Apr 29, 2018

Generous To A Fault

Apr 28, 2018

Bill Cosby Sex Assault Charge

My thoughts won't change regarding rape: Folks who wait decades to come forward about rape experiences damage their credibility because the first thing I'm thinking is why they didn't come forward sooner? Sexual assault victims have a greater chance of getting justice if they come forward immediately because the incident is fresh in their minds. I'm wondering how all those women remember Bill Cosby raping them 30+ years ago. Surely they got their stories mixed up or left out details, something. I'm not getting into conspiracy theories about how Bill was framed because he wanted to buy NBC. All I'm going to say is Bill Cosby had a lot of fickle fans; fans supported him when he was squeaky-clean, but since he was convicted of rape, they left that man out to dry.

Apr 27, 2018

Know Your Value

Everyone won't see your value, and that's ok. Some people aren't supposed to see your value because they can't handle it.

One of my FB friends posted the perfect reply:

Apr 26, 2018

Random Thought Of The Day

Apr 25, 2018

Today's Thought

Apr 24, 2018

Yes: Joel Osteen

Gems like these are the reason why I follow Joel Osteen's ministry. Any favor and blessing I receive is attributed to God, NOT of my doing.

Apr 22, 2018

Sunday Word

Can we please do away with the "real n***a term?" Asking for myself and other likeminded folks.

Apr 20, 2018

Having A Good Heart Comes With A Price

You can't open up to everyone because there's an evil element out there that will use your information against you.

Apr 18, 2018

Bible Study

During my Bible Study, I shared these two verses on social media:

Apr 17, 2018

Tuesday Thought: Removal

When God shows you who someone really is, it would be wise to act accordingly. It's said that if God shows you someone is no good for you, and you stay with them, he will allow them to hurt you until you cut them loose.

Apr 16, 2018

For My Fellas

Excuse the vulgar word, but good message. Society is always telling women to know their worth (which they need to, or some do), but men aren't told the same.

Apr 13, 2018

Out Of Touch

I see why some working class people feel as though wealthy people are out of touch with the common man's struggles, and this stat proves it. 

Apr 12, 2018

Thursday Encouragement

This was too good not to share.

Apr 11, 2018

Strawberry Letter: She's Making Me Want To Fight Her

He's playing both of them for fools, and SHE (the wife) allows it. Until he puts an end to it, the foolishness will continue. HE has to be the one to end his rendezvous with the other woman, but we all know he won't because he's enjoying the company of two women. Personally, she messed up by giving him another chance because 9 times out of 10, he was going to do it again. She did right by forgiving him, but she shouldn't have taken him back. The husband made it clear he doesn't want this woman? I can't tell because he's still in contact with her. As I type this, he's probably at this woman's home now. Ladies HAVE to stop letting these n****s play y'all like toys. If a dude cheats once, he's going to cheat again.

Apr 10, 2018

Creflo Dollar Gives Props To Snoop Dogg

I've read the Facebook comments criticizing Snoop Dogg for his gospel album, saying he's not saved enough, or he's not living what he's singing about. Let me throw out some facts: Snoop grew up in the church and used to sing in the choir and played the piano, so he's just getting back to his roots. Whether Snoop repented and turned his life over to God is between him and Jesus, so I'll leave that alone. Since when did some Christians write the book on how saved you have to be before you can record a gospel album? Mess is bananas. The same believers that criticize Snoop for his gospel album are the same ones who sing and praise dance every Sunday to songs that homosexuals, whoremongers, spouse abusers, thieves, porno junkies, alcoholics, etc IN THE CHURCH have written and y'all have no problem with that. Let Snoop Be Great.

Apr 9, 2018

Today's Thought: Living Like God Exists

Apr 8, 2018

Today's Thought: Full Custody

Apr 5, 2018

Karma Will Get You

I laugh at people who think they can do people wrong and not expect to pay for it. You may not pay now, but you'll pay sooner or later.

Apr 4, 2018

Scenario: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

I can understand the son wanting to talk to his father; this could be the son's opportunity to get answers about his father's absence. From what I read, the father chose not to be in his life, so why would he want to connect now? His son is pretty much grown, so the father missed out on a father-son relationship. Hopefully, the son learned how to be a man by father figures. The son should trust his instincts and not get too close.

Apr 3, 2018

CME (Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter) Christians

Shout out to Gerald LiftsTheGym Jackson for this post. People find time to go to church on CME, but can't go any other time of the year.

Apr 2, 2018

Monday Gospel

I've been guilty of this many times, so I try not to let him make me look stupid because he's going to sit back laughing, saying "Got Em!"

Apr 1, 2018

Taking Up Your Cross

Repost from a FB friend:

This is self-explanatory to me, but far too many believers expect not to pay the cost of following Christ. Walking with Christ costs you popularity because you won't be able to run with the same people you used to on your walk. You may face criticism from those "friends" you ran with because you decided to carry the cross. Believers should NOT take up the cross if they aren't ready to deal with the consequences. There are consequences for everything we do, good or bad.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.