Dec 31, 2020

2021 Political Statement


This will probably be my last political post for this year because the greed sickens me. These politicians are so out of touch with regular people, it makes my stomach turn. It's easy to dictate how much aid Americans should get when you've never struggled, and it shows. Since COVID began, millions of Americans lost their jobs, drained what little savings they have just to survive this pandemic & it's disrespectful. Americans received $1200 stimulus payments the first round, but now Americans are getting $600. Career politicians are a scourge on society.

Dec 25, 2020



Respect to this brother for this question. Do I think blacks would be just as vengeful as whites if power was reversed? Yes, with good reason. Blacks were forced to endure tragedy at the hands of white slavemasters, from black men being sexually violated in front of loved ones to discrimination, being in power would be a way to level the playing field. Whites would know how it feels to be profiled by prejudice black cops, whites would know what systemic racism feels like. Considering all blacks endured as a result of slavery, I would understand the logic behind being vengeful. There's only so much mistreatment someone can take before they get fed up and start fighting back.

Dec 24, 2020

Old Fools


We all have old fools in our lives, those who haven't learned from their mistakes and continue bathing in ignorance & foolishness. I thought elders are supposed to be wise (most of them have matured past their young & dumb years), but sadly, some of them haven't.

Dec 22, 2020

God Is Mad


Has the thought ever occurred to you people that all that's going on in our country is because GOD is pissed. You all are a bunch of greedy fearful , self righteous, murdering godless heathens.
You murder your unborn children, you allow freaks to read them stories, you sexualize them, you rape them and sell them as prostitutes to freaks.
You all are a bunch of lying hypocrisy laden weirdos.
You worship idols.
You call good evil and evil good.
You experiment on people and turn people into experiments for profit thru lies.
You kill the innocen
t over lies for profit.
You have no moral code or compass.
You are totally nihilistic.
You treat the elderly like shit
You have been given this beautiful rich country and you don't appreciate it.
You live better than anyone else on the planet and you don't appreciate it.
You are racist and treat others like shit because of their ethnicity.
You follow all these pagan customs but claim to be following Christ.
Its not just here in America the debauchery is worldwide.
All you people are heathens.
None of you have love for who gave you life or your fellow man or your children.
You throw gasoline on your wives and set them ablaze.
You chop off folks heads over bullshit and kill people as a sacrifice to demons.
You listen to music that's glorifying death, greed and being whores.
You kill people for their organs
But you now you are worried about a virus.
The Creator God should destroy us all!!!!
We all deserve death!!
Now watch some self righteous asshole come on this post and claim righteousness and say "not all of us is like dat".
Don't worry That Rock is coming that will destroy a 3rd of the earth.
I know y'all don't believe in the Bible because its the White man is every textbook you read to get your degree. is every other book because none of you fools own a publishing company or a printing press or a paper mill.
Y'all better repent because the storm is coming and when you turn on that TV you see its getting really windy.
Y'all have a good Sunday now don't give that pimp pastor too much money..oops I forgot you can't go to church now because of COVID...hmmm but you can Riot tho, lolololol.
Time to pray and repent.

Dec 21, 2020

Move, Counter Move, CheckMate! ~ Bishop Larry Gaiters

This man wastes no time going in on the foolishness of today's world. He confirmed what I believe about politicians; none of them care about the people. They have their own agenda and it shows in the policies they make.

Dec 18, 2020

Scenario: (S)he's better than you


I'll go further and say this person can't be better than me if I'm on your mind. There's a reason why we didn't work out, and I'm better off without you. We had good times together, but those good times were overshadowed by your constant indiscretions. If he wants to deal with my headache, more power to him. I hope he has Aspirin on hand for those migraines you're sure to give him.

Dec 17, 2020

Keep Your Eyes Open

Pardon the language, but the message remains: Observe. 100% of what I've learned about folks comes from observation. I don't need to call folks out, observation tells me all I need to know about someone.

Dec 16, 2020

Proving You're Blessed

When you're blessed, it shows. You don't have to announce how blessed you are, it will always show in your demeanor. Even then, some people are blessed and you wouldn't know it because they're humble; they don't feel the need to announce how blessed they are. You make yourself a target by flaunting your blessings because some jealous folks out there want what you have, but they don't know the grind behind the blessing. 

Dec 15, 2020

Religion & Politics

Politics has always divided families; sad but true. Friendships that have lasted years are destroyed because of political beliefs. I think a big reason for the divide among church people is based on standards; one candidate stands for Biblical values and the other doesn’t so you have a divide among believers regarding which candidates they support. Personally, I can’t support what God is against, and that’ll never change. If other believers want to support sin, that’s on them.

Dec 14, 2020

Generational Curses


I hate generational curses with a passion, so that's why I believe they should be stopped by any means necessary because of the pain they cause. Every family has at least one generational curse; it can be anything from drug abuse to alcoholism. My definition of a generational curse is an ungodly pattern that shows up in family: divorce, poverty, drug abuse, to name a few. If children are affected by generational curses, it needs to be broken by any means necessary.

Dec 10, 2020

Make It Make Sense


You can't make sense of this because there's no logical explanation for this madness. If a woman is broke, she should get her finances up or look for a broke man and they can build together. Besides, being broke can teach you how to be creative on dates.

Dec 9, 2020

The Unraveling Begins

Full-scale exposure is coming, and people are going to look crazy...I'm here for it.

Dec 8, 2020

Tuesday Word


I've learned many lessons in this manner. At first, it took time for me to grasp, but once I've got stuck. Now, anytime difficult people come my way, I act like they don't exist because they're showing me how NOT to be.

Dec 7, 2020

Monday Gospel

This is for all so-called Christians who can quote scripture, but mistreat others.

Dec 4, 2020

Question Of The Day


 You'll get different answers for this question because everyone has their own tolerance level. Some people will cut you off at the first slight, others will give you a chance before they get rid of you, so the answer depends on the person. As I get older, it doesn't take many red flags for me to cut someone off. Some offenses are so grave that they warrant immediate termination. Even if you give someone a pass, have they learned or are they trying to play you again? Only that person can decide.

Dec 3, 2020

I Like You...Until When?


Although some people may genuinely like you, still keep your guard up because one falling out or rumor can change all of that.

Dec 2, 2020

Wednesday Message


In most cases, I find this to be true. Friendship & family doesn't carry the same meaning they used to because of hidden agendas.

Dec 1, 2020

Burned Bridges Are A Blessing


I stand by this statement to this day. Bridges burned with toxic people deserve to be torched because y'all fell out, so what's the point of trying to salvage relationships with toxic people? I'll go one better: Some people that have burned bridges with you, they don't realize you're glad they're out of your life. It's like water rolling off your back.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.