Dec 17, 2021

Your Dog Looks To You

When dogs relieve themselves during their walks around the neighborhood, that makes them vulnerable, so they look to their owner(s) for protection. I didn’t get it at first, but I do now.🥺No wonder my dog follows me into the bathroom when I’m doing my business. 

Dec 16, 2021

Good Times vs. Cosby Show

Good Times will be better than Cosby Show for one reason: Good Times dealt with real issues, whereas Cosby Show showed educated parents raising their kids in a good environment. Both shows did a good job of showing a strong family unit: James Evans was old-school, did what it took to provide for & protect his family. Cliff was more laid-back, although if it came to it, Cliff would have no problem going to war for his family.

Dec 15, 2021

What Is True Worship?

True worship should flow freely from the mind, through our hearts and out of our mouths. When all 3 are in sync, we will see the evidence of signs, miracles & wonders. 

Dec 14, 2021

Accounting: Toxic Generation

We are a toxic generation that doesn’t know how to build healthy relationships. We end up throwing lines like “I don’t owe anyone anything”. You do owe people something, you owe those you offended an apology. You owe those who gave you support gratitude. And you owe those you disrespect, respect.

Accounting is a personal act of integrity and moral principles over what the trends and society say. 

We will forever live in a broken society, until we learn to account for our actions that impact other people’s lives negatively. 

Dec 13, 2021

PSA: No Political Party Is Better Than Another

Democrats think they’re better than Republicans, Republicans think they’re better than Democrats, when the fact is: BOTH are trash to a degree. Independents are no better because even though they have no affiliation, I’m sure they have their fair share of 🗑. 

Dec 9, 2021

Biblical Thoughts

Humbling yourself before God consist of admitting that you are NOT always operating in divine authority but that you’re simply walking your life out in good faith. 

We could set so many folks free if… 

Following Christ’s direction will ensure we get where he wants us to go, not where we want to be.

Dec 8, 2021

Companies Losing Revenue?

If someone pays off their student loan, mortgage, credit card, or any other major bill, it’s a loss to the company? Miss me with that foolishness. Someone reaching debt freedom won’t be much of a loss to corporations because of recurring payments from other customers. People have bought into the lie that it’s bad to be debt free, and companies are no better because sometimes, they refuse to process a client’s final payment because they don’t want to lose revenue from that customer.

Dec 7, 2021

Keep It Real

Humbling yourself before God consist of admitting that you are NOT always operating in divine authority but that you’re simply walking your life out in good faith. 

We could set so many folks free if… 

Dec 6, 2021

Ministry: Big Congregation vs. Messed Up Family

I’ll also add: Some ministers don’t want big congregations; some are content with the few hundred members they have, which allows for them to really get to know their members. Many preachers lose sight of that, and it’s not their fault. Ministry is commercialized: Who has the largest congregation. The bigger the congregation, the more tithes & offerings. Prosperity gospel has its place & I support that, but a minister can’t claim a successful ministry if their home is in disarray.

Dec 3, 2021

Humility Among Christian Leaders

I’m not sure.

I don’t know.

I missed God. 

These seem to be the hardest phrases for Christian Leaders to actually say. Yet, it would be so powerful if they did. 

Dec 1, 2021

Roe V. Wade

The outcome of this case can shape America’s future for years to come. Will the Supreme Court make the right decision? I pray they do, otherwise God wouldn’t have brought this case to the forefront.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.