Sep 30, 2017
Sep 29, 2017
Men: Satan's Favorite Target
From a spiritual aspect, ever notice how Satan launches attacks on men first? That's because men are the leaders (or should be) of their home. They're responsible for provision, protection and being the spiritual covering for their families. If the enemy can't get to him, he comes for the other family members. I'm convinced that men are Satan's favorite target.
Satan attacks the husband first since he's head of household. If Satan can take the man out first, he's got the rest of the family.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 30, 2017
Sep 28, 2017
Thought For Today
Mercy is not getting the bad you deserve, grace is getting the good you don’t deserve.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 28, 2017
Sep 27, 2017
It Starts With The Head
If the head is out of order, so will the rest of the body.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 26, 2017
Sep 26, 2017
God: Are You Home?
Reposted from a FB friend’s page:
Are you already at home? Sorry to interrupt you at this time. My name is God. Why do not you pay more attention to me? I have protected you since you were born and I have blessed you. I want this message in the whole world before midnight. If you do this, I will correct two great mistakes in your life, and I will help you in something you are needing and your next day will be very blessed.
Sep 25, 2017
Sep 24, 2017
I've Got Something To Say
No matter if a child lives in the ghetto or upscale community, every child is entitled to feel safe playing outside without being cut down by machine gunfire. Unfortunately, inner city children don't have that luxury due to their hood being gang-controlled and drug ridden. If I rattled off the list of children who were killed in the hood JUST by playing outside, I'd be up all night.
#SadButTrue: Ghetto children should NOT be playing outside because they're risking being sprayed down with machine gun fire.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 23, 2017
Sep 23, 2017
Thought For Today
The best deal is to let someone else take that used car off your hands; the one that doesn't run right.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 23, 2017
Sep 22, 2017
Rats Eat Cheese
I don't like motormouths, people who talk too much. It's ok to be quiet sometimes.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 16, 2017
Talking too much can & will get you in trouble.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 16, 2017
Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Gospel: Mouth Run Like Water
A lot of folks get too friendly with everyone to where they start telling their life story, not knowing that some people are taking notes on what to use against you.
Sep 20, 2017
Thought For Today
Fighting from victory involves trusting God's sovereignty that the outcome will be favorable to you, BUT...give God glory.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 20, 2017
Sep 19, 2017
Ugly Truth
Women outnumber men 3 to 1, so tell me why some men are sobbing over a woman again?
Ugly Truth: There is no sympathy for a man who sobs over a woman. Society will say "man up."— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 17, 2017
Sep 18, 2017
Weekend Turn-Up, Chill On Sunday
Salute to Deondra for this real status:
"You wanna go out Friday" "YES!!"... " You wanna go out Saturday"... "YES" " You wanna go to church Sunday" ..........*crickets*.... And you wonder why he keep forgetting to bless you... Because you keep forgetting to Praise him. Praises go up, blessings come down."
Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Thought: You Aren't Ready
It's foolish to turn down something good God sends into your life.
If you use your free will to turn down what God has presented to you, you have too much pride & aren't ready.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 17, 2017
Sep 16, 2017
Tough Past=Strength
That's because easy pasts don't exist. Every strong person has gone through something that gave them that strength.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 16, 2017
Sep 15, 2017
Cheating Practice
There's no way you can invest quality time in each person while dating multiple people.
Dating multiple people while single is rehearsal for cheating while married.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 14, 2017
Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Thought
You lose your flavor by being in the mix.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 14, 2017
Sep 13, 2017
What's On My Mind?
From time to time, there's a meme that's posted in some of my groups asking if folks would marry the person God showed them, but that mate would cheat on them during the marriage. Some said yes, but most said no. I co-sign the no crowd because God would never choose someone to be your spouse and they cheat on you; that's stupid. Personally, I wouldn't overlook infidelity in a marriage because if I've never stepped out on my lady, she had no reason to violate our sacred bond. ...I would forgive, but she would have to pay for her crime via divorce. I would expect to be held accountable in the same manner. Unconditional love shouldn't apply in cases of infidelity, and for couples to let that ride, I can't respect that. To each their own, but it couldn't be me as far as taking a cheating mate back because in the back of my mind, I'll always think she's up to no good.
Sep 12, 2017
Classic Post: Norm J Blunt
Norm J Blunt: Some brothas will pass up a DIAMOND just to pick up a PEBBLE smh.............................................
Sistahs do it too............................
Then have the NERVE to complain about the choice they've made lol...."
#You'reBothIdiots lol smh -_____-
Sounds about right. If a diamond comes your way, and you'd rather choose a pebble, you take whatever comes with that pebble.
Sep 10, 2017
Choose Me
Everyone wants to be chosen, but they don't want the drama that comes with it. When you're chosen, you have a target on your back.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 9, 2017
Being chosen isn't all it's cracked up to be. Luke 12:48 (MSG) reads, "Great gifts mean great responsibility." In other words, much is required from whom much is given. Do people really understand what it means to be chosen? I don't think some people do because if they did, they wouldn't be so eager to want to be chosen. Then again, some people know what comes with being chosen and can handle it, so I salute those people. When you're chosen, all eyes are on you; You're subject to greater scrutiny and unless you have solid skin, you may fold under the pressure. In many cases, you're chosen just because some people want to see you fail. Before some people are so quick to want to be chosen, they should do their due diligence to see if they're ready to be chosen.
Sep 9, 2017
When God Talks | Tony Evans (Sermon)
I listened to this sermon last night, and my prayer is to listen for God's voice consistently. He speaks in a still, small voice so I have to be extra sensitive to his voice.
Sep 8, 2017
God Doesn't Heal: Foolishness
I don't know how ANY pastor can come out of their mouths and say "Sometimes, God gives you sickness to teach you a lesson" or "It's not always God's will to heal". If it's not God's will to heal, why did Jesus heal many who were afflicted with leprosy, blindness, stuttering, and so on? Some of these pastors need to shove it with their false teaching because the God I serve heals & delivers. Some people (believers included) are no better because they buy into the nonsense, so they go through life suffering from their illness or condition and think it's God's will for them to be afflicted. One thing that has stuck with me regarding healing is that God will heal, whether on earth or in Heaven.
Any pastor who preaches against God healing needs to check themselves.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 8, 2017
Sep 7, 2017
Thursday Thought: The World In 140 characters
Harvey cleanup efforts, pending Hurricane Irma, Trump vs. Kim Yong Jun; the Bible was not playing about the Last Days.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 6, 2017
Sep 6, 2017
What's On My Mind?
What's On My Mind?
- Why is it necessary for some people to take the perpetrator's side as if (s)he's the victim? If the offender victimizes another person, I will always side with the victim because THEIR pain supersedes the offender's so-called pain. Better yet, the offender has NO pain. People talking about "The offender's hurting too" Bull.
😒 The offender can't be hurting if (s)he's bringing harm to another person. Forget the offender's so-called "pain".
- Like when Dylann Roof smoked those 9 people in that Charleston church, people had the audacity to say there are victims in Dylann Roof's family. Cut the crap.😒
Sep 5, 2017
Tweet Salad
These are a list of inspirational tweets designed for encouragement.
God is turning your temporary trial into a blessing that can never be taken away from you!— Ron Carpenter (@roncarpenter) September 5, 2017
Say this prayer: "Lord Jesus, You have provided everything I need through the cross. I have Your divine health and favor today. Amen!"— Joseph Prince (@JosephPrince) September 5, 2017
Where you are is not where you're supposed to stay. God has new levels. Get a bigger vision.— Tiana Meidl (@TianaMeidl) September 3, 2017
Sep 4, 2017
Monday Thought: Relationship Contracts
People look at relationships like a business contract: What can I gain as opposed to how I can make this person's life better?— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 3, 2017
Sep 3, 2017
High School Glory Days
There are few things in life more pathetic than people who want to relive their high school glory days. These folks like to say "I was the man in high school, I was so this and & that." I wasn't afraid to be myself, and if classmates didn't like me, too bad. I was focused on studies, working and most of all, getting out of HS. It takes more heart to stand alone than it does to fit in.
If you reminisce about how you used to be popular in high school, you're a lame. I'm thankful I never had the desire to fit in.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 3, 2017
Sep 2, 2017
Out For Self
When it comes to political & social issues, this tweet couldn't be more true.
Everyone can't stick together because too many folks have their own agendas.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
Friday Thought: Anything Goes
Anytime we condone 12 year olds having sex, we've sunk to a new low. Next, it'll be 10 and under, if not already.😒— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 1, 2017
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Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.
Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop S...
Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. — Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 2, 2015 As usual, ...
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