Sep 29, 2016

Thursday Gospel

Sep 28, 2016

Defined By The Opposite Sex

I get it, men love women. What's not to love about a respectable woman who has her affairs in order, in addition to her relationship with God? The problem lies in some men who are so incensed by women, they're willing to sacrifice his manhood for one. In 2016, that's called simping. Now, I'm all for showing respect to women, but I'm against men who break their necks trying to get noticed by one. From paying her bills to taking care of her children, and basing his entire life on being validated by women, these dudes need to cut it out. Men who seek validation from women are as bad as women seeking validation from men. If a woman doesn't approve of him, he gets in his feelings. Some of these guys will go as far as killing themselves if a woman doesn't check for him. The way my self esteem is set up, I could care less if a woman notices me or not. If she likes what she sees, great. If not, life goes on.
Men should never let themselves be defined by the opposite sex's approval.

Sep 27, 2016

Tuesday Wisdom

Something to keep in mind:
Personally, it makes me feel better knowing God leads me to be the answer to someone's prayer.

Sep 26, 2016

Supporting The Worst

Do some blacks realize how stupid they sound co-signing the criminal element in the black community? It must be a social media thing because whenever blacks discuss the black community's dismal state, some blacks defend the criminal element. In the black community, if you don't side with killers, drug dealers and gangsters, you're considered a COON. Well, I and other likeminded blacks will embrace that coon title proudly. It's idiotic logic like this which is why I don't go to many places where blacks are the majority, because there's always some foolishness going on. If a black person supports the inner-city criminal element, they're a disgrace to the black community.

Sep 23, 2016

Friday Gospel

Sep 22, 2016

Haha, you're struggling

This tweet is the clean version of what I originally planned on writing. We all have struggled, are struggling or will struggle at some point in life. No one's immune to hard times, so why laugh at someone's misfortune? People who laugh at others' misfortunes have poor character. I say that because any decent human wouldn't laugh at someone's struggle because they know it could be them. Then again, we live in a foul world so there are people who are that pathetic to laugh at someone's misfortune. These are the same people who would be in their feelings if someone laughed at their struggle(s). I'll take it one step further: People who laugh at others misfortune are failures in life.

Sep 21, 2016

W.B. Ward: The Builder Of Men

Published author W.B. Ward has a FB page called The Builder Of Men, where it gives valuable information on how men can better themselves. As noted, the information is common sense (he admits this himself), but from what I see, some men have forgotten what manhood so this website (The Builder Of Men) is a good place to start. It's painful to see so many broken men. Look at the millions of men who populate the criminal justice system; most of them wouldn't be locked up if they had the proper male influence coming up. What if there's no father present in a boy's life to show him how to be a man? A boy's first example of manhood comes from his father, and if there's no dad present to show him how to be a man, then there needs to be strong father figures available (uncle, coach, mentor, etc.) to show him the way. A woman can't teach a boy about manhood because she's not a man, so one shouldn't be confused by what some single moms may say otherwise. 
I've said for the longest that manhood is on the decline because some men have forgotten the proper standards of manhood. Back in the day, men didn't gossip about other men behind their backs. If a man had issue with another man, he brought his grievance to that man face-to-face. Now, dudes gossip about each other like women and they wonder why some women have no respect for some of them. Well, how can a man expect a woman to respect him if he's carrying on like a woman? She can't, and won't (as she shouldn't.) I especially enjoy the Physical Fitness aspect of W.B. Ward's Builder Of Men website because if a man's on point physically, he'll be on point in other areas of his life. This is why I dedicate myself to a consistent 4-5 day weekly fitness routine of 20 minute cardio followed by powerlifting style strength training at my gym. It's tough, but I feel great afterwards. Those who are serious about becoming better men should visit the author's website (located in the first paragraph of this blog). I've had a good foundation on manhood, but I'm all ears in seeing manhood from another man's perspective. Salute to my classmate and published author W.B. Ward.

Sep 20, 2016

Stay Authentic

I've never understood why some people go out of their way to fit in with everyone. It's like some people will sacrifice authenticity for fitting someone's mold, and that shouldn't be. Whatever happened to being yourself? Some folks talk a good game about how they're so real, but you'd never know because they're one way alone, and another way around others. The only acceptable time where you have to fit the mold is in the business world. You can't bring street mentality into a corporate environment because your colleagues will look at you like you're crazy. Most times, the very people you're trying to fit in with are the same ones that'll find some way to reject you, so it's not worth trying to fit anyone's mold.

Sep 19, 2016

Real Talk Monday

Sep 16, 2016


Sep 15, 2016

I'm Difficult & Proud

What is some people's obsession with being difficult? Everywhere you turn, someone's bragging about being difficult. They wear it as a badge of honor. At least they're honest about who they are, which makes it easier for most sensible people NOT to deal with them. Bragging about being difficult is NOT a good look for one reason: Generally, people don't like difficult people. Difficult people are always in conflict with others and are good at deflecting. They say, "You can't handle my brash personality." No one with sense should. In fact, I dislike difficult people and choose not to be around them. Living in the world, difficult people are a part of life so if I have to interact with them, I keep interaction to a minimum.

Sep 14, 2016

Venturing Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Being in your comfort zone isn't all bad. After all, everyone has their comfort zone they don't like venturing out of. I believe the only time you should venture out of your comfort zone is if the reward outweighs the risk. If the risk is greater than the reward, then what sense does it make to leave your comfort zone? It doesn't.  Venturing out of your comfort zone at the wrong time is only setting you up for disappointment. Contrary to what some believe, there's nothing wrong with staying in your comfort zone if there's little to no benefit in venturing out. Before one thinks about leaving their comfort zone, they should examine the risk vs. reward benefit, and if the reward outweighs the risk, go out. If the risk outweighs the reward, (s)he might want to remain in their comfort zone.

Sep 13, 2016

Tuesday Admonition

This goes for BOTH men & women:

When you put the bait out, expect the fish to bite. In other words, women should stop complaining about men being in their inbox when they have a profile pic of them in their bra & panties.

Sep 12, 2016

Powder Puff Believers

You know what's worse than a hypocrite? A powder puff Christian. A powder puff Christian is one that's concerned with the world's approval instead of God's approval. These believers are scared to speak against unrighteousness because they don't want to be called judgmental or a bigot. These same Christians will talk about standing for what's right, but are scared to back it up. You know the ones who speak their mind in silence, but when confronted with opposing views, they switch up. Personally, I have zero respect for powder puff believers.
I'm finding my voice daily, and now I'm not shy about speaking my mind on immorality, no matter who may call me bigoted or judgmental. If standing for God means I'm a bigot/judgmental, I'll be that. It's better to stand with God and be judged by the world, than judged by God and stand with the world. I'll go one step further and say the world doesn't respect flip-flop Christians. Even though some secular people may never admit it, deep down they're looking for believers who have a concrete relationship with God, and it shows in the stand they take against unrighteousness.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.