May 31, 2017

Who's Used By God More? Men Or Women

First, let me state that God uses the willing. If a woman's willing to be used by God, that's who God goes with. If men are open to being used by God, he'll use them. During my walk, I've noticed that women outnumber men in being used by God. Most prophetesses are women, more women are starting up ministries, etc. Why? I think it's because women understand they don't have all the answers. Also, I believe it's because women are more sensitive to the Holy Spirit that if God tells them to move, they move. I'm not taking anything away from the men because some men are willing to let God use them, but some men aren't as sensitive to God's voice as women are.

May 30, 2017

Question Of The Day

From what I see, America has lost the right to call itself one nation under God.

May 29, 2017

Something To Think About

May 28, 2017

Sunday Gospel

May 27, 2017

Protecting & Providing=Right To Cheat

The fact that some men believe they have a right to cheat just because they're providing & protecting shows how far manhood has fallen.

May 26, 2017

Oooooo, Let Me Tell You What God Told Me....

May 25, 2017

Fight For Your Dream

This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvestar Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day,Stallone was a
struggling actor in every definition. At some point,he got so broke that he stole his wife's jewellery and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes,he slept at the New York bus station for 3 day...s. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any
stranger. He didnt have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it at $25 only. He says he walked away crying.

Two weeks later,he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie,ROCKY. He wrote the
script for 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in
the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR. Rocky himself. But the studio said NO. They wanted a REAL STAR.

They said he "Looked funny and talked funny". He left with his script. Afew weeks later,the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie. But NOT him. He said NO. He had to be

After a while,the studio agreed,gave him $35,000 for the script and let him star in it! The rest is history! The movie won Best Picture,Best Directing and Best Film Editing at the prestigious
Oscar Awards. He was even nominated for BEST ACTOR! The Movie ROCKY was even inducted into the American National Film Registry as one of the greatest movies ever!

And do You know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? THE DOG HE SOLD. Yes,Stallone LOVED HIS DOG SO MUCH that he stood at the liquor store for 3 days waiting for the man he sold
his dog to. And on the 3rd day,he saw the man coming with the dog. Stallone explained why he sold the dog and begged for the dog back. The man refused. Stallone offered him $100. The
man refused. He offered him $500. And the guy refused. Yes,he refused even $1000. And,Believe it or Not,Stallone had to pay $15,000 for the same,same dog he sold at $25 only! And he
finally got his dog back!

And today,the same Stallone who slept in the streets and sold his dog JUST BECAUSE he couldnt even feed it anymore,is one of the GREATEST Movie Stars who ever walked the Earth!

Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have You ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Damn! I've been there too many times!

Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by,just because you are a
NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough
world. If you aint already famous,or rich or "connected",You will find it rough.
Doors will be shut on You. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes.You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

And then your hopes will be crashed.You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And Yes,you may end up sleeping in the streets.
It happens. Yes,it does.

You,Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes,Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away,Keep Dreaming.
Even when they shut you down,Keep Dreaming.

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge You by HOW you look. And by WHAT You have.
But please,Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs,ITS OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE,Your STORY IS NOT OVER. TRUST ME.

Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive.

May 24, 2017

What's That You Said?

I thank God everyday for making me strong enough to stand alone, and NOT go along to get along. I have my own mind, and not afraid to use it. If people agree, good. If not, that's fine too.

May 23, 2017

What Have You Done For Me?

I'll be grateful to anyone who can answer this question. Last time I checked, Presidents have to do what's best for the nation, not one group. Let's say President Trump catered to blacks; blacks would be satisfied, but other groups would be upset because Trump's not doing for them. It's not feasible for any president to cater to one group because other groups are going to feel slighted. Besides, maybe people need to do for self instead of depending on others to do for them.

May 22, 2017

Real Talk Monday: Sick of This Liberal Thinking

Liberalism is a mental disorder that needs to be done away with, PERIOD.

May 21, 2017

You're Savage: Oh Really?

Guess they're not savages after all.

May 19, 2017

(Un)conditional Love

So you think you can love unconditionally?

May 18, 2017

Classic FB Post

    Samson was one of, if not the most powerful Biblical figures in the Bible. He was a man of enormous strength and influence. The source of his strength was his hair which was woven in locks and as long as that remained intact, he was unstoppable. Delilah, a well-known HO in Biblical times (yes, ho's did exist in Jesus' day) was offered 1100 pieces of silver to find out the source of Samson's strength. Samson did well by refusing to tell the first 3 times but eventually he gave in, Delilah summoned the Philistines and they did a number on Samson, then threw him in prison after gouging out his eyes. This clown (Samson) had everything going for him: anointed by God as a warrior and he let a TRICK get him caught up. Samson should've known Delilah didn't care about him; she wanted the 1100 pieces of silver. She came, saw & conquered. I can't speak for other men but for me, if I'm a man of great influence & power, there's no way I would let some foul woman jam me up ESPECIALLY if she was known to be grimy. That's stupid, but then again so are some men in society. Why are some men so doggone stupid? See a shapely woman and some of these men lose their minds...The catcalls, whistles, goo-goo gagas, salivating, etc. It makes me shake my head at these lames because 9 times out of 10, she's not studying those clowns. Women know what they're doing by tempting these men and these dudes fall for it every time. Show some hip & thigh, sexy smile and boom, she has him right where she wants him. I do not feel sorry for any man who gets caught up because if men would use their brain, they could avoid well-known grimy women but noooo....some men focus on her shape rather than character. All the curves in the world mean nothing if your character is funky

May 17, 2017

You Are Not To Be Played With

May 16, 2017

Thought For Today: Some People Enjoy Mess

Sometimes, I think people enjoy being in mess because for whatever reason, it's all they know. That, or they wouldn't know how to appreciate breakthrough.

May 15, 2017

What Is Your Definition Of Church?

If I asked anyone this question, I'd get different answers: Some people see church as a place for believers to fellowship and listen to the Word, others see church as a hospital to get healed spiritually, etc. My definition of church is a place where I can get alone with God. I'm away from life's nonsense and I'm talking to God. I can do intercessory prayer, prayer of Thanksgiving or just tell God what's on my mind.

May 13, 2017

Cut The Crap

  1. This is in reference to lots of women will not know or care to find out which man is the father of their child/children, BUT, will boldly state that their child(ren) is/are a blessing from God. No, just NO.

May 12, 2017

Salute To My Brothers

Black men are beaten down enough in society, so I'm encouraging my fellow brothers who are making moves to better themselves to keep on pushing.

May 11, 2017

Come To Christ Anytime

I shared this post from a FB friend's page.

PSA: Please don't allow your religion to cause you to think that "an invitation to Christ" is only for the end of a "Church" service. As the church, we should always be inviting people to come and know the One who has saved and changed our lives.

May 10, 2017

On Point Physically & Spiritually

My fitness life and spiritual life have to be on point, no excuses. When I don't go to the gym one morning, I spend time talking to God.

May 9, 2017

Tuesday Wisdom

May 8, 2017

You Weren't Always Shining, So Knock It Off

I try my hardest not to speak on a person current situation because 9 times out of 10 I've been there. Everyday I get on here and everybody throwing shades but TRUTH be told some of y'all just JUST got where y'all need to be! If you're financial stable now it took growth. If you in a better situation now it took GROWTH! Don't ever get so HIGH that you forget, that you was once that person. Everybody struggle and everybody have down fall but what kills me is people acting like they always been on top!! #SickOfIt

May 6, 2017

Standing Up For Religious Liberty

I'm riding with anyone who's about protecting religious liberty, and Trump signing an Executive Order protecting religious liberties confirms I made the right call to vote for him, and I don't care what "friends" I may lose, or who's slighted. Even better is that Trump is committed to standing with Israel. From what I see, America needs an overdose of Christ.

May 5, 2017

5/5 Thought: What Can You Do For Me?

I remember when President Obama got his first presidential term. Black people were hooting & hollering about how he's their president, how he's going to do so much for blacks, and so on. Fast forward to the end of Term 2, many of those same blacks are crucifying former President Barack Obama for doing very little for blacks.😂That's what they get for depending on Obama to do what they should be able to do for themselves. Unlike many blacks, I understand the President has to do what's in the best interest of the country, and a country makes up ALL sorts of people. Granted, (s)he will make decisions that many won't agree with, but that comes with the terrain.

May 4, 2017

Women: Two Options

May 3, 2017

Thought For Today: Difficult Times

Every believer has gone through or will go through difficult times in life. That's part of living in a fallen world. It's in the rough times where we grow the most.

May 2, 2017

Thought For Today: Nothing's Free

May 1, 2017

Thought For Today: Messy Boots

Any job that is majority black is bound to be a messy place because some blacks love to stir up mess wherever they go. SMH.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.