Jul 31, 2017

Charging For The Gospel-Pt. 2

This is a continuation of my 7/29 topic titled Charging For The Gospel. Ministry is a business, it takes money to reach the lost. However, in Jesus day he walked everywhere ministering to the hurting, healing the sick, etc. He wasn't paid to come preach the gospel because he did what he did out of love for people, same with his followers. While times are different, believers should have the same love for people as Jesus. It's not supposed to be about money to bring God's word to people. Ministers talk about blessing others; what better way than to do things for them? Help them out. Example: Joyce Meyer. She does a women's conference every year to save souls and bring people to the Lord, but she has several speakers, singers and I'm not sure what else, but you have to buy tickets. Why aren't people genuinely trying to minister and save souls without money involved? I don't think ministry was designed to be conducted this way.
Most big-time mega pastors don't take a salary, so they make their money through writing books, speaking engagements to places that want to bless them financially, and real estate investments, among other things. I think you can have a heart for souls with money being involved. The problem lies in becoming money focused.

Jul 29, 2017

Charging For The Gospel-Pt. 1

Today's blog message is titled Charging For The Gospel. Why do we have to pay people to bring the word of God? Isn't that a believer's responsibility to bring the gospel into the highways & byways? I understand about pastors because that's their vocation so they should be paid, but regular Holy Spirit filled believers who know God's word shouldn't be paid for doing what they're supposed to do. If a believer trusts God and he's called them to this, then he will provide their needs without them having to charge admission. It doesn't make sense to me to charge for something people may really need, but can't afford so they miss out. What about those who would love to hear, but can't pay? If a speaker comes to a church, and the host church wants to bless them with a love offering, I have no problem with that.

Jul 28, 2017

Apologizing When You're Not At Fault

Seriously, it irks me when people apologize when they're in the right. Why? Stand in your truth.

Jul 27, 2017

A Word About Faith

Jul 26, 2017

Making Another Bill

If someone gives you money to pay off a bill, WHY would you create the SAME bill? That's stupid, but then again....

Jul 25, 2017

Tuesday Thought: Ministry Preference

Jul 24, 2017

Some People Will Never Be For You

Jul 23, 2017

Sunday Gospel

It's annoying when some people relive their glory days; "I remember when I was the man back in the day"

Jul 22, 2017

Question Of The Day

This is a very good question. Some churches do a great job of preaching on faith, but some don't practice what they preach; meaning, they look to their members for help instead of God. A church should be telling it's members to ask God for help because it strengthens their faith. Could it be that church leaders see their members as God? If so, they're in for a rude awakening because while some people mean well, they're human. As humans, we are prone to failure.

Jul 21, 2017

Friday Thought: Forgiveness

Jul 20, 2017

Thursday Gospel

Case in point, the LGBT community.

Jul 19, 2017

Thought For Today: Continual Screwup

Jul 18, 2017


Some believers cancel out what God wants to do in their lives by being doubleminded.

Jul 17, 2017

Monday Gospel

Jul 16, 2017

Women, Stop Trying To Equal Men

A woman will always be unhappy when she tries to be 100% equal to a man. There is a difference between men and women that some women don't want to accept.
The question Women should ask themselves is "Why would I want to be equal to a man"
Wouldn't trying to be equal to a man be disrespectful to the significance and importance of you being a woman?

Jul 15, 2017

I've Got The Power

You can tell who's not used to authority because as soon as some people get a little power, they want to act like Saddam Hussein.

Jul 12, 2017

Sexual Soul Ties: Do They Affect Men Or Women?

A FB friend posted this question on her page and I'm compelled to speak on it. Soul ties are a serious matter. If you're going to have soul ties, wouldn't it make sense to be tied to someone who's proven themselves worthy? I would hope so. Sexual soul ties are a whole different ball game because it's said for every person you sleep with, their DNA is left inside you. I don't know about you, but I can't have anyone's DNA left in me because I don't know if they're carrying negative spirits or not. I think sexual soul ties affect women more because some women give their all to a man, and when they feel they can trust you, they bless you with the most sacred gift they know, sex. That explains why some women become suicidal because some women can't bear the thought of a man not wanting her, especially after she slept with him. Men can be affected too, but not to the degree of some women. It's ironic because when a man has sexual soul ties with a woman and her stuff is good, he claims it as his own. He will resort to violence in order to protect what's supposedly his.

Jul 11, 2017

Tuesday Thought: I Want To Go To Heaven

Jul 10, 2017

Focus On God, Not Man

If you go to church focused on man, of course you'll be disappointed because humans (myself included) are flawed. It's best to shift your focus on God. Here's one of my classics dealing with this subject.
"I don't go to church because the people are phony & judgmental"
But you go to work & school with the same phonies everyday, so cut the crap. Just admit you don't want to go to church. Besides, too many people go to church for people anyway.

Jul 9, 2017

Sunday Wisdom: You Can't Trust Everyone You Fellowship With

One time for my FB friend Gerald for this nugget. If Jesus was denied 3 times by Peter, and betrayed by some of his closest followers, what makes you, me or anyone else think they won't suffer betrayal? Some people will smile in your face while holding a knife to your back. Watch those you fellowship with.

Jul 8, 2017

Jerald Stone: God's Blessing vs. Satan's Blessing

One time for Jerald Stone for this nugget. My tweet was inspired by this post:

All blessings aren't good blessings. A lot of them are handouts from the devil, just for you to sell your soul to him. Blessings from the devil is only temporary ...
Most people can't tell the difference between a blessing from God and a blessing from the devil, so let me help y'all out: Satan's blessings come with a price, your soul. God's blessings add no sorrow with them. The only conditions for God's blessings is being in right standing with him & obedience.
Moral to the story is... know the difference between GOOD BLESSINGS and BAD BLESSINGS. #blessupfb

Jul 7, 2017

Thought For Today: Make Up Your Mind

Men/Women: You're going to meet a lot of beautiful people. You're going to meet a lot of handsome people. But at some point, you'll need to decide that THIS beautiful or handsome person is the one I want. No ice cream and cake. #makethedecision

Jul 6, 2017

Thursday Gospel: Some Blessings Come With A Price

"Some, if NOT most are curses"-Babette Glenn

Jul 5, 2017

Thought For Today: Couples Who Are Building

I salute the couples who have stayed true from Day 1, when each other didn't have nothing but a dream and the will to make it happen. When they make it, they're shining like the sun.

Jul 4, 2017

Christians Have No Place In Government

Here We Go Again with this anti-Christian nonsense. The same ones hollering Christians have no place in government are going to be the first ones asking where's God in the midst of tragedy, blaming Christ for society's ills, etc. Remember, Christians have no place in government. This LGBT agenda is getting out of control because they CLAIM to promote tolerance and inclusiveness, but only if you co-sign their agenda. I'll always ride with organizations who promote Biblical teachings on fatherhood & marriage, and if that makes me a bigot, I'LL BE THAT.

Jul 3, 2017

Here We Go Again...

I'm sick & tired of mass shootings taking place at nightclubs. People go to clubs to have fun, not to dodge bullets. Rap concerts are notorious for violence.
I truly wouldn't.

Jul 2, 2017

If God Went On Strike

A FB friend shared on her page and I'm reposting. All I'm going to say is we would be toast if God decided to go on strike.

Jul 1, 2017

Black People's Worship Of Tupac & Jay-Z

The way some blacks worship Jay-Z and Pac, you'd think they died on the cross for them. I get that they've done a lot for music and came from the bottom (ghetto) to achieve fame & fortune, but they aren't God.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.