Mar 31, 2019

What's On My Mind?

I'm tired of these so-called Christians bumping their gums about being blessed & highly favored, acting high, holy & sanctified and those are the main ones who are the most foul. I'm talking about turning a child against their father because things didn't work out between them. Let them tell it: They're saved and blessed. I can't get upset when unbelievers say they want no part of God because they see some fake Christians acting like the devil. The worst kind of Christian is one who does dirt and then says they're saved & blessed. If you call that saved, then I must be doing this all wrong. Fake Christians (yes, I call them fake) give the entire name of Christianity a bad name because the world sees the fakes misrepresenting the name of Christ, then want nothing to do with God because of the phony believers. I used to get upset at unbelievers when they say, "If Christians act like that, why should I come to Christ?" but now, I see where they're coming from because I've seen it myself. If I wasn't mature in my walk with Christ, I would've let the bootleg believers deter my walk with God, but because I was rooted in God's word from birth, it's stuck like concrete.
I just feel for the rookie Christians, the ones who just got saved, and are trying to figure out their walk with God. What seasoned believers can they turn to if they have questions about the faith?

Mar 27, 2019

Your Dreams Are For YOU

Your dreams are for YOU, not for everyone. It baffles me that people tell everyone their dream(s), and get upset when people shoot their vision down.

Mar 26, 2019

Marriage Material & Spiritual Maturity

Men and women define marriage material differently, as they should. How a woman feels she's marriage material is different from what a man is looking for.
Look, I get it. Men want a woman that looks like Beyonce and women want a 6'6 chocolate sensation that rocks her world. Yes, God gives us our heart's desires, but he will always give us what we need, first and foremost.

Mar 25, 2019


A question was posed in a FB group I'm in that went like this: God sends you a mate that meets 75-100% of your expectations, but he's not physically attractive. Do you accept the mate God sent or bypass? My answer is this: I understand looks are important, but they're not the final say. Looks are going to fade over the years, and then what? You have to have something concrete in order for the relationship to make it.

Mar 23, 2019

Having Others' Back & Not Your Own

One time for the brother who wrote the original tweet. It goes along with what I said plenty of times: Blacks are the first to stand up for other races' plight because "we know how it feels" While blacks are so busy caping for those who don't care about what the black race goes through, who's standing up for us? Who's looking out for us? It's long overdue for black people to start looking out for self, but we have to come together as a people first.

Mar 20, 2019

Orlando To Be Florida's New Capital?

It would make economic and business sense, since most of our state senators and legislators are from Central and South FL. They have to come up to Tallahassee anyway, so by moving the capital to Orlando, Orlando native politicians will be in their backyard. There's so many benefits to moving FL's capital to Orlando. I don't think it'll be a major loss to Tallahassee if the capital were moved because let's face it, I've lived in Tallahassee long enough to know that there's no major commerce here. If you take away FAMU & FSU Homecoming, North Florida Fair and other sporadic events, Tallahassee would suffer. I support moving Florida's capital to Orlando.

Mar 18, 2019

Thought For Today: No Difference

Once upon a time, your friends were your friends. You could trust them & vice versa. Now, friends do the same thing enemies do. In that case, I'm good on having little to no friends because I don't have the patience to figure out who's who. With me, you're for or against me; no in between.

Mar 17, 2019

Baby Abandonment

I'm not gonna judge the mother other than saying, at least she left the baby at a place where this baby will get the needed love & support. Still, this baby is going to grow up resentful and have so many questions as to why she wasn't wanted by the one who gave her life. The only explanation I can come up with is she probably felt inadequate as a potential mother to be able to provide for this child, so she felt the church could take care of the baby better than she could. Who knows where the father is...Hopefully, I'll read an update on how this baby is doing.

Mar 16, 2019

Christians vs. Christians

Not one lie was told with this. One thing I respect about the world is they come together to get things done in their favor. They may go to war with each other from time to time, but the world knows how to come together for a common cause. Some Christians on the other hand...too busy at war with each other over stupid stuff. I truly believe this is one of the reasons why the world wants nothing to do with Christianity because the world sees Christians at war with each other.

Mar 14, 2019

Thought For Today

If someone is disrespectful enough to tell you this, they already have someone on the side, and you should let them go to the other (wo)man.

Mar 12, 2019

My Thoughts On Crying

Honestly, I rarely, if ever cry because I've been through so much in my life that I've become hardened.

Mar 11, 2019

Skinny Jeans

I don't know when or how this skinny jeans trend started, but I wish it didn't blow up like it has. Seems like everywhere I turn, it's some young thundercat wearing skinny jeans. Don't these young dudes know that skinny jeans are made for women? These young boys pick up the dumbest of trends and try to make it look cool. There's nothing cool about wearing clothes tighter than a woman's; they can't breathe, and it looks stupid.

Mar 8, 2019

Spineless Christians

"A Christian university in Minnesota, the University of Northwestern St. Paul, refused to host a Christian, pro-life speaker after condemning her views as too radical."-excerpt from The Blaze

Some Christians have a yellow streak that goes down their entire back. Scared to tell it like it is for fear of what others may say or think. The world can have radical views, but believers have to tone down theirs.

Mar 6, 2019

For Better Or Worse: Steve TV Show

Dan Gasby’s wife, B. Smith, suffers from dementia. He shares his home with her and his live-in girlfriend. So, Steve had to ask the Straight Talk panel: are you obligated to care for your partner, even if they don't remember you?"
I can imagine the flak the husband in this discussion got from the audience. His wife is sick, and he has a live in girlfriend to help care for her. The live-in girlfriend could be a caregiver so she may be experienced enough to help him care for her properly. Anyway, the fact that this discussion took place signals how far marriage has fallen in society. Between the side piece movement and a married (w0)man having in a live-in mate, it's a wonder people get married in today's world. After listening to the above video, I feel like this: If you're not ready to care for your terminally ill spouse, you have no business getting married. Marriage isn't all sunshine & rainbows, it involves times where the bad outweighs the good, but you honor the vows you took in front of God and that person. 
Miracles happen daily, and God could heal your spouse. Their last memory would be of you leaving them during their illness, and here you go trying to get back with them. You couldn't be there when they needed you, but you want to be there for them now that they're healthy? I don't respect that. You are obligated to care for your partner in sickness and health, even if they don't remember you. They may not remember, but God does.
I respect the honesty of some people when they say they're torn because not everyone can handle caring for a terminally ill spouse. While happiness is important in marriage, more often than not, marriage involves sacrifice, compromise and selflessness.

Mar 5, 2019

The Underdog

Isn't it ironic that those who come from nothing tend to appreciate success more? I mean, they have the odds stacked against them and hustle hard for their breakthrough, then when they get it, they learn more through the process than the actual victory.

Mar 4, 2019

Public Service Announcement

This thought came to my head around midnight, so I posted it. No one's in a place to judge another person for finally getting their business together. Some take longer than others to get it together, but as long as they get it right, I'm good. Oh I forgot, we live in a perfect world where no one has ever struggled, or struggles.😒

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.