Nov 20, 2019

Child Support

The logic of some men is something else. They want to play, but when it comes time to pay, they have an issue. It takes two to make a baby, remember that fellas before you run your mouth about having to pay child support. The below message is for men who complain about being put on child support, NOT for the men who take care of their children, but can't see them because the mother has a vendetta against him.

Nov 19, 2019

Thought For Today: Vindication

Nov 18, 2019

Kanye West: Is He For Real?

Believers are in their feelings over Kanye seeking God because some of them feel he's doing it for attention or he's not sincere. The above post sums up my thoughts on Kanye West's Christian conversion. To quote my post, "Only God knows his heart." God knows who's for real and who's fronting. Kanye West is in a position to lead millions to Christ through his music, and if souls are won to the Kingdom, that's what matters. I wasn't going to speak on this, but I got tired of reading FB posts going in on Kanye for his supposed "fake" conversion to Christianity.

Nov 12, 2019


I try to remember this whenever I'm facing an attack of the enemy. Every believer that's walked with God for a number of years has felt this way.

Nov 11, 2019

Verse Of The Day

Nov 7, 2019

Faith Test

Nov 6, 2019

Popeye's vs. Chick-Fil-A

I don't know what's in Popeye's chicken sandwich, but folks are showing their behinds over it. When I read that one man was stabbed to death over the chicken sandwich, I shook my head because it's not that serious. I've had Popeye's and Chick Fil A and both are good, but to take someone out over a chicken sandwich? Ridiculous. I know people get hurt or killed for much less, but enough is enough. Many reports of people fighting over a sandwich have surfaced social media. I wish this chicken sandwich war never started because it's done more harm than good, at least from Popeye's standpoint; Chic-Fil-A folks would never carry on like this. Folks can stand in line for hours for a chicken sandwich, but not for what matters. These are the same people who wonder why they're no better off than they were. Priorities...

Nov 5, 2019

Today's Gospel

Your circle grows or shrinks depending on the level of your season. Everyone that comes with you, can't go with you. In other words, some people may fall off and that's ok. If God wanted them with you, he would've opened the door for them just like he did for you.

Nov 4, 2019

His Ways & Thoughts Are Higher Than Ours

There's a reason why God says "My Ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts." That's because he can see what we can't. Remember, he knows the end from the beginning.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.