Jun 30, 2020


This statement stood out to me because it goes against what I've been taught. I was taught that doubt is a lack of faith because you don't believe God will do as he says. After hearing that statement, my outlook changed because now, doubt gives me something to look forward to.

Jun 29, 2020

Jun 28, 2020

Christ's Unity Call: Dr. Tony Evans

It starts with the church. When God's kids get right, the world will get in line. So many times, believers (myself included) complain about the state of society, but change must start with the church. I'm paraphrasing what Dr. Evans said, "If your beliefs do not line up with God's spoken word, they're wrong." Wow...just wow.

Jun 27, 2020

Churchianity vs. Christianity

This picture does a good job of breaking down the difference between Churchianity and Christianity

Jun 26, 2020


She's a pretty little girl, but she's just that...a girl. The outfit is something a grown woman would wear, so tell me why someone felt the need to dress this child grown. This outfit is out of order for a child. Any woman who thinks this little girl looks cute in this outfit is the problem, period. If she's a child model, she could've modeled child-appropriate attire. There's some things a child should not wear, and this is it.

Jun 24, 2020

Today's Prayer

I pray for those who are going through rough times in life through no fault of their own. Reassure them of your presence and may they look to you for strength to make it through.

Jun 23, 2020

Biblical Rude Awakening

This brother was spot on. God uses whatever and whomever to accomplish his will.

Jun 22, 2020

Jun 21, 2020

Black Women To Black Men: Why Aren't Y'all Protecting Me?

For years, black men have had to endure how we’re not this, that & the third from some black women, but as soon as they need protection, all of a sudden they’re crying about the lack of protection from black men.
Most black men do protect black women they’re close to: Mother, sister, niece, aunt, friend/acquaintance, and significant other .

Jun 20, 2020

Jun 19, 2020

Scenario: Pretty Little Liar

This scenario proves how dangerous liars are. This man's life was ruined because of spite. The daughter was upset because her stepdad wouldn't let her go to a party on a school night, so she lies to her mother about this man molesting her. The mother wasn't trying to hear it because she was in her feelings over what her daughter told her. I'm not upset with the mother because as a parent, you're supposed to believe your child(ren) when they tell you something serious like this. I credit the daughter for admitting her mistake because her conscience must've been eating her alive. You can't have peace in your life doing people dirty. The husband in this scenario is right to leave because of the spiteful stepdaughter. He won't feel comfortable in that home; so why stay where there's tension? The daughter messed up what was probably a good relationship between the mother and stepdad. For me, there's no doubt what I would do in this situation: LEAVE. I wouldn't care if she reached out to me explaining she was wrong for believing her daughter's lie, we would be done. I would forgive both of them, but I wouldn't stay because the love is gone. I don't see how anyone could get through this without lots of counseling and forgiveness, and NOT become bitter. This would be tough to get through, but it could probably be done.

Jun 17, 2020

Wednesday Encouragement

Reposting from Pinetrest. One thing I like about Pinetrest is that I come up on inspirational memes like this daily.

Jun 16, 2020

White Guilt

What do you see when you see this pic? I see white guilt. Due to the racial incidents involving Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, some whites are trying to reconcile with blacks by accepting guilt on behalf of their ancestors. I'll make this short: I doubt today's whites have anything to do with past slavery, let alone have any ancestors who owned slaves. Even if they did apologize, it wouldn't change the past.

Jun 15, 2020


Jun 14, 2020

Today's Word: Philippians 4:13

Believers (myself included) need periodic reminders of what God has for their lives.

Jun 13, 2020

Today's Thought: 2-Parent Home vs. Fatherless Home

Jun 12, 2020

Hidden Message

The following video clip sheds light on how whites try to neutralize blacks by offering them a better life so they won't be seen as a threat to the white establishment. The issue is that these blacks are seen as sellouts among their peers because they're trying to gain white approval at their peers' expense.

Jun 11, 2020

Remove Racist Monuments=Erase Hate?

I wish it was easy to remove hate from people's heart, but it's not. Why do some people think removing racist monuments will erase people's hatred? I get it, racist monuments serve as a reminder of how blacks were made to feel less than, so in that regard I want them gone. Nobody needs a reminder of the hateful past, but the past should serve as a reminder of how far we've come and how far we still have to go. General Robert E. Lee, one of the leaders in the war said that losers shouldn't be immortalized because the South lost the war so initially, he didn't want the rebel flag up, but racists ignored his wishes.
Sin is the root of all society's issues. When Adam & Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world and we're seeing the results. What good will it do to remove those racist monuments if racism is embedded in people's hearts? To eliminate racism, you have to eliminate people's racist beliefs. People were racist before monuments. Even if you take down every racist symbol and monument, that won’t mean anything to hardcore racists because they’ll still have prejudice in their heart.

Jun 9, 2020


What I got from this prayer scene is that God knows our hearts. He knows our strengths & weaknesses and our past, present & future sins. This is one of the most honest prayers I've heard. If some believers are honest, they will admit they've prayed this prayer at some point in their walk with Christ.

Jun 8, 2020

God's At Work

God's children need reminders from time to time when they start feeling discouraged about God's promises.

Jun 6, 2020

Exposing Dirty Cops

Jun 5, 2020

I Can Protest (White), But You Can't (Black)

This photo speaks volumes about the hypocrisy that exists. One group of people gets praise for protesting, but the other group is criticized? The irony.

Jun 4, 2020

Selective Outrage

I listened to a clip of the Trick & Trina show on 99Jamz where they discussed the Miami protests as a result of George Floyd's death, and Trina went in. She said the protestors were acting like animals out of a zoo. I'm certain she wasn't talking about the peaceful protestors, just the ones looting. Truth be told, Trina was right. The looters were acting like animals. Her friend's business was looted, and she doesn't have a right to be upset about that? That's why I can't take some black people serious because they have selective outrage. Selective outrage is a condition where people choose what to be outraged about. The same blacks that supported Trina from Day 1 are the same ones who turned on her. I doubt she cares, but I wanted to point that out. 

Jun 3, 2020

George Floyd Protest

Ever since George Floyd died at the hands of those crooked cops, everyone all over the nation is in their feelings. Could this be the spark that's necessary to bring change? Hopefully. Listen to the following video.

Church & Race: Bridging The Gap

All churches should be having these conversations. I've said this before & I'll say it again: If you're a Christian and racist, you're a disgrace to the faith. If believers of all nationalities can't worship together & get along, they won't last in Heaven.

Jun 2, 2020

Today's Thought

Jun 1, 2020

Enough Is Enough Pt. 2: Fighting Injustice With Prayer & Action

As a Christian, I have to be real: Why is prayer the go-to strategy for believers whenever there's racial injustice or a disaster? I get it, the world's issues can be traced back to sin. Since Adam & Eve disobeyed God, sin & turmoil entered the world and it reflects what we see today. The issue is that many Christians expect the world to tackle this from a Biblical standpoint, which I understand to an extent, but not everyone believes in prayer so some Christians can't expect non-believers to understand this from a Christian standpoint. A better question is where has peaceful protest gotten us? We've been praying for justice, to be met with injustice. We've been praying for equality, and we're met with inequality. At what point can the black community start fighting back?
Look, peaceful protests may have worked for the old-school generation, but today's generation isn't having it. They're tired of racial injustice and are fighting back. Today's young generation is tired of not being heard so they're going to MAKE people hear them. I don't agree with destroying innocent people's property because that's stupid. The innocents had nothing to do with the injustice so why go after them? Go after the real issue (criminal justice system, law enforcement, & government [federal, state & local]): RACISTS IN POWER. The worst racists are those in authority because their bias shows in the laws, policies & procedures they make. If you get rid of racists in power positions & elect ethical people in power positions, things will change.
Prayer changes things when action follows. You can't pray for change and do nothing, which is what many Christians don't get. Even the Bible says faith without works is dead.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.