Sep 28, 2018

Today's Thought

Sep 27, 2018

Question Of The Day

One time for a FB friend for posting this thought-provoking question:

My answer: I feel God calls some sins abominations because they bring greater guilt. Abomination is something that is highly hated above all else. Sin is sin, but there are certain sins that God will hate above others.

Sep 26, 2018


What annoys me is people who complain about long commutes to work. Well, no one told you to live an hour or so from your job, knowing you have to commute to and from work daily. People who do this have no one to blame but themselves. Many employees with bad commutes have them because they work in the city they don't live. For example: If I worked in Boston, wouldn't it make sense to live in Boston? Why live an hour away from Boston knowing I have to commute to work in the city 5 days a week? That eats up fuel, contributes to freeway traffic, among other annoyances. I deal in common sense, and common sense tells me to live close to my job (which I do), so I have less driving, which helps me save on gas, etc. Or if you live in a major city, living on one side of town while working on another. City traffic is hectic as is, and the last thing any city needs is people who live on one side of town while working in another area of the city. Once again, I'm blessed to live and work on the same side of my city. 

Sep 25, 2018

Faith Or Worry?

I've gotten MUCH better with this over the years. It was easy for me to say I have faith in God, but deep down I second guessed him as to whether I need to step in and make it happen somehow or sit back and let God do him. Now, I declare my faith in God and sit back and let him come through. Still, I put works behind my faith because faith without works is dead.

Sep 24, 2018

Throwback Wisdom

This was posted by me back in 2012, but it's still good, timeless advice.

Sep 23, 2018

Boaz Isn't Looking For You

The irony of some women who expect a man to love them despite all their flaws, but they won't do the same for him. Could that be the reason why some women don't have their Boaz?

Sep 21, 2018

Today's Thought

I said it, any man who competes with other men for a woman is a clown. For one, a woman already has her mind made up as to who she wants. Two, a man can have everything a woman is looking for and still not get chosen. Three, I compete for prizes that only I can win. 

Sep 20, 2018

Life Without God

All the mess I've gone through, how could I not need God in my life? I tell God daily, if it wasn't for him, I would be in bad shape.

Sep 19, 2018

Be You

I'll never understand why some people go out of their way to change into who others want them to be. Maybe it's not for me to understand, especially since I'm comfortable in my own skin.

Sep 18, 2018

Stay Or Go?

I've been thinking about the many fathers who have found out their child they've been raising since Day 1 is not theirs, and it's because of the mother's deception. Honestly, I'm torn because he's invested in the child's life from Day 1 and it would crush the child to know the only father (s)he's ever known is no longer around. I can't say I fault any man who chooses to leave upon finding out he's not the father, but at the same time, think of the child's feelings. For me, if I've invested in a child's life from Day 1 only to find out I'm not the bio father, I'd continue taking care of the child for several reasons: 1. I've become attached to the child since I've been there for him/her since Day 1. 2. The bio dad is nowhere to be found, so he can stay gone. 3. I couldn't risk hurting the child by leaving even though I would have every right to because I'm not the bio father.
I commend the men who choose to stay in the child(ren)'s life even though they're not the biological father. Doing that is the epitome of selflessness.

Sep 17, 2018

Food For Thought

Sep 14, 2018

Strawberry Letter: He Wants Me But Not The Children

If he wanted her, but not the children, maybe he shouldn't have agreed to be the father of her kids. Let's be honest, she was a package deal when they first met, and now he's in his feelings because he can't have her without the children? Be for real. This man must be high because any parent knows that parenting is a life-long job. Even though kids turn into adults, they'll always need their parents in some fashion, whether it's for advice or help with the grandkids. He signed up for this, this is the choice he made so he needs to man up. If he feels this way about the children, how was he feeling while raising them? The answer is obvious: She may have to spend her golden years alone because the husband doesn't want anything to do with the children because "he's done." No, a parent is done raising children when they go to the grave.

Sep 13, 2018

Mice To Rat

You can never trust rats because you don't know where their loyalties lie. If a rat can throw you under the bus to save themselves, that's what they'll do.

Sep 12, 2018

I Like That

I've heard this song on the radio for quite sometime and it's got a catchy beat, so I decided to showcase it.

Sep 11, 2018

Being Woke Requires You Sleeping

Everyone who is now woke wasn't always woke; If they're honest, they'll admit they were sleep before their eyes were opened.

Sep 10, 2018

Thought For Today

I will always...ALWAYS advocate peace of mind over unconditional love. No one should have to go to war outside and inside the home. If you can't have peace in your home with the one you so-called love, why are you with them? Better yet, where can you have peace?

Sep 6, 2018

Truth vs. Reception

Sep 5, 2018


Sep 4, 2018

A Word On Prayer

People have the phrase "Prayer changes things" twisted, so this should bring clarity to the statement.

Sep 3, 2018

Throwback Message

Throwback message that continues to be true today. The same people standing up for corruption are the same ones that blame God for the state of society. No, you wanted God out, you got your wish, so deal with the consequences.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.