Apr 30, 2021

Blessed To Be A Blessing


For me, yes. One of the reasons I want to be blessed is so I can help others become blessed. I hate suffering, lack/poverty, disabilities, etc. so if I become blessed enough to help someone else overcome their handicap, that would make me feel far better than being blessed myself. One less person suffering.

Apr 29, 2021

Thursday Gospel


I've always said that most people have a hidden agenda for coming into your life. Very few people want to be in your life for YOU.

Apr 27, 2021

Today's Thought

Self-explanatory for me, and some folks want to judge and say you're antisocial because you choose NOT to hang with everyone. Nah....I have sense enough to see your true nature. 

Apr 26, 2021

House Approves Disability Abortion Ban

 Disability Abortion Ban

I have one question for the House who approved the abortion ban: 1. Will you foot the bill for the required care of parent(s) raising special needs children? Asking for special needs parents everywhere. It's easy for leaders to dictate what's best for parents when they're not the ones who have to deal with the physical & emotional toll of raising special needs children. What if the parents die, who's going to step in and take care of the child outside of immediate family? As I write this, there are severely disabled children that were dealt a bad hand. They didn't ask for their condition, but that's the hand they were given, and the parents are doing the best they can to raise an independent child despite their disability. If the child will be born with a disability (or multiple disabilities), why would the House set the parent up for a difficult road? Makes no sense. Raising children with disabilities is NOT easy. This is the one time where I feel abortions should be allowed because not everyone has the patience and strength to raise children with disabilities (mental or physical).

Recurring Stimulus Payments

Recurring Stimulus Payments

$2000 monthly recurring stimulus payments would help a lot of folks. It’s one thing to get stimulus money while out of work through no fault of your own, but when you’re working AND getting stimulus money...it’s no excuse for anyone not to save. In all honesty, it’s no excuse for anyone to be broke from multiple one-time stimulus payments, plus the $3000 or so child tax credit for each child. One time stimulus money isn't enough. How many struggling folks still have their $1200 or $1400 they received earlier? Most people blew through that money like water

Apr 22, 2021

Black Folks: Tighten Up

 Black Folks: The same way we showed out to get justice for George Floyd, let's take that same energy for the little girl who was shot up in Chicago. 9 times out of 10, her father was involved in street politics and his daughter suffered for it. I'm NOT condoning the street life and the foolishness that comes with it, but I must put it out there: Cats in the hood talk about G-Code this & G-Code that; well...last time I checked the "G-Code" didn't involve shooting kids & babies because you're at war with the father. Old school gangsters had values; they couldn't have the murder of a child on their heart, so they brought warfare directly to the man, their true enemy. Even crime families like the Mafia and other mob-related groups didn't open fire on their enemies if kids were in sight. Matter of fact, the Mafia and other crime families didn't want their children around that life because of the risks that came with it. It's a reason why most ex-mobsters move to the suburbs with their family, because they have enough sense to retire from the criminal life while they can.

I said all that to say this: The life you choose can & will affect your offspring because nowadays, these cowards don't care who they spray on if they're trying to get their enemy.😒😠

Apr 20, 2021

Derek Chauvin vs. George Floyd: The Aftermath


If Derek Chauvin gets off for the murder of George Floyd, not only will hell break out across the nation, but...Chauvin wouldn't be really free because he & his family will be in danger, and even if he leaves the state, there's nowhere he'll be able to go that people won't know what he did, so he might have to move to the woods, or have 24-7 security just to live a somewhat normal life. This is why it doesn't pay to commit murder in the presence of witnesses. In the smartphone age, you will be exposed.

Apr 19, 2021

Mind Your Business Ministry

There's 365 days a year, why not use that time to mind your business (myself included)? I have to value people enough for me to meddle in their affairs, but since I don't...I don't.


Apr 16, 2021

Biblical Wisdom


Repentance precedes deliverance. If you’re not willing to repent, don’t expect deliverance.

Apr 15, 2021

Today's Thought: Another One


Here we go again: Another police shooting involving an unarmed black man. The excuse this officer in Brooklyn Center, MN used was "I thought I had a taser." A gun and a taser aren't the same due to size & weight, plus the feel. She's a 20+ year veteran; she knows the difference, but she wants us to think we're Boo Boo The Fool.

Apr 14, 2021

Who Has Our Back?

It’s a valid concern. Blacks are quick to stand for others, but no one stands with us. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Apr 13, 2021

Generational Curses: Shaming Cycle Breakers

I believe this. Everyone has generational curses in their family. I support everyone wanting to break generational curses in their family; I stand with you. I wish generational curses didn't exist, but they're the result of a fallen world. Let me get this straight: Those who want to destroy generational curses are shamed? Miss me with that nonsense. "Are you ashamed of us?"-I would be ashamed of being trapped in a negative cycle, so yes I am ashamed. "You have always been too sensitive"-If breaking the cycle makes me sensitive, I'll be that. Some of you can stay trapped, but I want out.

Apr 12, 2021

Red Flags

Red flags are to alert you of people's toxic nature. You can overlook them and take a chance on people if you want, but don't get upset if the red flags affect you. Remember, they were there all along, some people chose (myself included) to look past them.


Apr 9, 2021

Apr 8, 2021

Good Times vs. Cosby Show

I'll also mentione that Good Times dealt with real issues: Gangs, drug abuse/alcoholism, poverty. Throughout all the pitfalls of ghetto life, the family stayed together. When J.J. took over the family after his father died (left the show), he got into illegal activity because he wanted to get his family out of the hood. 

Apr 7, 2021

Da HULK "Lets Get Serious"

This title can apply to all aspects of life: Personal & Professional Success. I adopt his mentality when I go to the gym every morning to put in work. His philosophy makes sense, so I felt like sharing.

Apr 6, 2021

Question Of The Day

This was a question asked by one of my FB friends. James wanted his family out of the ghetto ASAP. After James Evans died & JJ took over the family, he resorted to illegal activity because he got tired of struggling. Florida was comfortable praying for a way out instead of putting action behind it. When James found $3000, he wanted to use that money to move his family out of the projects, but Florida made him give it back. Then, Florida got $5000 for a commercial, but she turned it down. Between those two instances, the family had enough money to move out of the projects, but Florida was too proud to take the money. I think James should've put more of his foot down and told his family they're getting out of the hood by any means necessary. Florida had too much influence for James to be the head of household.

Apr 5, 2021


When I have something on my mind, I feel led to share it, so here goes: Derrick Jaxn should've left his wife out of his drama because she had nothing to do with him cheating. Maybe he brought her on the video to take some of the heat off him, who knows, but all I know is if a man is bold enough to do dirt, he should be bold enough to face the music alone.


Apr 1, 2021


Some people are funny thinking they're entitled to your success, knowing they weren't in the trenches with you. When you're struggling, no one's checking for you, but when you make it...everyone's riding with you. Miss me with that.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.