Sep 30, 2020

Parenting Critique

 Let Me Tell You How To Raise Your Child(ren)

If some parents are raising their children with the right value system, how is it our business how they  raise their child(ren)? That's what I want to know. Comedian Rickey Smiley had someone criticize his parenting because they feel he's too hard on him. His son's grandmother is hard on him & some commenters feel that's inappropriate. Anyone unfamiliar with old-school black parenting, I'll break it down: Black parents are hard on their children because life won't cut them any slack. Most old-school black parents were raised tough out of survival. The world isn't like it was during our parents & grandparents' era; times are different so some black parents have to adjust their parenting to the reality of today's society. With police misconduct against blacks ongoing, parents are having tough conversations with their kids about police interaction & race. In other words, black parents are having to teach their kids how to survive being Black in America. It's sad, but it's today's reality. There's not a black man or woman that wasn't raised tough by their parents. From what I see, Rickey Smiley did a great job with his children because his kids are college graduates and athletes. Rickey said it himself he was raised tough, and look how he turned out. My point is that if a parent's child(ren) is doing well in life, it's not anyone's place to critique their parenting.

Sep 28, 2020

Benadryl Challenge

I see these stupid challenges are starting to rear their heads again. How about doing something positive for your community challenge? That's too much like right for some of these idiots. 

Sep 25, 2020

What Is Ministry?


Some Christians (and maybe unsaved folks too) think that ministry involves preaching from a pulpit, but ministry is so much more than that. If you're mentoring kids in the ghetto, that's ministry. If you're working with special needs/the disabled, that's ministry. If a man is taking care of his family, that's ministry. If you're a teacher, you're a minister because you're educating the future generation. Ministry takes on many forms. Just because someone isn't a famous preacher doesn't mean they're not in ministry. God blesses us with a ministry suitable to our talents & knowledge.

Sep 24, 2020

Thursday Real Talk


Sep 22, 2020

Public Service Announcement: Famous Kids Doing Dumb Stuff


There isn't one famous child that hasn't done something stupid. If social media was around back then, all of us would be on blast for whatever dirt we've done.

Sep 21, 2020

Today's Thought: Internet Gangsters

Social media has given people courage to talk crazy when some of them would get punched in the mouth in real life for talking trash. 

Sep 18, 2020

Remembering Muhammad Ali


Muhammad Ali was in a lane all his own. He was an activist and pro boxer who made a difference in two arenas. His last paragraph was powerful because in other words, he was asking why he should fight for a country that won't fight for him?

Sep 17, 2020

Running Your Mouth Online vs. In Person

If you're going to have a lot of mouth, at least back it up in person. There's nothing worse than someone who talks crazy on social media, but you see them in person and they're quiet as a mouse.

Most people have a lot of mouth online, but none in person.

Sep 14, 2020



Sep 13, 2020



Sep 12, 2020

When You Don't Tolerate Foolishness, You're Difficult

I can't blame them because they've been through too much to continue dealing with others' nonsense. If standing up for yourself means you're crazy or bitter, embrace the bitter.

Sep 9, 2020



Yes. If you get an uneasy feeling, that's discernment telling you something's not right about a situation, person, etc. It pays to sit back & watch.

Sep 8, 2020

Public Service Announcement: Sloppy Secret


The funny part about creeping is that both parties actually think the other is going to be faithful😂. If two people are creeping with each other, they'll be creeping with someone else. Cheaters are like leeches, they go from parasite to parasite to drain.

Sep 7, 2020

Great Falling Away

 Great Falling Away: Liberal Christianity

Articles like this are the reason why Christianity is declining, because many Christians/evangelicals are adopting secular ideologies. I expect the world to support secular ideologies because that's what they identify with. Unfortunately, many Christians are just as secular (if not more) than mainstream society. You have Christians who are for same-sex marriage, abortion (I'll touch on that later), and a list of issues that God is against. It's no wonder many unsaved folks want nothing to do with some Christians because some of them don't see any difference in a Christian's life.

Sep 6, 2020

Today's Thought: The Church Has Lost Its Swag


No argument from me. I see it daily, so many pastors are preaching prosperity instead of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. There's nothing wrong with preaching about God's blessings, but those are a by-product of faithfulness and obedience to God. How many pastors actually are no-nonsense? By no-nonsense, I'm talking about preaching the uncompromising truth of God's word. 

Sep 3, 2020

Thursday Gospel: Tell Jesus, Not Everyone Else


He knows anyway, but he enjoys hearing about our affairs from our mouth(s). When you tell the wrong people, you find your business out in the open. At that point, you can't complain because you were open enough to tell folks your business without reservation.

Sep 2, 2020

A Private Life Is A Happy Life


Sep 1, 2020

Trials vs. Consequences

Some Christians give the enemy too much credit. The first trial some of them have, they point the finger at the devil. While it's true we live in a broken world and many trials are out of our control, sometimes we're reaping what we've sown. If you do wrong, wrong will follow you. That's not the enemy attacking you, it's the consequences of your actions. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.