Nov 29, 2018

Steve Harvey Thanks God

I was listening to SHMS this morning and Steve went in on praising God for his success. Anyone who can go through what Steve has and come out on top, should never tire of thanking God. To hear Steve praise God for his success makes me more of a fan.

Nov 27, 2018

Thought For Today

Nov 26, 2018

Power vs. Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding

My mom and I had a Biblical discussion yesterday evening and she brought this topic to me. She asked me which would I rather have, Power or Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding? My response was: I'd rather have Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding because power automatically comes with that. Many kings throughout the Bible were very powerful, but other than Solomon, not many of them had the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of how to use that power in a godly manner. Solomon was the wisest king because not only was he powerful, but he asked God for wisdom. Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding makes one far more powerful than just mere power.

Nov 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Gospel

How you know it's personal is when the person goes out of their way to destroy your good name.

Nov 19, 2018

Thought For Today: Relationship Etiquette

This is how relationships are supposed to work. Don't mind the hogwash that says you ave to fuss in order to have a successful relationship.

Nov 16, 2018

Hey Grandma, what's up? Listen....

Nov 15, 2018

Today's Scripture

One thing I like about Bible apps is you can share them on social media, which I share my favorite verses from time to time.

Nov 14, 2018


Something for some women to think about before they lay down and have kids with a potential deadbeat father.

Nov 13, 2018

Nov 12, 2018


I want to give a shout out to my FB friend Rosalyn Mason for this fire post. She spoke for many of us who feel the same way. Not one lie was told, all facts spoken. I've made similar posts about this very issue, and Rosalyn confirmed what I, and other likeminded people think. My thing is, the time Democrats spend hating Trump is time that should be spent preparing a candidate to go against him in 2020, but you know what: Let the Dems continue wasting time hating Trump. All that's doing is making it easier for him to win a second term in 2020. Democrats are playing checkers, Republicans are playing Chess.

Nov 1, 2018

Today's Thought

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.