Jun 28, 2019

Question Of The Day: Horrible Spouse, Good Parent

If you're a good husband/wife, by default you should make a great parent. As with most things in life, the below tweet shows how some things in life make no sense.

Jun 26, 2019

Post Of The Day

Dug this one out of the archives. It was from a good FB friend of mine, and she's on point. You can't call yourself a believer when you support what Satan stands for.

Jun 25, 2019

Christianity: Conversion or Leaving The Faith

I read an article about Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau converting to Islam from Christianity. The following tweet sums up my thoughts. I question the relationship one had with God if they left the faith. It leads me to believe they never had a true relationship with Christ from the start.

Jun 24, 2019

Monday Gospel

Jun 21, 2019


Rejection doesn't play favorites, anyone can get it. Sometimes, rejection can be a blessing because God may be protecting you from something down the line & other times, God could be redirecting you to something better.

Jun 20, 2019

You're Worth It

Jun 18, 2019

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Jun 17, 2019

Running Mouth=Flood

God says talking too much is foolish, so talking less is considered wise to him (Proverbs 29:11). Some people pride themselves on speaking their minds, which is good to a degree because you know where they stand. Some people better be glad I've mastered the art of selective speaking, because if I really said what I thought, people would be shocked and in trouble. You don't always have to say what's on your mind because sometimes, it can get you in trouble.

Jun 14, 2019

Contentment: Philippians 4:10-12

Philippians 4:10-12 deals with contentment. Contentment is another word for satisfaction. If I asked people about their contentment level, I would get different answers. Some people would be content at their current level, others would say they're constantly striving for better. I think for me, contentment would come after I've accomplished all God has for me because then there's nothing left for me to do. I've already done what God's called me to do, so what else do I have to prove? Nothing. At the same time, this verse is helping me learn contentment, whether I have little or much. 

Jun 12, 2019

Scenario: You Can't Bless Everyone

Response: He was good enough to use to improve herself, but he's not good enough for a relationship. FYI, truckers make excellent money so I'm sure she wouldn't be hurting for money. Nothing wrong with wanting someone in her own class. What's wrong is that she used him for a come-up. He got her where she's at, so she should pay him back every dollar spent on her law school education. He was everything she needed at one point, and now she doesn't need him because she's "made it." This is a good example of why you can't help everyone because you subject yourself to being used, and I'm not for it.

Jun 11, 2019

Who's Next?

Jun 9, 2019

God's Way

Pretty self-explanatory to me.

Jun 7, 2019

Prayer Changes Things: Steve Harvey

Not one lie was told. Prayer DEFINITELY changed many things for me. Sometimes, I don't want nothing from God but just to talk to him.

Jun 5, 2019

Food 4 Thought

You learn more when you notice, instead of speaking.

Jun 4, 2019

Jun 3, 2019

Are Men A Dying Breed?

Not one lie was told with this post. I look at the state of manhood today, and manhood is not how it used to be when I was coming up.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.