Jul 28, 2016

Today's Thought

Thought Of The Day: Those who have won a major battle in their lives start feeling themselves a little too much. What I mean is that they'll act brand new with people struggling with the same problem THEY overcame. If you've conquered your demons and are trying to encourage someone else to do better, you can't use tough love with them like someone did with you because they may not receive it. You must reach folks on their level, and then raise them up to yours. Now, some people want you to do the work for them but that's not reality. Showing someone how to get on your level is far more valuable than doing the work for them, while they enjoy the benefits.

Jul 26, 2016

Real Talk Tuesday

Jul 25, 2016

Divide & Thrive

One of my FB friends Robert Townsend uses this term as he posts hard-hitting social commentaries on the state of the Black community. He uses the terms Nigga class, Thug N****s to describe the degenerate portion of the black community that engages in criminal behavior. I've followed his page and I respect him for his stance of personal responsibility among blacks, advocating that the decent blacks separate themselves from the crime-prone ones. I really believe that in order for the black community to thrive, there needs to be a separation between the criminal-minded blacks and the decent, moral blacks. All one needs to do is look at black neighborhoods. There are two kinds of blacks in black neighborhoods: Straight Edge and Degenerate. The straight edge blacks are law-abiding, productive and responsible. These blacks are just trying to raise their children right even though they live in a war zone. The Degenerate blacks are the gang members, murderers, and jackers. These blacks don't want peace, they seek to steal, kill & destroy.

Due to financial constraints, the straight edge blacks are forced to share the same neighborhood with the criminal-minded ones, and unless the decent blacks get their money up to leave the hood, they may become crime victims by the hood element. I used to believe that law-abiding blacks could live among the criminal element without becoming victims, but now I don't. Even if an inner-city kid has the right influences, (s)he may be negatively influenced in some way. It's on that child to apply what was taught and continue making good choices. Ultimately, since there's no hope for the crime-prone blacks to change (with the exception of God), there must be division in the black community. The decent blacks can build with each other, create their own neighborhoods like back in the day. Leave the degenerate blacks to destroy themselves. Let them have their war-torn neighborhoods. This is called Divide & Thrive. If the decent blacks can divide themselves from the hood element, they can thrive in a peaceful environment.

Jul 24, 2016

Operation Safe Neighborhood: Tallahassee, FL

According to local news reports, Tallahassee is Florida's most dangerous city; ranking higher than Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, W. Palm Beach, Tampa/St. Petersburg, Orlando & Jacksonville. To me, that's odd that Tallahassee would be ranked higher in violent crime since it's smaller than the aforementioned cities. My question is that if Tallahassee is so deadly, why isn't it on First 48? The places I've mentioned above had some crimes make national news, and Tallahassee doesn't strike me as a hardcore crime city. Unfortunately, because of Tallahassee's billing as Florida's deadliest city, Operation Safe Neighborhood came into play. Operation Safe Neighborhood is a partnership between local churches, Tallahassee Police Dept. and the Mayor's office to combat the rising violence in the city. I've been a part of this since it started. Each month, TPD, local churches and the mayor walk the streets of violence-prone neighborhoods in Tallahassee to let residents know we care. Churches pray for residents' well-being in these hoods and invite them to church (if they don't have a home church already). So many inner-city residents complain about the violence in their hoods, but what are they doing to help combat the issue? Last Thursday, my church and myself partnered with several TPD officers and other churches to walk through Frenchtown (one of Tallahassee's roughest hoods), and one block in Frenchtown had 7 murders in the past month. Another murder there made the news in which a 16-year old stabbed an old man in his neck, and the man bled to death. The teen was caught and charged with 1st-degree murder (he has yet to stand trial). Being involved in making a difference in my city is priceless. As long as this initiative exists, I'll continue showing support.

Jul 23, 2016

Classic FB Post

Daily Thought: We all want to be right, whether it's in arguments, general discussion, etc. I wnat to be right, you want to be right and the next person wants to be right. In the long run, being right can lead to burnt bridges because nobody wants to fall back. Falling back would be too much like keeping peace. There's a time to speak up and there's a time to fall back. If I know I'm right, I don't have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. You want a gold medal for being right? Here You Go, now drop it.

Jul 22, 2016

Friday Gospel

Jul 20, 2016

Political Robbery

Social Media was on fire yesterday with memes & tweets about Melania Trump stealing Michelle Obama's speech. I've decided to post some tweets of my own regarding the situation:

Jul 18, 2016

A Biblical Response on Race

Dr. Tony Evans is the ONLY pastor who has spoken out against the racial turmoil in this country. I've always followed Dr. Evans' teachings, but when I listened to this sermon earlier this morning, it was just what's needed for these crazy times. My favorite part was when he talked about an older white gentleman who had a problem with more blacks coming to the church, and when the man said he didn't know if he could stay, Dr. Evans was like "Bye" nonchalantly. Agreed; racial division has NO BUSINESS in the church. Is there going to be a Whites/Blacks Only section in Heaven for believers? NO. Matter of fact, some believers won't make heaven with racial division in their heart unless they get rid of that with God's help. Listen to Dr. Evans message.

Jul 16, 2016

Saturday Gospel

Quitting your job to play Pokemon full-time? El Stupido

Jul 15, 2016

Real Talk Friday

Jul 14, 2016

Sex Vs. Ring

This tweet is very true because all one has to do is look at some men & women's relationship dynamics. For the most part, a man has no problem getting action from random women. A woman who's looking for commitment has to work harder to find a guy on her level because she's not satisfied with being a man's sex toy. She's looking to build a life with her suitor. Depending on the woman, sex may come before/after marriage. A man wants nookie, the woman wants the ring. Guess who has to work harder for what they want? I'll Wait.

Jul 13, 2016

Open Marriage=Cheating

I read an article about Mo'Nique and her husband having an open marriage, and the crazy thing is that Mo'Nique suggested the idea. According to them, having an open marriage fosters honesty because you're not keeping your mate in the dark as to who you're seeing (if anyone). I don't know too many women who would be ok with an open marriage, and why should they? Marriage is elementary: One Man=One Woman. Nowhere in marriage is there an "open marriage" clause. Let me say this: Open marriage=cheating. I don't care how anyone tries to justify it, it's cheating. If you have to step outside of your so-called marriage in order to get your needs met, then you don't have much of a "marriage" to begin with, let alone failed at picking the right person. When you take someone as your husband/wife, you're trusting them to meet your needs. You see in them what you can't see in anyone else. 
Ashley Lauren Whitlock Exactly, to me it's an excuse to make you feel better about cheating openly.
That's exactly what this open marriage foolery is, an excuse to cheat under the guise of "honesty". I already have a low view of relationships anyway, and reading the article about Mo'Nique and her husband's open marriage confirmed it. Marriage has become polluted that it's no longer sacred anymore.

Jul 11, 2016

I Don't Go To Church Because...

"I don't go to church because the people are phony & judgmental"
But you go to work & school with the same phonies everyday, so cut the crap. Just admit you don't want to go to church. Besides, too many people go to church for people anyway. Some people forget that church is a place of worship. When you're in the sanctuary, your focus is on God, not man. You get fed spiritually, and walk it out in your daily life. I'm tired of some people getting slighted with the church because they went for people instead of God. If you're going to church for people, you will be disappointed. There's no limit to people's excuses for choosing not to go to church.

Jul 9, 2016

Praying Times For God's People

When I heard about Alton Sterling and Philando Castile being shot down, it was a matter of time before some Christians started screaming prayer. I know the power of prayer and it's gotten me through serious trials. At the same time, you have to put action behind prayer. Not everyone's saved, so how can folks expect unsaved folks to pray in trying times? They're not. The world is about action, not prayer. What's going on with the Downtown Dallas Massacre (the 14 people shot, and 5 officers who died yesterday) and just recently the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile situation, people are fed up. When you're tired of seeing your people mistreated, if you can't get justice through the criminal justice system, the next best thing (according to some people) is to take the law into your hands, which is what some people are doing. Unsaved people aren't trying to hear nothing about prayer. Another thing, God calls HIS people to pray, not the world (2 Chronicles 7:14).
A few incidents:
1. Man sent to jail after threatening to kill police in Bossier City, LA. He must know that the feds are heavy on social media, so he was delusional to think he wasn't going to be arrested for threatening law enforcement on social media, smh.
2. Another policeman shot down in Valdosta, GA. This was yesterday.
3. A Houston officer (allegedly, because we don't know what led up to the person getting blasted) shoots unarmed black person.
Those 5 officers exterminated in DT Dallas yesterday are fresh in the minds of many, as is Alton Sterling & Philando Castile. If police didn't have a target on their backs before, they have one now.

Jul 8, 2016

Part 1: RIP, Pro-Police and Black Lives Matter

Disclaimer: If you're expecting anti-police rhetoric in my post, you will be disappointed because I don't go for that. Just like every profession, you have your good & bad, but unfortunately the bad can mess it up for everyone. I'll take it one step further, I'm expecting to be called a coon, Uncle Tom, or whatever just because I won't get on the "I Hate Police" train. Or, just do yourselves a favor and delete me. I've never cared about being deleted and I'm not about to start now.

Every time a black man is shot down in the street, there are three groups of people: 1. The Black Lives Matter Crowd-These are the people who shout Black Lives Matter WHEN it comes to an officer shooting an unarmed black person. These same people turn a blind eye to the black-on-black genocide going on in the hood. Do you see BLM protesting against inner-city violence? Negative, but they're out there when a cop is investigated for killing an unarmed black person. Black Lives MUST matter to blacks before they matter to anyone else, period.
2. Pro-Police crowd-These types support law enforcement officers, good and bad. They understand there are good cops who do right, but sometimes overlook the corrupt officers. For the people saying how the police should pull out and let residents of ghetto neighborhoods fend for themselves, how do you think that would go over? I'll wait. Even though many inner-city residents distrust the police, deep down they'll still call the police when they're a victim. All that "F The Police" propaganda is just that, PROPAGANDA. You can be pro-police and expect law enforcement to be held accountable for misconduct.
3. RIP-This group makes statuses saying RIP Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, etc. when the majority don't know those people personally. Let's Be Clear: My heart goes out to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile's families. Black Men had prices on their heads for decades now, and it started with removing the father from the home (The only way black women could get public assistance was if the father wasn't in the home). Everyone wants to say RIP for fallen black men, but what about RIP for INNOCENT officers? Most of the time, the shooter(s) take out innocents instead of the actual perpetrators. The innocents didn't kill that man, so why do they have to die? That mess is foul.

Jul 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton: No Charges Filed In E-Mail Investigation

I've never trusted Hillary Clinton from Day 1, and with good reason: She's too secretive. In politics, there is no such thing as privacy because every move you make is open for scrutiny. From the media looking for any reason to showcase faults to opponents waiting for you to slip so they can destroy you, politics is rough. The FBI ordered the release of Hillary Clinton's e-mails, correct? My thing is, why did it take Hillary so long to release the e-mails? Because she's got something to hide. If some people were investigated by the Feds, they should have no problems submitting what the Feds want to know because some people would say, "I've got nothing to hide. They can seek, but they won't find." When FBI Director James Comey said no charges will be sought, two things came to mind: 1. Comey was told to let Hillary off and 2. Hillary probably bribed top federal officials in exchange for no charges being brought forth. 
Donald Trump let loose on Hillary Clinton this morning. He said what many Americans were thinking: Hillary is dishonest, she's not forward enough and we don't need that in a commander-in-chief. I feel this will hurt Hillary's chances for becoming president because if she managed to cover up the e-mail investigation, there's no telling what else she's got to hide. Trump has his faults too, but you know where he stands. He's no-nonsense, and I respect that. Even the public has caught onto her deception, with polls mentioning how conniving she is. If the public realizes how conniving Hillary is, and they vote for her regardless, then they support deception in politics. When you're a politician, you're a public figure. You have no privacy because you have to be in the public eye in order to represent the people.

Jul 6, 2016

There Are No Shortcuts To Success: Mark J. Cooper

One of my FB friends dropped this gem. In short, there are no shortcuts to success. Read Below

Just a RANDOM observation:
Way too many of my people want to "shine" without the grind and even more want to learn shortcuts to success versus becoming a student of their craft... whatever that craft may be... in order to achieve sustainable success..
But once that fragmented journey for success fails, they aren't willing to learn, develop and grow into their ordered success because they refuse to EARN it by a sequential methodology... so their failure oftentimes is catastrophic.

Jul 5, 2016

Tuesday Real

Jul 2, 2016

Boosie Speaks

One of my FB friends tagged me in the above video. Rapper Lil Boosie (Torrance Hatch) is talking about how frustrating it is that he's taxed $350K for every million he makes. Two points: 1. The more money you make, the more taxes you pay. It's been like that forever, so I don't know why folks are in their feelings. 2. The government is like the mob: Highly structured. When it comes to money, the top level gets the bulk of the money, and what's leftover trickles down to the underlings. When you become a millionaire, you start a corporation and file yourself as a employee for tax breaks.

Jul 1, 2016

If You...

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.