Mar 31, 2017

100 Proof Real Talk

Mar 30, 2017

Real Talk Thursday

Mar 29, 2017

Relationship Gospel

You want to find out if someone's truly for you? This is how.

Mar 28, 2017

Mar 27, 2017

Worry About Nothing, Pray About Everything

Mar 26, 2017

Miami Black History

Before Miami became the melting pot it is today, it's had it's share of negative racial history.

Mar 24, 2017

Friday Wisdom

Mar 23, 2017

Power Daily Bread

One time for Tyron for this encouraging word. I got so much from this, but one thing that stood out was "Stay In Prayer."

Mar 22, 2017

3/22 Thought For Today: Prayer & Fasting

Mark 9:29: Jesus answered, “Only prayer can force out that kind of demon."

Mar 21, 2017

Each One, Reach One, Teach One

Mar 19, 2017

PSA To All Rappers

Every rapper should read this tweet:

Mar 17, 2017

Attention: Stop Complaining About Churches Asking For Money

Mar 15, 2017

The State Of Society

Mar 14, 2017

What's On My Mind: Paying Cash

  1. If someone has saved all year and decides to drop $10K for a down payment on another car and they would rather pay in cash, they're assumed to be a drug dealer because they don't want a big monthly car payment? That's the dumbest crap I've ever heard. Everyone getting money isn't involved in the dope game, SMH.

Mar 13, 2017

Divorce Rate: Christian Marriages vs. Secular Marriages

I've known for a while that Christians divorce at an identical rate to secular couples. Honestly, it's sad because Christians are to be examples of how to have lasting marriages. When I read this article, one thing stuck out to me: Some Christian couples have forgotten how to love unconditionally. When you love unconditionally, you're able to overlook your partner's flaws & vice versa. Granted, some issues you can't let ride: Adultery & abuse of any kind (physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, etc.), but if the matters are small enough to be resolved, why not fix them? Something else that stuck out to me was how Christians are no different than the rest of the world, meaning they have guidelines of what they will (not) deal with in marriage, and by right they should. Of the Christian marriages that have weathered life's storms, God was at the center of their marriage. Couples prayed and spent time in the Word together. How many divorced Christian couples can say that? I'll wait.

Mar 12, 2017

3/12: Thought For Today

It's like that sometimes. Honestly, foul people don't deserve good mates because they would mess up their blessing.

Mar 11, 2017

To Speak On Something, You Need Experience

Do you need to sell dope to know it's wrong? No. Do you need to be on drugs to know it's bad? No. Do you need to be married in order to know what it's like? NO. Last question: Do you need to touch a stove to know it's hot? NO. So why do some people feel you need personal experience on something to speak on it? That's crazy because people could be discounting valuable advice from someone who's never been through it because they aren't in their shoes. Some stuff you need experience for, others you don't, so let's cut the crap and stop discounting others' views just because they haven't experienced what you have. In the Bible, Paul was unmarried but he spoke on marriage a lot. By today's standards, Paul wouldn't be qualified to speak on marriage since he's never been married. Wisdom can come from anyone, regardless of whether they have personal experience.

Mar 9, 2017

Hell Challenge? Cut The Crap.

Mar 8, 2017

Victor, Not Victim

Hopefully this blog will encourage some of my fellow black people to stop seeing themselves as victims. Earlier this week, Ben Carson linked slaves to immigrants, which was crazy because blacks were BROUGHT over against their will, whereas immigrants came over for a better life. As soon as Ben Carson made that statement, every black person on social media and in real life got in their feelings. Samuel L. Jackson went in on Ben Carson, and I'm sure many other black celebs gave Carson a piece of their minds on social media. Look, I get that blacks have been through and are going through a lot since they've been in this nation. From slavery to racial injustice, I feel for blacks who have gone through that, but it's time for blacks to reclaim their power and stop seeing themselves as victims.
If Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and other influential black leaders saw themselves as victims, would they have fought hard for black equality? No, because they would be too busy playing the woe is me song. They were determined to make life better for blacks at the expense of their own lives, and they've done a wonderful job. Fast forward to 2017: Every time some blacks suffer racial injustice/prejudice, instead of fighting, some of them throw pity parties. Some blacks favorite excuse is the white man is holding them back; they can't get ahead due to the "system". Maybe some blacks are tired of fighting a losing battle, and if that's the case then I pray for the discouraged blacks that they will find a way to keep pressing on no matter the odds. One more thing: Just because a black person doesn't see themselves as a victim, doesn't mean they need their "black card" pulled.

Mar 7, 2017

Stay Humble

Mar 6, 2017

3/6 Wisdom

Mar 5, 2017

Thought For Today: 3/5/17

Mar 4, 2017

I'm Tired (From Doing Nothing)

I'm serious. If you haven't worked and/or went to the gym 5 days a week, you have no right to be tired. 

Mar 2, 2017

What's On My Mind: 3/2

It's about time for me to share what's on my mind, so here goes:

Mar 1, 2017

Spiritual Apathy

It's one thing to be apathetic, but when believers suffer from spiritual apathy, they're walking on dangerous ground. Spiritual apathy starts from indifference towards God, then it graduates to walking away from Christ. A believer misses prayer time once, then twice, three times and so on. Pretty soon, (s)he is no longer active in their church, but they're still taking up pew space. Even then, it's a matter of time before that believer walks away from church and eventually Christ. Besides, how long does anyone think a spiritually apathetic person can last in God before they walk away from him? I'll wait.
Why do some believers suffer from spiritual apathy? Lots of reasons: They feel they know all there is to know about God/Christ, frustration with their walk, tired of organized religion, bad teaching, etc. When a believer is indifferent towards their relationship with God, that means they don't care about growing in Christ. They're satisfied with praying once or twice a week, if that. They're content with the little knowledge of God they do have because they don't want to dig deeper. Spiritual apathy can be translated to spiritual laziness, which both are the same thing because when a believer is spiritually lazy, they don't want to grow in Christ because it's work. I pray that I never become spiritually apathetic because then I'd be in trouble.

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.