Apr 15, 2016

Friday Supper

Something for readers to feast on tonight:

Apr 14, 2016

Prestige vs. Passion

When someone chooses ministry as their calling, it's important for them to ask themselves this question: Am I going into ministry for the prestige or passion? The prestige comes from notoriety; folks know who you are and depending on your reputation, they may speak highly of you. The passion for ministry is when you're concerned about people's eternal salvation that even though they may reject Jesus at first, you'll do everything in your power to lead them to Christ because you're looking at where they'll spend eternity. I've watched the Preachers on Oxygen series about ministers in Atlanta, Los Angeles & Detroit and I've noticed the show brings notoriety to the ministers. Yes, those ministers are already rich & famous before the show, but the show has elevated their notoriety.
Unfortunately, some ministers go into ministry for prestige, not because of their passion for ministry. Motives are everything. The best way to figure out a minister's motives is paying attention to their messages. If their message center around prosperity, fame & fortune, it's easy to tell they're looking for fame & fortune. If their messages center around salvation & how to draw closer to God, and they have a servant's heart, that's a minister who is passionate about ministry. They don't care about being on TV, their focus is leading people to Christ. I think when ministers get on TV & get offers for Christian reality shows, they get caught up in the fame & fortune that they lose themselves.

Apr 13, 2016

Wednesday Guidance

Of the many people who have survived abuse/domestic violence, how many of those haven't gone back to the abuser? The majority of people have sense enough NOT to go back to the same person who put them through that mess, but some people don't. When God gives you a way out, don't go back into the same mess. That's what bothers me about some people, they make it out of abusive situations and have the nerve to go back to the abusive person. Some people are like, "I need closure." Closure? Closure was you fearing for your life every time (s)he went upside your head because it was a matter of time before (s)he killed you. Closure was your loved ones wanting to get at the abuser for putting their hands on you, only to find out you took them back. Maybe some people enjoy going through the same mess they were brought out of, I don't know. God has brought me out of several situations, and I made a promise to God that I'd never go back to what he brought me out of, and I haven't. 

Apr 12, 2016

Relationship Gospel

These tweets sum up my view on relationships:

What you put up with is what you allow:

Apr 11, 2016

L.A. Gang Wars

Every city has struggled to some degree with gang warfare, where a percentage of the city's murders were gang-related, but Los Angeles...SMH. I was watching some documentaries on L.A. gang warfare and to hear about gang murders topping 600 & 700 every year in the 80's is crazy. '90-'93, L.A. had murder counts of 983, 1,025, 1,092, and 1,077 murders respectively, and of those numbers, about 600 of those were gang related. That mess was crazy. I read that L.A. recorded 1,024 murders in '80. I would've hated to live in South Central L.A. back in the 80's and early 90's, MANNNNNN....

Apr 9, 2016

Saturday Soul Food

I call today's blog message Saturday Soul Food because these tweets will stick to my readers.

Some ministers are going to be in their feelings over this tweet; ask me if I care:

Apr 8, 2016

Keeping Secrets

Warryn may be toast with no jelly if Erica finds out he owes 7 figures because Tina wouldn't do another Mary Mary album. First off, Warryn had no business spending the advance money because Tina told him a few times that she's not ready to do a Mary Mary album. Erica and Tina decided to embark on solo careers so Mary Mary is on hiatus for the time being. Sony gives Warryn an advance with the expectation of another Mary Mary album, and we saw how that went. Because Warryn spent the advance money, Warryn is torn between going into business with Mitchell Solarek (ex-Mary Mary manager) and his friend who makes money (il)legally. If my "friend" had a proposition for me involving illegal or legal money, I'd take the LEGAL money all the way because I don't want the law hot on me. Or I may refuse altogether because legal and illegal boundaries could intersect and I don't want any legal issues. Warryn might as well tell his wife the truth because she's going to find out anyway.
Why do some husbands think they can keep major secrets from their wives? Don't they know that women KNOW what's going on, even if their husbands may never tell them? Women have something called intuition, or discernment that always lets them know something's not right. When it comes to matters affecting the family, husbands should let their family know what's up because his secrecy could affect the entire family negatively. Being the head, maybe men keep some things from their spouses because they feel they can handle the matter, which is true if the situation is small. Major issues that impact the family should be disclosed immediately because the longer you keep something from your loved ones, the greater the disappointment because Erica is going to feel like she was lied to, and no spouse should feel that way.

Apr 7, 2016

Strawberry Letter: Sexing The Pastor

Sexing The Pastor

It takes a special kind of foul for a woman to sleep with her pastor. He's supposed to be a Godly man tasked with leading his congregation to Christ, and he breaks up a happy home. I think there was a story a couple years ago where a pastor was murdered for sleeping with a married woman, so I knew this letter was familiar. Pastors are flawed, yes; but shouldn't a pastor lead by example in Godly conduct? If she tells “on the pastor", she needs to tell on herself because it takes two. He knew what was going on, and so did she and while they’re both human, he’s answered a higher calling and should know that as a pastor, he shouldn’t be coveting another man’s wife, let alone sleeping with her to the point of pregnancy. I wonder how God looks down on pastors who do this. Her husband is going to be devastated WHENEVER he finds out. If she loved her husband, she wouldn't act like this. Your pastor wants you to tell him everything, I wonder if he wants to share this information with his congregation? She doesn't mention if he's married, are they going to let his wife know the deal? She has a mess on her hands that her type of Praise & Worship she's been participating in is not going to solve. The first thing to do is distance herself from this pastor, but I don't think she will because she's in love with his "ministry."

Apr 6, 2016

Everyone Doesn't Deserve Your Best

If people lived by this tweet, life would be much better. Relationships would be lasting and no one would be bitter over bad relationships. Because some people are too trusting, they give their best to this & that person, not having done their homework on said person. Some people are good pretenders, meaning they'll portray themselves as adorable, so they can get your best. Once the mask wears off, they're true colors show and you're mad at the world because you found out you've given your best to the wrong people. Not everyone is deserving of your best, so choose wisely who you give to. Matthew 7:6 cautions against giving pearls to swine, meaning not everyone will appreciate the goodness you give them. Why then do people set themselves up for disappointment by giving their best to everyone? I think it's because some people assume that everyone is going to appreciate a person's best, which is usually true, but not always. The inspiration for this blog message comes from reading several Facebook comments from singles who've written off relationships because they've been hurt repeatedly. Going further, Matthew 7:6 is a GREAT reference for those looking for a romantic relationship because the verse teaches them to use discernment before they agree to yoke with this person. I believe if people used Matthew 7:6 as a guide before giving their best, we would see less hurting people.

Apr 5, 2016

Tuesday Wisdom

Apr 4, 2016

RHOA Reunion Pt. 3

Apr 3, 2016

Internal Gang Wars

Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples & Vice Lords are some of the most (in)famous black gangs in the nation. All of these gangs were birthed out of the civil rights movement. Originally, these gangs were formed to protect their neighborhoods from police harassment, as well as harassment from whites. Gang leaders from each of these gangs formed their crews under the mandate that members stick together. There was no such thing as internal fighting between fellow gang members because the leaders would shut that down quick. Fast forward to the 80's, which was the time where the drug epidemic exploded. Drugs started flowing into the ghetto & that was a wrap. Traditional gang loyalties were put on the backburner for the almighty dollar. At the height of the crack era, dealers could make $10,000 a day, and that's a slow day. When gang members started getting big money from the drug trade, some members got greedy and wanted to dominate the drug trade. Many of the gangs started off as one, but certain sets wanted a piece of the drug trade so they branched off into their own enterprise. If a gang set owned a money-making block, the set(s) that weren't doing so well wanted to knock off the successful set and take over their booming block. The CIA-Contra controversy goes into detail how the CIA funneled drugs into inner-city Black America. If the CIA didn't funnel drugs into American inner cities, there wouldn't be gangs, which meant major cities wouldn't have logged thousands of murders annually because the gangs would have no way to make money.

Apr 2, 2016

I Support Virtual K-12 school

If K-12 virtual learning was around when I was in school, I would've gone that route instead of the traditional public school route. Looking at public schools, I see why more parents are enrolling their children in virtual school. Depending on the state, students who do virtual learning graduate earlier than public school kids because they're taking classes year round, and their grades are better because there's no distractions. The discipline a student gains from virtual learning will prepare them for college because they'll be accustomed to online learning. For everyone who likes to say, "Virtual students wouldn't get social skills." False. Virtual K-12 students could bond with likeminded students and sidestep the nonsense of having to go to school with kids who don't want to learn, but they're forced to go to school and because of that, they cause trouble.

Apr 1, 2016

Friday Gospel: Relationships

A couple tweets explaining the state of relationships in 2016:

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.