Feb 29, 2016

One-Sided Relationship Thinking

Shout out to women who post stuff like this and try to pass it off as God's word, while forgetting about Proverbs 21:19
Better for a man to live in the wild than with a cross & petulant woman.
Point is, God's word does NOT give women a pass to mistreat their husband, especially after he's dealt with her crap. Some so-called Godly women are good for twisting the Bible to benefit them, like they don't have any responsibilities as a wife.

Feb 26, 2016

Giving Up Social Media

How I feel when some people talk about giving up social media for their spouse.

Feb 24, 2016

My Political Outlook

I'm going to keep it real, I used to get upset at why some people don't vote, but not anymore. I'm seeing more and more why some people don't vote because the political process is nothing more than a shade fest. Candidates spend more time throwing shade than mapping out their strategy to fix this country's issues. Many people like to say, "vote for the candidate who believes the way you do" The problem with that is that most candidates claim to believe one way and turn around and have a different stance. You'll have very few candidates who stick to their views from Day 1. What happened to the candidates who finance their own campaigns? If a candidate is rich enough to finance their own campaign, THEY have their own mind as to what they choose to believe. 
If someone is financing a candidate's run for Governor or President, they call the shots as to what a candidate should (not) believe. You can't have your own mind in politics if your campaign is financed by wealthy corporate executives or millionaires/super-wealthy people. They have their own agenda, and if you want to continue receiving financial support, you have to align yourself with their stance on various issues. That's why I couldn't be in politics because if I'm wealthy enough to finance my own campaign, I will believe the way I want to believe. If some people don't like it, they don't have to vote for me, but it's not going to stop me from believing the way I do.

Feb 23, 2016

18-Year Old Busted For Impersonating A Doctor

When I heard about the 18-year old kid in W. Palm Beach busted for impersonating a doctor, my first thought was to get upset, but after careful thought, he had a tremendous amount of intelligence, skill and business sense to run his own practice. The bigger question is why didn't anyone catch on fast enough? Surely, there were people who knew he wasn't a legit doctor, but did it stop anyone from going to him? No. I'm not condoning his actions; in fact, had he went the correct route, he could've been a legit & successful doctor. Make it so bad, he opened TWO practices. It's one thing to impersonate a doctor, it's another to open 2 practices. Someone should have caught onto this kid being a quack.

Feb 22, 2016

RHOA EP 15: Read School Is In Session

Kim Fields talked all this craziness about how she was going to "cut these chicks with my mouth" She goes to Phaedra and Nene for read lessons, and when the time comes, she wasn't about that. Anyway, these are the top tweets for this episode:

Feb 19, 2016

Forgiveness Requires Repentance

There is no forgiveness without repentance. Throughout the Bible, people were forgiven if they repented of their sin. Forgiveness requires repentance because it shows you're truly sorry for the mistake you've made, and are committed to not making the same mistake. I get that no one's perfect, but if you're making the same mistake over & over, then you're blowing out hot air by asking for forgiveness because it sounds good; there is no true repentance. True repentance involves not only asking the victim for forgiveness, but turning away from the offense. Real repentance means they never do it again. If you have ever regretted doing wrong towards someone, you never did that to them or anyone else.
If someone harms you, causes you pain or betrays you, you're within your right NOT to forgive them if they don't first repent and make a sincere effort to right the wrong. BUT....forgiveness is more for you than the offender because as I've stated before, some people are cold-blooded to where they can hurt someone and keep it moving. Many times, they don't care who they hurt, it's their nature to be foul. You want to know if someone's truly repented of their sin? They're shook by coming to you forgiveness because they feel so bad about what they've done, they feel you won't forgive them. IF they ask for your forgiveness and you've already forgiven them, they turn away from that transgression because they don't want to feel bad like that again. That's how you know you've repented for whatever wrong that you've done.

Feb 18, 2016

Twitter Gumbo

Today's blog message is titled Twitter Gumbo, where my tweets will touch on Christianity, and I'll include some encouragement along the way. Here goes:

Feb 16, 2016

RHOA Ep. 14 Tweets

Feb 15, 2016

Peaches Of The Caribbean: RHOA Ep. 14

Credit goes to Carmen for last night's accurate assessment of RHOA Ep. 14
Carmen Milillo
1 hr
My asessement:
1. Matt showed Aunt Peter how it is to be a man, by not conforming to Peter's faggotry (yes, I said it) shenanigans by being mature enough to offer a beer in the name of peace. These men need to take a few lessons from this young man. The way they ALL got on him for his age, and for not having children, as though having children defines a man's manhood.
2. WHAT?! Was moose behaving last night? No bullshiting was shown last night from her part, maybe she learned something from Matt, or maybe secretly has a crush on him and don't want him to see that side of her. Or maybe she handed the Bitch-Crown down to Sheree and retired her ghetto attitude? She was awfully soft last night.
3. I'm glad Sheree is giving it to Kim about Chrissy, although, LMAO, Kenya started the "rumor". Kenya don't like Tutty and Fruity so she don't care.
4. CYNTHIA HAS GOT TO BE KIDDING ME FOR USING THESE UNATTRACTIVE CLOWNS FOR HER SHADES "MERCIAL"! She's a professional model who should have some connections in the modeling world to hire beautiful models to strut her stuff, I mean that should be common sense. I had to laugh at Sheree's husband part, the whole shoot was unprofessional and cartoonish. As director, if Kim was serious, she should've suggested real models and a better, classy part of the beach.
5. So Petra grew up in a Shanty Town? From time to time, I've always mentioned that Peter look like he smell like sardines, crab, fish, and anything fishy, and last night they all ate the very food that he smells like.
6. Matt looked like he wanted to throw up from the site of Fakedra's snake tongue that I'm sure has been in MANY places on MANY people's body parts.

Feb 13, 2016

Top 10 Tweets

I usually post my top 5 tweets for the week, but I think I'm going to start doing my Top 10 tweets, because I have so many succinct statements. Here we go:
Bonus Tweets:

Feb 12, 2016

Look What I've Done

Everyone wants to make a difference in some fashion, and that's good. You should want to leave your mark on society so that when it's your time to leave this world, you'll look back on your life with pride, knowing you left the world a little better than what it was. There are two kinds of people: Those who make moves for notoriety, and others who make moves without recognition. The people who make moves for notoriety are doing it for shallow reasons; they want to be seen. They're looking for accolades instead of wanting to feel good that they've made a difference. The true movers & shakers do so in silence; they don't care about notoriety. In fact, they prefer not to be recognized because someone will always come with another suggested "charity" for a donor. They look at the recipients thriving, and that's all the satisfaction they need. If you're going to help someone, your rationale has to be genuine. Otherwise, you're helping to be seen. If you're not getting recognized, you'll get in your feelings because you believe you should've gotten an award. That's proof you weren't genuine about making moves for the greater good.

Feb 11, 2016

Manhood Is Dead

Manhood has died because today's man has become the new woman. Men embracing women principles, and women embracing manhood. It's disappointing because I remember when manhood was in. When I was coming up, men dictated manhood on THEIR terms, and not women's terms. Nowadays, you have men simping for women's approval, men wearing pink and other feminine colors who have the nerve to call themselves men, messy men, men gossiping like women, and the list goes on. The more I observe today's men, the more disgusted I become because sometimes I feel as if I'm the only man around who carries himself as such. I get that every man is different, but there are core values a man is expected to uphold: Honor, Loyalty, Character, Work Ethic, to name a few. A man should never allow a woman to dictate manhood for him, but too many men do because they're looking for her approval. 
Women aren't exempt because they play a role too. Women were never supposed to embrace manhood but because men aren't taking care of business, women have no choice but to "be the man." Over 70% of households are headed by single mothers, what's wrong with that picture? The man didn't have a problem getting up in her, now he doesn't want to stay around and help raise the child(ren) he created. Far too many women are more masculine than men, and that's NOT cute. Women fighting and being boisterous is foul. Due to unfortunate circumstances, some women had to be tough so it's hard for them to be feminine after having to be strong for so long. In closing, men need to get back to embracing manhood, and women need to embrace womanhood. There's a reason God made man & woman with separate traits.


Feb 10, 2016

Working For Love

In Genesis 20, it talks about Jacob working 7 years for Rachel's hand in marriage. To Jacob, that time didn't seem long because he loved Rachel just that much. Here's the catch: Laban deceived Jacob because on their wedding night, he used a veil to substitute Leah for Rachel. Laban tried to play it off by saying the older sister should marry first. Jacob had to work another 7 years for Rachel's hand in marriage. Fast forward to 2016: Nobody has time to work 7 years for any (wo)man. If a (wo)man asked someone to work 7 years before (s)he chose them, that person would look at them crazy and move on (hopefully they will). If I'm Jacob, I'd be out the first time I felt played. I'm going hard for Rachel, only to find out I was duped and have to work another 7 years before I marry her. The way my patience is set up, that's not possible with me. Some men would be willing to go that far, but not me. There's too many women out there for me to waste time on one who's about playing games. Laban played games with Jacob, no way around it.

Feb 9, 2016

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I read a post from someone who has 3 children and makes $18 an hour working full-time, but they're struggling. To me, that doesn't make sense unless that person is living above their means and/or living in an expensive city/neighborhood. Most financially astute people are able to live good on $18 an hour working full-time even though they have children. These people either live below their means or live in a low cost of living area. I can't see how someone is struggling even though they're working full-time and making an excellent salary.
I'm going to put it out there: I'm tired of people asking Where's God every time tragedy strikes. You wanted God removed from American society, you got what you asked for. Deal with the repercussions; God will never force himself on anyone.

Feb 8, 2016

Public Service Announcement #1 & #2

Public Service Announcement: Church isn't Love Connection, where someone goes to look for a godly mate. Folks should go to church to get fed spiritually, and live it out in society. It irks me how some people take church for a joke.
Public Service Announcement #2: When it comes to Black History Month, the same people are profiled: Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Marcus Garvey. They've made great strides for Black Americans, but more attention should be drawn to some unknown civil rights leaders, black inventors, etc. There's valuable contributions made by unknown Black leaders & inventors that we don't hear about because it's not taught in schools. Research is a wonderful thing.

Feb 5, 2016


Feb 4, 2016

Preachers Of Atlanta

Last night was the debut of Preachers Of Atlanta. If you've followed the Preachers series on Oxygen, you know L.A. was the first, followed by Detroit and now Atlanta. Preachers Of Atlanta is about several Atlanta ministers trying to reach the city for Christ. Pastor Le'Andria is more of a liberal preacher (her words). Her ministry style is getting down on people's level and lifting them up. A scene showed her ministering to some drug addicts & homeless folks in Downtown Atlanta, telling them how Jesus loves them and so on. Pastor Pothier is a unique minister because she ministers wearing Tutus with heels, sometimes in army attire. Pastor Canton Jones ministers through music, and Pastor Corey Hambrick is a police detective and minister. Each minister has their own ministry style, and I respect that. Ministry has evolved from when I was growing up. Back then, ministers didn't pass out condoms, let alone cigarettes.

Safe Sex vs. No Sex? As the preachers were having dialogue in the studio, the subject of safe sex came up, which led Pastor Le'Andria to discuss how she passes out condoms to sexually active people. She does it to promote safe sex, but other preachers felt she was promoting fornication. You can educate someone on safe sex, but the decision to fornicate rests on them. People are going to do what they want, with(out) your consent. Being a minister, a person should know the Bible's view on fornication. While the intentions are good, I can't co-sign passing out condoms to sexually active people. Why? Because a minister is supposed to lead by example, and part of leading by example is giving sexually active people the Bible's view on sex WITHOUT judging them. If they're receptive, then God will do the conviction.

Feb 3, 2016

Satan vs. God's Child(ren)

Believers get frustrated when the enemy attacks them. Being a child of God is reason enough for Satan to come at them. See, the devil doesn't attack his own because he's already got them. It's when someone gives their life to Christ is when Satan launches an all-out assault against that person because the enemy has lost another one to Christ. When someone accepts Christ as their personal savior, (s)he is counted among God's army. It is then that God has a customized destiny for that person. The devil's job is to do everything in his power to prevent a believer from fulfilling God's plan for their life; that's why some believers get upset when the enemy attacks them because Satan knows the power of God behind that believer. Satan is threatened by God's people because he knows his time is short. Because Satan's time is short, he wants to take as many people to hell with him as possible. Sometimes (I'm no exception, because I've been known to get upset when the enemy attacks me) it irks me when some believers get upset when Satan attacks them. Mature believers understand that Satan will take his shots but fail miserably because a believer is covered under Jesus' blood, which means God always confounds the enemy to where Satan eventually backs off. Believers shouldn't be rattled when Satan comes at them; that's the time where they stand firm & trust God knowing he will bring them to victory.

Feb 2, 2016

Women's Ministry Value

 This goes out to men who believe women have no place in ministry. Some men like to downplay women's importance in ministry, but little do they realize that women were always used to further God's kingdom. Here's a list of women who were used by God: Ruth (Ruth 1-4) Anna (Luke 2:36-38) Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus (Luke 10:38-42) Mary Magdalene (Matthew 27:56-61) Sarah (Genesis 11-25) Hannah (1 Samuel 1-2) The Samaritan woman (John 4 Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1-2).


HagarThe Lord gave Hagar a promise similar to the promise given to Abraham (Genesis 16:7-10). Hagar then "gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: `You are the God who sees me,' for she said, `I have now seen the One who sees me' " (verse 11).
What Hagar said is now in the word of God. She told us one of the names that tell us who God is. He is the God who sees us, and Hagar is the person who spoke that truth.


MiriamAfter God brought the Israelites through the Red Sea, Miriam sang praises that are now part of the word of God: "Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing.
"Miriam sang to them: `Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea' " (Exodus 15:20-21). In public worship, Miriam sang what is now the word of God.
Miriam was a prophetess, which means that she spoke the word of the Lord. A prophet is someone who speaks on behalf of God to the people; a prophetess had the same role. Miriam had a role of spiritual leadership.

God uses anyone who's willing to be used. It doesn't matter if it's man or woman; as long as a believer is a willing vessel, God will use. Some folks need to cut the crap with this "Women have no place in ministry" nonsense. Fast forward to 2016, there are many women with their own ministries: Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shirer (actress from War Room), among others.

Feb 1, 2016

RHOA: Cynthia's True Colors

Ever since Nene came back on RHOA, Cynthia denied her friendship with Kenya. I felt bad for Kenya because she cares about those in her life, and for Cynthia to turn on Kenya is foul. I, and many other RHOA fans called it from the start: As soon as Nene comes back, Cynthia crawls back up in her behind. Last night, Kenya has enough of Cynthia's nonsense and decides to call her on it. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.