Aug 31, 2017

Aug 30, 2017

Classic Post: Men, Stop Complaining

Men should stop complaining about women who want bad boys. If a woman wants a thug, that's her right. Understand that she loses the right to a good man after that bad boy mistreats her. That's how I see it. As crazy as it sounds, some women don't want stand-up men. That is a good thing because those women automatically weed themselves out.

Aug 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey: Joel Osteen Criticism

Megachurch Houston pastor Joel Osteen has been crucified for not doing enough to help Houstonians that have been affected by Harvey. I've read the twitter hashtags, the FB comments, etc. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of folks talking junk about Joel Osteen. Joel Osteen's not doing this, he's not doing that and so on. Houston is the 4th largest city in the nation (2.4 million in the city limits, 6.5 million in the metro), and I'm sure Joel isn't the only Houston pastor. He may be the most famous Houston pastor, but anyway...people need to let the man be great. What's really the problem is some people are jealous of Joel Osteen's success. I'm sure he does a lot for Houston (as he should, since he resides in Houston), and from what I read, he's opened Lakewood Church for shelter, so what do those clowns who talked mess about him have to say now? I'll wait.
While some people are talking mess about what Joel Osteen is or isn't doing, what are THEY doing to help those affected by Harvey? It's easy to sit back and criticize from your smartphone, computer or IPad tablet while others are out there trying to make a difference. What's ironic about this backlash is that none of the foolishness that people are saying about Joel not opening up Lakewood is true. The following link proves this:

How can anyone expect the man to open his church when portions of his church was flooded? El Stupido.

Aug 28, 2017

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey is showing out, but I rebuke that storm in Jesus name. Cease & Desist!

Aug 27, 2017

Sunday Thought: Following God

I get it, we all have our comfort zones (myself included). Once we get to our successful place, we become content because we feel as if we've accomplished all we've set out to do. One issue: God has so much more for his children that we don't have time for contentment, let alone comfort. If God has better for you that required him taking you elsewhere, why wouldn't you want to go? One of my FB friends Babette Glenn gave a good answer: Because they don't have the vision to see where he's taking them. That answer is confirmation that some believers don't trust God's leading like they say. It's easy to say, "God, I'll go where you lead me", but when it comes time to follow God, some believers find excuses not to follow Him. I enjoy my comfort zone, but if God has better for me elsewhere, I'm going.

Aug 25, 2017

Minister Louis Farrakhan Video Clip

One of my FB friends posted this clip in a group, and it was too good NOT to share. He's willing to take a loss to win in the end, are we?

Aug 24, 2017

Thursday Thought: Let Them Walk

This is for those who get in their feelings when people walk out of their lives.

Aug 23, 2017

Thought For Today: Carnage At Predominantly Black Events

Not to be racist but I have to keep it real here: Everytime black folk get together at a major event, there's ALWAYS, ALWAYS shootings/fights and murders. That's ridiculous because there are people that go to these events to have fun and some clowns feel the need to play shoot-em-up bang bang. If you want to act like a fool, leave that mess in the streets.

Aug 22, 2017

Tuesday Thought: Pedestals

Aug 21, 2017

The Meaning Of "He Who Finds A Wife, Finds A Good Thing"

  1. When it comes to choosing a mate, women throw out the famous Bible verse: He who finds a wife, finds a good thing. That is true, applies to him finding the RIGHT woman comparable to him. Going further, many women think the verse absolves them of doing the required legwork to place themselves in a position to be found. A woman cannot quote "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing", if she's not making herself available to be found.
  2. If you're going to quote Bible verses, know the deeper meaning behind them. That's the problem, most people quote the Bible blindly, but they don't dig deeper behind that verse's true meaning.

Aug 20, 2017

What If...?

Daily Gospel: I believe if Adam and Eve didn't disobey God, sin wouldn't be prevalent in society. Think about it, there would be no poverty, sickness & disease, failing economy, disabilities, death, etc. I truly feel God's original intent was that life be drama-free but through Adam's disobedience, he had to have a Plan B; send Jesus to the cross. Luckily for God's children, when we leave this world we'll go to heaven, where none of the aforementioned foolishness will exist.

Aug 19, 2017


A few of my classic tweets I've posted on FB:

Richard Hudson August 19, 2016 at 6:15pm · Twitter · If you can pick your future job, you should be able to choose the colleagues you want to work with.
Richard Hudson August 19, 2016 at 6:26pm · Twitter · If you're so bold to say you don't care about going to hell, there's no hope for you.

Richard Hudson August 19, 2016 at 9:40pm · Twitter · People think you're not doing anything with your life unless you post it on social media. SMH, you'll never know every move I make.

Aug 18, 2017

Removal Of Historical Monuments

  1. Around the nation, people are calling for historical monuments to be removed because of the negative racial past behind some of them. History has had a combination of good, bad and ugly. The bad and ugly should remind Americans how far this country has come, and how much more needs to be done.

Aug 17, 2017

Thursday Wisdom

It amazes me that some people are scared to speak their minds because their friends may find out what they stand for.
FB is good for this. When you post positive stuff, you get no likes. The minute you post something real, you get responses with folks in their feelings. 

Aug 16, 2017

Thought For Today: Congrats, you've been approved

No one likes to be broken (myself included), especially believers. There's so much emphasis on having it all together that when people see a broken person, they don't know what to do. When you're whole, God can use you if you're willing, but God's greatest use comes from broken vessels because HE gets the glory. Think about it, people who have never been broken tend to get the big head, like they're immune from tough times. When God puts someone back together, they CANNOT say it was them, they have to give God glory because without him, they would still be broken.

Aug 15, 2017

They Don't Know Your Story: Monique Conley

Sometimes, it's not for people to know your story because jealousy isn't far away.
Folks will feel slighted at your blessings because they have compared themselves to you. Remember the other brother of the prodigal son? When the prodigal son came back home, his father welcomed him home and gave him a feast to show how happy he was to have him back home. The father didn't care all that the son had done when he was away, but the "other brother" was angry with his father because he was the "good" brother who didn't run off spending all of his money on prodigal living.
When you take a closer look at the story, you will see that we didn't even know what all the prodigal son had done until the other brother mentioned it. Don't be the "other brother". Stop comparing yourself to people. You just don't know the hell a person had to go through, how many days and nights they have spent on their face crying out to God, worshipping, praying and fasting for their blessing. We can even consider Hanna. I'm sure there were some other women who knew her story, but felt slighted when she gave birth to Samuel.

Aug 14, 2017


I come against racism and bigotry in Jesus name, this foolishness must cease and desist, NOW.

Aug 13, 2017

Millennials Leaving The Church? BYE

I'm tired of millennials whining about the church's current state. "We're leaving because of YOU", "We can have our own Bible study without the nonsense that goes on in churches, etc. I could go on, but you get the point. Listen, if millennials want to leave the church, LEAVE. Don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you. I doubt they'll be missed because it's not like some of them are involved in ministry at their church anyway, so the dead weight is removing themselves. You know what this post tells me? It tells me that this person and other likeminded folks were in church for the wrong reason(s). People who are fed up with the state of churches are upset because THEY went for people, not to be fed spiritually. There's tens of thousands of churches in America, so I know there's one that meets people's spiritual needs.
Churches are made of people, and because people are flawed, so are churches. Churches are NOT a place to ask questions about theology. If people want to ask questions about theology, e-mail their pastor or a spiritual mentor, or research.

Aug 12, 2017

Buyer's Remorse

The beauty of a catalog is that there's so many options, so why choose one product? In relationship terms, so many people suffer from Buyer's Remorse because they chose the first person that showed interest in them, not knowing there's others out there who could be a better fit for them.

Aug 11, 2017

For Better Or Worse Does NOT Mean...

Aug 10, 2017

Get Rid Of Poison

Once poison leaks out, it damages everything in its path, so it's important to get rid of it on sight.

Aug 9, 2017

Thought For Today: Are You For Or Against God?

Seriously, how can Christians support candidates who are anti-God?

Aug 8, 2017

Thought For Today: Fake Forgiveness Request

Aug 7, 2017

Thought For Today: NFL Protest

To be honest, some of these folks talking about protesting the NFL aren't about that. They'll be like: Who's playing? What's the score, and if we're honest: They're going to check the score on the NFL or ESPN app or sneak to watch a few games.

Aug 4, 2017

Friday Thoughts

A couple random thoughts

Aug 3, 2017

Thursday Gospel: Loyalty To Your Friends

A brief message on loyalty.

Aug 2, 2017

I'm Not Coming To Christ Because...

Some people look for every excuse NOT to give their lives to Christ. The most common excuse is that Christians are hypocrites, so why should an unsaved person come to God when Christians aren't showing good examples of what it means to be Christlike? If you're basing your decision to get saved on whether a Christian is following Christ, you'll be disappointed every time. Your decision to come to God should be your choice, not contingent on someone else. Jesus isn't giving you a pass into Heaven because you rejected him on account of a believer not being a good example of Christianity.

Aug 1, 2017

Hearing God's Voice: Men Vs. Women

Thought Of The Day: When it comes to hearing from God, women blow men out of the water. I'm being honest. That's not to say that men don't hear from God because they's just that women are more in tune with God because in a lot of families, women are the prayer warriors. They are the ones seeking God on behalf of their family. As much as I appreciate all the prayer warrior women, men need to step their game up. Another thing I've noticed is that women are more likely to surrender to God because they know he knows what's best. Men will fight tooth & nail with God until they get to a point where they allow God to do his thing. Until now, I've never understood why men have a harder time surrendering to God. Is it ego/pride? Yes, among other things. When a man surrenders to God, he acknowledges he doesn't have all the answers. That is the hardest thing for a man to do is admit he doesn't know everything.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.