Nov 30, 2020

Pet Ownership


People are actually offended when someone advocates for animals? It's pathetic that some people are short-sighted to think that animals don't matter. First off, pets are simple: They give you loyalty & unconditional love and they ask for the same in return. I read plenty of stories about pets being neglected/abused, dumped for stupid reasons, etc., and it makes me wonder why the owners got a pet in the first place. Do some owners not do their homework on pet ownership before taking on the responsibility? Caring for a pet is like caring for a child: You stay on top of it's health and take care of it daily; if your pet needs to be fed, you feed it. Pets require daily exercise for peak health, and so on. People who are slighted over animal advocacy show me all I need to know about them. Animals have no voice, so we must be theirs. God bless those with a heart for neglected/abused dogs, who care enough to nurse them back to health. For every story of abuse/neglect, I read a story about a dog who came from abuse/neglect to live their best life, and that makes me happy that not ALL humans are trash. Some of them are, and it's difficult for me to not label all humans as trash when they abuse/neglect their pets or dump them at a shelter for stupid reasons. I care about 3 groups: Children/babies, disabled people and dogs.

Nov 25, 2020

The Condition Of The Black Community


I feel the same way. All of our fallen black leaders would be saying to themselves, "This is what we fought for?" Would Dr. King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey or any other black leader vote against their own interest? Matter of fact, would they vote, knowing the history of the Democratic & Republican party?

Nov 24, 2020

Mini-Mes & Me-Toos


Anybody can fit in. It takes more guts to do your own thing regardless of what others may think. It's too many mini-mes and me-toos running around, nobody wants to be authentic. People want to be like this and that person.

Nov 22, 2020

Being Spoiled Is Not A Good Look-Pt. 2


I wrote about this topic a while ago, but I need to refresh this topic because I'm reading about too many adults who call themselves spoiled, and it's ridiculous. 

Nov 20, 2020

Today's Thought: Getting Right For Your Child(ren)


Parents are their child(ren)'s first teachers. Most of society's problems can be solved with proper home training. I get it, there's no rulebook on parenting and for the most part, it's trial & error, but if a child is doing the same mess they see their parent(s) doing, the parent can't be in their feelings when their child is headed for destruction. The child didn't learn on their own, they got it from their parent(s). Parents need to be real with their children about their mistakes & maybe that child will avoid the pitfalls of their parents.

Nov 19, 2020

Thought For Today: Why God, Why?


Every seasoned believer has, will have or had their faith tested if they've walked with Jesus for any number of years. I'm no exception, but let's be real: If you have faith and putting in the work, why does it seem like trials are infinite? You're keeping hope alive & the longer the trial, the more your faith level drains. You ask God, "How long?" Sometimes, God will bring you out in a short time, other times...he prolongs suffering. Maybe he's building perseverance & faith, maybe you're not ready for the answer so God has to prune us so when we get the answer, we won't be feeling ourselves like we did this. It's a number of reasons why some trials seem infinite. Let me showcase a few responses from some of my FB friends (these responses were on point)

Nov 18, 2020

Wrong Directions


Most times, they'll give you wrong directions because they don't want you doing better than them.

Nov 16, 2020

Do Black People Love The Struggle?


Some of us come up with sayings like: The struggle teaches you to appreciate the breakthrough, or if you're winning all the time, you won't know how to take losses, etc. I get it, we live in a fallen world because of sin, and unfortunately, struggle is a part of life, but at some point, you have to want better out of life. Do other people glorify the struggle? Some do, but others don't.

Nov 15, 2020

Today's Thought: On Your Own

Depends on the context, but this is true for the most part because there will be times where a man has to stand alone regardless of popular opinion. Is it better to be solo and right, or go with the crowd and be wrong? I think most of us know/should know the answer to this question.

Nov 12, 2020

Frenemies-Pt. 2

Consider yourself blessed if you have real friends that had your back from childhood; folks you can go to war for and vice versa because everyone isn't as fortunate. Friendship isn't real anymore because you don't know who's in your life for the right or wrong reasons. One red flag is when your so-called friend always has their hand(s) out, but gets in their feelings when you ask them for help. Another red flag is when your friend comes to you with some "tea" about you from someone else. Tell me why your "friend" was so comfortable discussing you with someone else. Lord have mercy if you & your friend fall out, next thing you know your business is all over social media, in the streets, etc. That's the concept of friends turning enemies real fast because it only takes one disagreement for both of you to be at odds. Depending on the strength of the bond, y'all may move past your disagreement or go your separate ways. 

Nov 10, 2020

Pastoral Notoriety


I've noticed that, and my response is: Those pastors are content with realizing that they may never be recognized, but it won't stop them from doing God's work. If you ask anyone in ministry & they're honest, they'll say they want recognition, but it won't bother them if they don't receive it because true glory comes from God. The Lord gives the only rewards that matter. If I was in ministry, while I want to be appreciated for pouring into the lives of my congregation, my ultimate recognition comes from God, not man. Besides, the same people praising me would be the same ones to crucify me if I did something wrong.

Nov 9, 2020

Behind The Scenes


Most of the change that takes place in the open, plans were put in place behind the scenes. With anything in life, pay attention to what's going on behind the scenes because that's where it really goes down.

Nov 6, 2020

Election Fraud

Honestly, I'm sick of discussing politics, but I have to put this out there. She's not lying because folks are blinded by their dislike for President Trump that they'll resort to deceit to get him out. Some of President Trump's drama is on him, but for the most part, he's had a target on his back from Day 1. For me, no matter who's in office, I'm going to be straight regardless. 

Nov 5, 2020

Question Of The Day: Disqualification


It should be a no brainer: If a presidential candidate's policy doesn't line up with God's agenda, they won't get my vote, period. I don't care how good they sound, I can't support sin because God will hold his children accountable if they endorse sin. At the same time, God can & will use anyone to accomplish his agenda. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.