Feb 28, 2017

Tuesday Sermon

Feb 27, 2017

Church=Spiritual Maturity? I Think Not.

Feb 26, 2017

Sunday Message

If a believer is going to be right with God, (s)he will inevitably be in trouble with man, especially if the believer is pressured into going against God's holiness standards. The way I'm set up, I was never into popularity because to me, believers who try hard to be popular lose themselves. They're scared to take a stand for Christ because they'll lose man's approval. I pray that every believer who's struggling with boldness for Christ gains strength to stand firm in their faith, even if it means standing alone.

Feb 24, 2017

A Word About Forgiveness

Feb 23, 2017

Thursday Encouragement

This came from my FB friend Dana Powell (she gets credit for this stat)

Dana Powell · 10 hrs · Tallahassee · Speak it into existence.... Claim it.. Pray for it... It's yours!!

Feb 22, 2017

Thought For Today

Feb 21, 2017

Marriage Blueprint

I posted the following question on my FB page and got very good responses:

If someone wants to be married, but they didn't have a blueprint to go by because their parents divorced, how can that person have a good marriage?
  1. Chrissy BeesWife Rumph Learn from the parents mistakes and do everything they did wrong right..
  2. Kendra Winters Learn from their parents mistakes and what NOT to do!
  3. Trina Brown You can't go by someone else's marriage to make your successful there's different Dynamics to evey relationship
  4. Rachael Guelle My parents had a good marriage. I haven't gotten married yet. Lmao. I haven't seen forever with anyone yet. Probably never will the way my luck is. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  5. Tasha RenΓ©e An unsuccessful marriage in the family doesn't mean they all will be. Learn from their mistakes.
  6. Mint Silver Thank you Trina Brown. You said a mouth full. Good job!!
  7. Paulette Singleton Is there really a blueprint to marriage??
  8. Richard Hudson I think there is. If you've witnessed a loving, healthy marriage between your parents, then you're going to want that for your marriage. Of course, your dynamics are going to be different from your parents.
  9. Caroline White Good question....Like motherhood there is the basic, and the rest is a work in progress. We hope the [GOOD] examples we have been given , will be a guide. Hopefully you find someone wanting the same things in life!
  10. Vanessa Hayes Jewett Not everyone.  

Feb 20, 2017

God Is Good vs. Why Me Lord?

Anyone who's walked with God long enough can attest to this statement. If they're honest, they'll admit to questioning God about why they're going through a fiery trial that's of no fault of theirs. I've said it before and I'll say it again: God rains on the just as well as the unjust. Because we live in a fallen world, Christians will go through tough times like anyone else; it's the price of living in a sinful world. As a believer, I've questioned God many times about why I'm going through this and that trial which is of no fault of mine, and I get the same answer every time: Sin. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they messed it up for everyone. They were the reason why the good must suffer with the bad. I'll take it a step further and say that your faith is tested when you're going through a fiery trial. Are you going to sink or swim as a believer? I don't think some believers realize that even in the midst of fiery trials, God's still with them.

Feb 17, 2017

Prayer Vigil

The following link is a prayer vigil held by one of my FB friends to confront the violence crisis in Chicago. It's good; anything positive, I'm with it.

Feb 16, 2017

Liberalism makes me sick

I hate this anything goes mentality that is prevalent in society.

Feb 14, 2017

Public Service Announcement

I'm reading about the two girls that were shot in the head in Chicago this afternoon and they died, and I'll say this: You're not a "G" for killing a child, you're a coward who deserves the death penalty. Third, if I lived in Chicago, I'd always be strapped regardless of what the dumbass laws are up there that say citizens can't carry guns, yet the bad guys somehow end up with them. If you live in Chicago and you aren't strapped, even if you aren't involved in the thug life, you're a sitting duck. Period.

Feb 13, 2017

Men, Cut It Out

Feb 10, 2017

Men: Get Over It?

"When a woman is hurt by the men in her life and she hates all men, people show her compassion. Let a man be raped by his mother or aunts, and he's expected to get over it."-Me.

In no way am I undermining the hurt some women have been through by the men in their lives. I think it's foul that some women don't feel safe in the presence of so-called men who are tasked with protecting her. I'm talking about the monsters who sexually abused those women when they were toddlers, and even infants (P.S: No way around it, you are scum if you molest a baby.). I salute the women who have gone THROUGH that and didn't harbor bitterness against all men because she knows all men had nothing to do with what happened to them. What about the men who were raped by their mothers, aunts, grandmothers or female cousins? Nobody wants to talk about that. Men who have gone through that are expected to get over it; man up. If a woman hates all men because of what happened to her, people show her compassion. If a man says he hates women because of what he went through, he's crucified on the cross like Jesus. My point is this: The same compassion should be extended to men when they're abused by the women in their lives as it is for women.

Feb 9, 2017

Random Thoughts

Feb 8, 2017

On The Road to Manhood

I'm sharing the following poem from my high school classmate and author Wallace B. Ward. It's good, so click the link to read.

Feb 7, 2017

Feb 6, 2017

Super Bowl LI

Last night's Super Bowl was one to remember because of Tom Brady's epic performance. He led his team to victory after a 25 point deficit. I never doubted the Pats would win because Brady is the Comeback Kid. He's used to staging 4th quarter comebacks, so this was just another one on his belt. If Brady retires, he's earned the right to do so because he has nothing left to prove (5 SB rings), and he needs to enjoy his money and get some rest. Atlanta blowing a 28-3 lead is inexcusable, period. You cannot blow a big lead against Tom Brady and the Pats because they will make you pay every time. 

Feb 3, 2017

Who Was the Woman I married? | The Steve Harvey Morning Show

Who Was the Woman I married? | The Steve Harvey Morning Show: I am a 30-year-old male in the United States Air Force. Me and my wife have always been close and best friends. Well, that is what I was lead to believe.

Honestly, I can see why he won't be able to trust another woman because his current lady was foul for what she did. Maybe she couldn't adjust to his military life, still that's no excuse for her going behind his back and leaving him with next to nothing. If she wasn't happy, she could've left with what she came with, and I'm sure it was next to nothing. The sad thing about this letter is that he'll make any woman he meets pay for the mistakes of his ex. This man has himself together so he shouldn't waste another minute in his feelings about a cheating woman. She showed her true colors, what else could he want?

Feb 2, 2017

Super Bowl Thoughts

I'm not a Pats fan, but I have to keep it real: They have a better chance of winning the SB than Atlanta does because Brady is used to big games. That's when he does his best work. His approach is that he hasn't won a trophy.

Feb 1, 2017

Tell Your Story

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.