Aug 31, 2016

Wednesday Encouragement

Aug 30, 2016

Tuesday Gospel

Aug 29, 2016

Financial Security: Parents, How Far Are You Willing To Go?

This was too good NOT to repost as today's blog:

I noticed the neighbor was selling his house so nosy me asks are you relocating???? Answer: No I'm not relocating, my daughter is attending FSU, so instead of taking out loans and her being in debt upon graduating or going into my personal savings to pay for college, the wife and I decided to sell our house, take the money, pay for her tuition, and buy a smaller home......... As a parent, how far are you willing to go in order to secure your child's future? Just something to think about for those who have kids.

This post shows the different mindset whites have as opposed to some blacks as it relates to financial security. If I'm blessed with children, I'm definitely willing to go this far to secure my child(ren)'s future. Think about it, my child(ren) may want to move out when they start college, so would there really be a need for a big house? No, unless my child(ren) tells me and mom (s)he wants the home for themselves and their future family (the house will already be paid for), then they can keep the big house while me and the Misses live in a smaller home. I'm looking ahead to when my child graduates & gets their first good-paying job. All my child will have to focus on is building their own financial portfolio while they're debt free. Part of raising responsible children entails doing whatever it takes to secure their future. Once the child(ren) gets old enough to do for self, they apply the lessons taught to their own lives.

Aug 26, 2016

Death Row

Is a death sentence worth it? The reason why I'm asking is because it seems like condemned inmates aren't being executed fast enough. It's almost not worth it to be sentenced to death because many inmates have been on Death Row for over a decade, and have yet to be executed. The appeals process is a contributing factor because too many innocents are executed after being found innocent. For the convicted, just execute them and keep moving. There's no sense in keeping a prisoner on Death Row longer than a decade, especially if it's obvious they committed the heinous crime. In 1984, South Central Los Angeles suffered from two gang-related mass murders.
#1. 3 Crips members executed Ebora Alexander and her family (including 2 young children). All 3 were caught, and the two gunmen were sentenced to death, and the driver got life with no parole. #2. Two Bloods members rained shotgun and rifle blasts upon partygoers, killing 5 youth and wounding 6 others. The second gang-related mass murder was dubbed the 54th St. Massacre, and was the worst incident of gang violence in L.A. history. The shooters were caught and charged with 5 counts of first-degree murder; one was sentenced to death and the other has yet to stand trial for 5 counts of 1st degree murder and 6 counts of attempted murder
I'm certain the other shooter has already stood trial for the 5 1st degree murder counts and 6 attempted murder counts, and most likely got a death sentence (as he should). Anyone who slaughters innocents the because of a gang vendetta should get the death penalty. These crimes took place 32 years ago, and the killers are STILL on Death Row. What's taking so long for the shooters in the aforementioned mass murder cases to be executed? Based on eyewitnesses and the jury, the shooters were guilty so execute them and get it over with. There's no way a convicted murderer should be on Death Row for over 20 years, especially if evidence shows they were guilty. Taxpayer money is being wasted to feed and house condemned killers.

Aug 25, 2016

Boyfriend Keeps Cell Phone In Pocket

 Why do some women insist on seeing their man's cell phone at the risk of being upset upon what's discovered? If you look for something, you're bound to find it. She set herself up to be upset when she looked through her man's phone and discovered another woman's number. I'm not condoning his actions because he's dead wrong. If you have to sneak around on your mate, why are you with them? It takes more work to cheat on your mate than it does to be honest. To be honest, she answered her own question (like many other Strawberry Letter writers do who write Steve about advice on cheating mates), but she's looking for justification. It's sad that some women feel that half a man is better than no man, which is why some of them tolerate cheating men. He's doing what she allows. If he knows he can get away with cheating on her, he will continue doing so because she doesn't have the guts to check him. She has the power to change her situation, and until she does, no advice will help her.

Aug 24, 2016

Real Talk Wednesday

 One of my FB friends posted a tweet that made me shake my head at society. She stated how people are throwing away lifelong friendships over political views. You have to be on some serious bullcrap to throw away a friendship based on political differences. I see why some people don't discuss politics & religion because those two subjects get people riled up, especially if some people are passionate about the political climate. I'm just as passionate as the next person about politics, but I couldn't see myself destroying a friendship because of political views. If people are willing to throw away friendships over political differences, there's no telling what else they'll throw away a friendship over. Well, there is, but you get my point.

Aug 22, 2016

Is Society & Today's Parents Too Soft On Children?

Credit goes to Katrina Taylor (FB Friend) for this topic. 

Is Society & Today's Parents Too Soft On Children? My response is: Yes. What today's children get away with would never be tolerated back in the day. At the same time, the family structure was intact back then as well, so while the father was providing, the mother was holding down the house. Fast forward to today, finances have made it tough for one parent to make the money while the other parent stays home and takes care of the child(ren). If you want evidence of today's children getting too many passes, look around: Children disrespecting their parents to the point of putting their hands on their parents. 
If you were raised by old-school black parents, they'll tell you how a black child wouldn't dare think about disrespecting their parents, let alone raising their hand to them. It wouldn't end well for that child. In my view, society has lost the village concept of raising children, where ALL adults looked out for the children in the neighborhood. If a child was caught misbehaving, that adult corrected the child AND told his/her parents. In 2016, an adult can see a disrespectful child and won't say anything because the parent will be in their feelings. "You don't tell me how to raise my child." From what I see, someone needs to.

Aug 19, 2016

Strawberry Letter: Cheating/Sexing Him

She knows right from wrong, why ask? Of course he doesn’t feel guilty about his infidelity. Most low character, low integrity, moral-less people don’t. That includes her since she continues to bonk another man knowing he's married. The worst part is that she got pregnant twice by this man, regardless of him living with another woman. This man is having his cake and eating it too with two women who lack self respect and dignity, because there’s no way that his so-called girlfriend doesn’t know or at least suspect that there’s another woman – especially a woman who he has fathered two children with.
Children are a product of their environment. They emulate what they know. If her children are girls, is this the example of womanhood she wants for them? How can she preach self-respect, self-love, dignity, and spiritual guidance when she lacks these qualities? If her kids are boys, is this the example these two people want to set for their son?
All I do is shake my head when I read these letters from women who continue to lower themselves to side-pieces to dishonorable men who feel entitled to disregard their vows to their wives/significant others for sex on the side. They do it because they CAN. They do it because there are women like her who willingly lower themselves as jumpoffs.

Aug 18, 2016


Salute to Kendra Winters for this post. She told the absolute truth.
Kendra Winters  
17 mins ·
I awaken with this thought.
Good morning facebook !
Some individuals are so quick to say others are fake and phony, and there's not any true friends out there.
But my question is why do all the "fake" and "phony" friends keep coming your way?
If you're constantly among fake people and those that are always taking behind others' backs, then don't question others, QUESTION YOURSELF! People attract what they are; you can never ask for realness when you're fake! You get what you put out! You get fairness because you're fair!
The saying is "the grass on the other side may be greener, but that's because it's fake" But my question is to the FAKE always asking for real ... If you knew it was "fake" why did you leave your "REAL" to entertain the "fake?"
You can't have what you don't produce ! If you produce fake, you will reap fake.
New Life Street Ministry

Aug 17, 2016

Wednesday Gospel

Aug 16, 2016

Gabby Douglas' Hair Irks Some Black Women....AGAIN (SMH)

Some black women need to get them some business and stop worrying about Gabby Douglas. This isn't the first time black women have criticized Gabby about her hair. It's like this: Gabby is too busy winning gold medals to worry about her hair; she doesn't have time to constantly fix her hair after each event. In case these hens didn't realize, even if she gets her hair done, she's constantly sweating in competition so what sense would it make for her to have her hair done? ZERO. I'm over the nonsense perpetuated by some black women about Gabby Douglas' hair. If they're so concerned about her hair, why don't THEY do it? I'm sure Gabby would pay them. Some of these women probably have nothing going on for themselves so they talk about a girl's hair. However, I was glad some people on social media stood up for her, and told those critical women to get a life. Honestly, Gabby needs to GO IN one good time on everyone who has something to say about her hair. She should unload on her hair critics so serious that they won't think of saying something about her hair again.

Aug 15, 2016

Monday Encouragement

Aug 12, 2016

Why Ask Why?

Why, why, why? Why did this person hurt me and so on? Do people really need an explanation for why people hurt them? They shouldn't, because the guilty person will rarely, if ever take responsibility for their offenses. They'll always find a way to deflect or offer some half-hearted apology. Some people are that foul, so the best course of action is to cut them loose and move on. Stop seeking an apology from someone who will most likely show no remorse for their actions. I'll never understand some people who continually confront their offender(s) looking for an apology for their wrongdoing against them. If someone hurts you, and they haven't made amends, it's a sure sign they don't care. Because they don't care, you're not as likely to get remorse from them. It's easier said than done, but like the Disney movie song from Frozen states: Let It Go, Let It Go.

Aug 10, 2016

Wednesday Wisdom

Aug 9, 2016

Levels To Provision

When most people think of provision, it's always in the financial sense. Providing financially is part of what it means to be a provider. Because providing is Biblical, and the man is tasked with being a provider, then provision means a Godly man provides financially, spiritually and emotionally. When his wife is frustrated, he provides her with peace of mind to know that everything will be alright. His kids look to him to provide financially, to give his family a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs. From a spiritual standpoint, a man provides his family with a lasting spiritual foundation that continues after he leaves this world. I know the Bible has 800+ verses dealing with money so God obviously values money, but I think finances is at least 25% of what being a provider is all about.

Aug 8, 2016

Leaving Madness Behind

Everyone should do what's best for them, even if it may make others upset. Going further, who's someone to get upset at the choices you make that'll benefit you in the long run? That's crazy. If you're tired of the madness going on in your city, you have every right to plan your exit strategy. It's not running because you want to live in peace. In my opinion, it's foolish to stay in a chaotic environment because it's a matter of time before that chaos touches your life.

Aug 4, 2016


Unlike some of my favorite programs, Greenleaf was so good I was hooked from the start. You can tell this show was well written from the acting to the storyline. Oprah could NOT have gotten a better line-up for this show, and I watch this show every night at 10pm Wednesday night. Personally, I wish this show would move to Friday or Saturday night at 8pm, but sometimes you have to save the best for last. What I like about Greenleaf is this show exposes the scars and secrecy that's prevalent in some black churches. This show teaches that it's nothing wrong with vulnerability, because your secrets will come out anyway. Too many black Christians try to appear high, holy & sanctified that it makes me want to vomit. Each character has their own scars and you can tell by some of the most touching scenes in the show.
Gigi should have known she would be found out about sleeping with Noah; she works at the church and word travels fast. Isabelle already knew Noah and Gigi slept together, and she didn't have to ask either one of them! Women have a strong sense of discernment that they know what's up. I called it that Charity knows her husband is gay, and it's just a matter of time before she finds out. Bishop got gangster on Mac. He got that gun ready, walked into the office all calm, and he was ready to shoot Mac. I really think on the next episode Bishop will shoot Mac unless Gigi intervenes (which she will, because she was already on her way to Uncle Mac's office at the end). Lady Mae KNOWS Mac violated those girls, but wants to live in denial.

Aug 3, 2016

Unsolicited Parental Wisdom

I said it, and I don't care who's slighted. If the stepparent is giving YOUR child(ren) what they should have gotten from you, what's the problem? At least someone cares enough about your child to give them a better shot in life. The problem is that some parents have done a horrible job of raising their child(ren), so they get upset when the stepmom/dad outshines them. By outshine, I mean the child is getting the love & support from the stepparent they never got from their biological parent(s).

Aug 2, 2016

Hearing From God: Men Vs. Women

Thought Of The Day: When it comes to hearing from God, women blow men out of the water. I'm being honest. That's not to say that men don't hear from God because they's just that women are more in tune with God because in a lot of families, women are the prayer warriors. They are the ones seeking God on behalf of their family. As much as I appreciate all the prayer warrior women, men need to step their game up. Another thing I've noticed is that women are more likely to surrender to God because they know he knows what's best. Men will fight tooth & nail with God until they get to a point where they allow God to do his thing. Until now, I've never understood why men have a harder time surrendering to God. Is it ego/pride? Yes, among other things. When a man surrenders to God, he acknowledges he doesn't have all the answers. That is the hardest thing for a man to do is admit he doesn't know everything.

Aug 1, 2016

Monday Thought: Stop Depending On Others For Salvation

Some people look for every excuse NOT to give their lives to Christ. The most common excuse is that Christians are hypocrites, so why should an unsaved person come to God when Christians aren't showing good examples of what it means to be Christlike? If you're basing your decision to get saved on whether a Christian is following Christ, you'll be disappointed every time. Your decision to come to God should be your choice, not contingent on someone else. Jesus isn't giving you a pass into Heaven because you rejected him on account of a believer not being a good example of Christianity.

Today’s Thought

  The peace that comes from being in your own world, not bothering anyone is priceless.