Aug 6, 2021

Before You Marry

 This is a repost, but it makes sense. These are issues that should be discussed before or during marriage because at any time, these subjects can come up & the couple needs to be on the same page with all of these. Love is fine, but it's not enough. Of this list: Religion, political views and childrearing all go hand in hand because what a couple values, goes into how they will raise their children.

Aug 5, 2021

Men Holding Each Other Accountable


I like this. Some men have always held each other accountable; but we do things discreet. There's a certain way we move & shake. I don’t think women know all the “codes” and standards guys hold each other to. A real man understands if one of his boys isn't there for his kids, he won't be there for him when or if he gets in a bind.

Aug 4, 2021

Black Man Charged With Defending Himself Against Attackers

 Black Man Charged With Defending Himself Against Attackers

Tell me how is this fair? A group of white punks jump this man and threaten to hang him with a noose; then when the man defends himself, HE (the black man) gets charged. Was he supposed to let these cowards lynch him before justice is served (if at all, because we know how crooked the justice system is)? The part that makes me mad is the prosecutor was adamant that Booker take responsibility. The prosecutor wanted Booker to let the men off the hook, but I don't blame him for saying no. He deserves justice for everything he's been through, and I hope he gets it. This country is a toilet. We've come a long way as a nation? I can't tell. If this man ends up hating white people, I can't say I'll blame him one bit.

Aug 3, 2021

Avoiding Toxic People


There's no such thing as a successful person that hangs around the wrong people. Why? Because the strongest one in the relationship is usually the one who wins. I'm getting better at being choosy with who I hang around because I'm trying to get somewhere in life, and I can't have dead weight holding me back.

Aug 2, 2021

Son Forgets His Promise To Always Take Care Of His Dad | Dhar Mann

I went through this with my pops before he left this world on 4/23/2021. It wasn't easy, but I have no regrets because I was there for him until the end. I bet that guilt hit different for that son, knowing the only memory of his father is him getting upset at him.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.