brother summed it up: When you have to seek God, you realize you're not God. How can you claim to be something you have to seek? Make it make sense.

Apr 19, 2022

All Lives Matter? Repost By Anthony Matthews

Repost: Anthony Matthews

The term “All Lives Matter” is a quick counterattack for the term “Black Lives Matter”. See, you “All Lives Matter“ Terrorist think you’re slick. All lives didn’t matter during the writing of the Declaration of Independence. All Lives didn’t Matter during slavery or Jim Crow. All Lives didn’t matter when Black Veterans came home from Vietnam or Korea and they weren’t afforded the opportunity to use their GI Bill or VA home loan. But when you’re caught in a L shaped Black lives matter ambush, you’re only course of action is to try and assault through with “All Lives Matter“  

SMALL HISTORY FACT, I graduated Advanced Infantry Squad Leaders Course with a 96%🤷🏾‍♂️ 

Wow…this brother spoke facts. Until Black Lives Matter, then all lives truly matter. And yes, black lives must matter to US first.

Apr 18, 2022

Throwback Monday: Chief & Indian

In a relationship, there can be one chief & indian. Having two chiefs is bound to create conflict because both people are going to want their own way. In every tribe, there has always been one chief and several indians under him. This arrangement keeps the relationship in line and prevents chaos. 

Apr 17, 2022

Today’s Word: Everything Doesn’t Require A Reaction

As I get older, I’m learning this daily. As much as I want to address some matters, I’m learning it’s not worth it because the other person will usually deny or deflect. My peace is valuable & I will protect it at all costs. I’ve seen & known a lot, but didn’t address because I usually know the outcome. I chalk it up to a lesson learned & move differently.

Apr 16, 2022

Voting According To God's Principles

Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

I want us to have a civil conversation...
More and more, God has been talking to ME
(let me hit that Word again, ME) about how #politics is almost becoming spiritually dangerous for God’s people. Some are going against God to vote a person who looks like them in some way in.
Let me explain...
I believe in voting. I #vote.
However, it’s appearing that if a candidate looks like us
(minority, woman, young, whatever identifies us),
if we’re not careful we will support them at the expense of voting for principles our #faith tells us to stand on.
While I recognize there is NO PERFECT PARTY, RIGHT AND WRONG is on both sides, I think we have to be careful of supporting candidates solely because they look like us in some way.
Wrong doesn’t become right because the candidate is black, or a woman, or under 40, and we want to see “us” win.
I just read a piece today by a #Pastor who is highly criticizing a policy that is now playing out in real time. Yet, scroll back and a few years ago, when his candidate was openly supporting it
DURING HIS CAMPAIGN, he didn’t say a word.
He kept supporting.
***To this day, even in his piece I just read, he STILL hasn’t called out the candidate that put the policy in place. He’s just attacking the #policy as if it put itself in place.
I guess that particular issue
(which was and still is a CLEAR violation of
God’s Word hence why it’s playing out exactly as anybody with common sense could see it would)
was one he was willing to turn a blind eye to so “us” could get in office.
***Ya’ll God has called us to be better than this!
I’m almost beginning to understand why some sects and denominations don’t think believers should vote.
I have not arrived at that place, YET. But, as the church, we’ve got to stop just supporting “us” and make sure “us” is supporting us.
You’re never going to like everything a candidate stands on. But, some things ought to be clear violations of #GodsWord that we will not support under any circumstances.
While I understand wanting minorities to win,
(I’m what you call a double minority:
black and a woman) we can’t be so wounded by our nation’s past transgressions that we betray God,
His Word, His standard, His principles so we can be proud we cracked the #glassceiling.
After all, what does it profit a man to gain the world (and the pride of life that comes with it) and lose his soul?

Mark 8:36. 

This post is why I'm very careful about who I vote for, because God will hold me accountable if I vote for what he's against. In other words, voting for a candidate that endorses a sinful agenda will bring God's judgment on me and other believers, and I want to be judged for the good, not the bad I do. Some (let me repeat that, SOME) blacks really need to do their homework on candidates before they vote for them because they're "black" Look...I'm glad more blacks are reaching high positions, but most of them are used to further an agenda that does NOT have blacks' best interest at heart. Kentanji Brown Jackson is a good example: She's the first black woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court, which is major because little black girls coming after will think to themselves, "If she can do it, I can too". But...will she use her platform to create change or will she be used as a pawn? Only time will tell. Unlike many blacks, I don't support a candidate based on race, I support candidates that align closely with my beliefs.

Apr 15, 2022

A Word For Today

If every word from “The Lord” you give has a 💵 amount attached, you are not a Prophet, you’re a fundraiser. Stop lying! Humble yourself! Have integrity and tell people The Truth!!! You really need help with your rent, child support, car note, etc. Jesus didn’t charge when people came for healing & teaching. 

Apr 14, 2022

7 Dangers Of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy

 7 Dangers Of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy

This article shows the difference between today's preachers & old-school preachers. Old-school ministers were no-nonsense in their preaching; they didn't care who they offended when they preached the uncompromising truth of God's word. They felt they weren't doing their congregation justice by watering down the Gospel. Today's pastors...not so much. Some of today's pastors are scared to tackle tough subjects for fear of offending their congregation. They know if they kept it real, giving would cease & members would leave. Regardless of whether members leave or not, pastors MUST keep it real in their Biblical teaching & trust that God will look out for them. Didn't God call them into full-time ministry? Yes. As we get closer to the end times, it's more important than ever for Christian leaders to speak on end time prophecy. Is it uncomfortable? Yes. Most things that are uncomfortable will bring the greatest growth.

Apr 13, 2022

Today's Question: No Sex Until Marriage?

Interesting question. The world operates different than Christians, so from a secular standpoint, no. The reason I say no is because some people need to sample before they commit. By sample, I mean find out how sexually compatible they are with someone. I understand it, but as a believer, I would be fornicating sleeping with a woman I'm not married to. To me, refraining from sex until marriage sends a message that you're checking for the person on a mental & spiritual level. For some people, it's difficult because they aren't aligned with God's word like in the past. Refraining from sex until marriage should promote better conversation.

Apr 12, 2022

Nothing Escapes God

God sits high & looks low. Nothing escapes him; he will right all wrongdoing. For everyone that thinks they’re getting by: Cool. You may escape judgment here, but when you face God…Aht Aht. 

Apr 10, 2022

Today's Message: Avoiding Accountability


What's Your Price (Betrayal Of Jesus)?

Judas betrayal of Jesus is found in all 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). There are various accounts of what led to Judas betrayal of Jesus, but the most common was bribery. The gospels imply that Jesus anticipated & approved Judas' betrayal. Why? Maybe Judas' betrayal of Jesus played into God's plan because it allowed God's will to be achieved regardless of the betrayal. Judas accepts a bribe of 30 silver pieces so that proves bribery as the reason for Judas' betrayal of Jesus. This story reminds me: Everybody has a price, especially Christians. How many believers (myself included) would betray Jesus for the right price?

"I don't talk about Jesus on my job for fear of offending colleagues" That's your price.

"Some of my family members are unsaved. I want to stay with the family" That's your price.

"I don't want to lose my promotion by promoting Jesus on my job" That's your price. 

Sad to say, some Christians would betray Jesus for fame & fortune, popularity, etc. 

Unfortunately, many Christians aren't loyal. If many of them were offered fame & fortune, most would accept. Fame & fortune have never been important at the expense of my relationship with Christ. As long as I'm living comfortable, I'm straight.

Apr 8, 2022

Make 'Em Mad

These jokers are something else. Russell Wilson has been criticized from Day 1 for treating Ciara right. This is a man that's raising Future's son as HIS OWN, and these dudes are pissed about that? Cut the crap. Would these dudes praise Russell Wilson for running around on Ciara? Sounds like it. I bet if Russ was dropping babies from the West Coast to the East, they would give him all kinds of props, but since Russell is taking care of his family & minding his business, some men take issue with that. Rapper Plies said some real stuff in regards to Russell Wilson: He doesn't hate on anybody, he minds his business & takes care of his family. It gets no realer than that. The reason why I added "Make It Make Sense" to the above stat is because I know someone is going to try and make sense of Russell Wilson being criticized for doing right by his family. It doesn't make sense & it's sad that some people aspire to be trash examples of manhood. Future is trash. I don't respect any man that drops babies & doesn't take care of them. She was good enough to sleep with, but not good enough to raise a child with. All these bitter men have to do is follow Russell's lead, but they would rather criticize. I like what my FB friend Carla Stoutemire said
The above response nailed it. Most of them are mad because they don't have what it takes to be him. What I like about Russell is he doesn't respond to foolishness. Russ is too busy with football & taking care of his family to worry about these clowns. If I'm Russell, I wouldn't entertain nonsense either. I would continue staying ducked off with my family & football. Most of these men need to get some business.


Apr 7, 2022

“You Must Acquire the Warrior’s Soul” | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with D...

This is fitting in today's time. Believers are called to stand up & fight for righteousness. God fought for us when he died on the cross, why can't we as believers fight for Him?

The True Meaning Of Ministry

Mark 16:15-Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature. Mark 16:15 doesn't call us to stay within the 4 church walls, it commands us to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Whatever your calling, that's your ministry. If you're a teacher, you're a minister in education because you're educating children. Teachers have a tough job because they wear many hats: Educator, advocate, parent (for some children, that teacher is the closest parental figure they'll ever have). There's nothing like a successful student coming back years later and thanking that teacher who believed in them. That's...ministry. Coaches are considered ministers because they work with athletes daily. For many young athletes, their coach is like a father to them especially coming from the ghetto. You don't need to be in the puplit Sunday & Wednesdays preaching the gospel to be considered a minister. As long as someone's making a difference, they are a minister whether it's a doctor, lawyer, law enforcement officer, etc. Let's stop limiting ministry to a pulpit on Sundays & Wednesdays.


Apr 6, 2022

Live ⬆️ To Your Name

It’s time we live up to our name and know who we are in Christ. We must not be swayed by Satan’s foolishness.

Apr 5, 2022

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

We fight on God’s terms, not the enemy’s.  When we lean on God, there’s no battle we can’t win. 

Apr 4, 2022

Today’s Thought: He (God) Is Preparing A Place For Us (Believers)

Imagine…a place without suffering. If we stay focused on God, we will enjoy the place God prepared for us. I don’t know about anyone, but I realize everyday that this world is trash. While I want to enjoy life while I can, I’m content with leaving this world behind at the right time because I know where I’m going. 

Apr 3, 2022

Believers: We Belong To God

We belong to God, who paid a heavy price for us (dying on the cross for our sin). We must realize we win every battle we have in life.

Apr 2, 2022

Handling Success

People who appreciate success are humble. They remember the struggle to get where they're at today, so they don't take their success for granted like some people. It's said that success doesn't change the person, it changes the people around them. I think it's true because when someone reaches a level of success, the people around them start acting brand new: Wanting nice clothes, car, all of a sudden they're into high-end foods, etc. The richest people in the world have nothing to prove. They can afford nice things, but they choose not to because why spend money trying to impress those you don't know or care for? Makes no sense. Truth be told, if God sees fit for me to become successful, I promise you I will remain the same. Drive the same car, live in the same home, shop at Ross, etc. I will not waste time impressing strangers by wearing nice clothes & driving a Tesla. I've never put on airs nor will I ever. Whatever wealth I achieve, I'm thinking of ways to increase it so I can give back. Unfortunately, everyone can't handle success because some of them still find a way to screw up. Look at professional athletes who get in legal trouble, celebrities with substance abuse issues, etc. These are supposed "role models" and here they are fouling up. You learn a lot about people by how they handle their success. 

Saturday Message: The Devil Will Make A Fool Out Of Anyone Who Lets Him

This continues to be true. When someone gets jammed up, the enemy is sitting back laughing at them. That's why it's better to live for God than for the devil because living for Satan, you'll get caught up every time. Living for God, you have a way out of predicaments. Because we have free will to choose, we can choose to let the devil clown us or...we can choose to serve God.

Apr 1, 2022


 If I asked several people, I'd get several different answers. In a relationship, protection means providing guidance and advice to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Protection for me would be either removing, or never placing myself and my spouse in a bad situation, while having the ability to react if those options are not available. Last but not least, protection means being able to see down the line & always...always have your partner's best interest in mind.

Today's Thought

 As a Christian, I feel like the book of Revelation is unfolding before us. It shouldn’t be shocking, either, given the state of immorality in our world. Every day, the boundaries of sin seem to be pushed further and further. The line between right and wrong has slowly been erased by society, television, pop culture, entertainment.

Witchcraft, spiritualism, “New Age” belief systems are being celebrated and exalted. Abortions, literal baby murders, are called a “right” and are supported by so many. We have been removed further from the world God created and intended.

We need to take this time to re-evaluate ourselves. We need to prepare and repent. Jesus will return like a thief in the night. People are dying left and right. Will I be one of them? Will you? Are we ready? This is a fantastic wake-up call, and I am taking it so seriously. I want to go home to my Father when my time is up.

Until The Lord calls me away from this world to the next, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the true Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, was sacrificed on the cross, died for our sins, and rose again. He loves us all dearly (far more than we deserve) and forgives our sins if we are in repentance. His Word says "whosoever believeth in Me, should not perish but have everlasting life”.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.