Jul 31, 2019

Financial Wisdom

Some of these pro athletes with these multi-million contracts need common sense wisdom on how to manage their money post-football, basketball and baseball. I read about Adrian Peterson being broke and all I could do was shake my head. He made over $100 million in his 13-year career in the NFL, so he should've been putting money away just in case he got hurt, or retirement crept up on him. One thing I know, is that if God sees fit to bless me with multi-millions of dollars, he could trust me to use it wisely.

Jul 29, 2019

Jezebel Runs Amok In America

If you're familiar with the Bible, then you know about Jezebel. Jezebel was a contentious, evil woman that was hellbent on getting her way, no matter the cost. When she became queen, she went on a rampage to rid Israel of all evidence of Yahweh worship. The Jezebel spirit is characteristic of unrepentant sin, sexual immorality and a determination to have one's way, no matter who's destroyed in the process. It's not hard to see that the Jezebel spirit has taken over America. What was considered wrong is right, and what's right is wrong. The Jezebel spirit is no respecter of persons, men and women can have it.

Jul 26, 2019

In Or Out?

When I was younger, I was guilty of flip-flopping in my walk with God. One minute, I'd be all in for Christ and the next, I acted like he didn't exist. Now that I'm older, I'm serious about my walk with God. I can't afford to play games about my spiritual growth because like the Bible says, being lukewarm will cause God to spit you (the believer) out of his mouth.

Jul 25, 2019

Progressive Christianity

I question the Christianity of any so-called believer that supports what God condemns. If you're going to follow Christ, you have to support what he supports and condemn what he condemns, it's that simple. I think of progressive Christians as straddling the fence; they have one foot in the world and the other foot in Christ.

Jul 24, 2019


I say this to myself daily, then put my plans into action.

Jul 23, 2019

Thought For Today: In Association With...

You can't associate with everybody, especially if they're not going the same direction as you.

Jul 22, 2019

Storms vs. Karma

Most people can't tell the difference between Karma and going through a genuine storm. Karma is when you get what's coming to you for whatever wrong you've done.

Jul 19, 2019

The Older You Get...

Jul 18, 2019


Even if this show never receives credit, Roc was one of the realest TV shows because it dealt with real issues. The above clip is about Roc not wanting a drug dealer on his street. While most blacks would be shook by the drug dealer, Roc had no fear. A couple times, he put hands on him because he made threatening statements about Roc's family. When Roc said, "Even if it kills me, you will be gone from my block." you knew he wasn't playing. Imagine how much better black hoods across the country would be if more men took a stand against the criminal element.

Jul 17, 2019

When They See Us

Ava Duvernay did what she wanted to do with When They See Us, and that's expose the corruption within the legal system. She did a wonderful job with that film series. I say it frequently that blacks have two strikes against them: One being black, and two, the legal and economic system is slighted against them. Korey Wise was looking out for his friend, and he got caught up. You can take away a lot from the series, but what I got from the documentary was the following:

1. Forgiveness-When Oprah asked the buff, black man if he forgave his father, he straight up said no. The man's father asked him to change his story and admit guilt when he felt he was innocent. He believed his father should've had his back, so I'm not going to discredit his feelings. I do respect him for saying he wouldn't do his kids the way his father did him.

2. Time Lost-Yes, the Exonerated 5 were cleared of all charges and records expunged, but they still served time. How do you repay someone for time lost? Those 5 men can't get those years back. 

3. Money-The City Of New York gave them a $41 million settlement, each of them received $8.2 million. If you count taxes and legal fees, I'm sure they each took home between $5-$6 million. I hope they invest that money wisely and just live off the interest. I liked what one of the men said, he said "Money doesn't erase everything we went through." Money doesn't mean a thing in comparison to the years lost.

4. Apology-To this day, none of the men received an apology from the NYPD or legal team assigned to their case. An apology for screwing up someone's life is too much like right, so at this point, I'd probably tell them to take their apology and shove it where the sun don't shine. I think Linda Fairstein should issue a public apology to those 5 men because she was so gung-ho about their conviction, and when the truth came out about the men's innocence, she was looking stupid. She had it out for those boys and wasn't focused on the facts, she wanted to lock someone up for the crime. I am glad her publisher dropped her, and she lost her job (or resigned). She was lit up on social media to where she made her social media acct. private. LOL! She didn't want that smoke.

5. What About The Others?-There are many Central Park 5's sitting in prison for crimes they didn't commit. They deserve justice too.

The worst kind of racists are those in power positions. You can't count on them being fair & objective because they're going to be guided by prejudice. I truly believe most racists were picked on as children and were taught hatred so they go into law enforcement and criminal justice in order to get revenge.

As black men, it's extremely important to move carefully because the last thing any black man should want is to go through what those Exonerated 5 did.

Jul 15, 2019

Do Whatever With No Repercussions

Ever hear of the term hardened criminal? A hardened criminal is someone who has nothing to lose. They don't care how their crimes hurt the victim, let alone others. If you give them life with no parole, they could care less. If you give them the death penalty, oh well. Since some criminals are so far gone, execute them and move on.

Jul 12, 2019

Thought For Today: Ha ha, kee, kee, kee

Jul 11, 2019

Little Mermaid Isn't White

I can think of many other things to be upset about.

Jul 10, 2019

Keep Your Apology

Jul 9, 2019

Christianity & Sexuality

Just being honest.

Jul 8, 2019

A Wise Person...

Jul 4, 2019

Getting Away With Transgressions

Pick your battles, yes; but don't give anyone the impression they can try you because they will.

Jul 3, 2019

Let God Use You Like He Made You | Devotional by Tony Evans

You don't have to be a certain way in order for God to use you. God can use you like he made you. If you're an introvert, he can work with that. If you're extroverted, he can use you. God made each of us different for a reason, and this sermon excerpt was powerful.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.